Medjugorje: Do Souls suffer in Purgatory? - Jakov gives surprise answer
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Visionary Jacov is always engaging and helpful when he talks to pilgrims but it is rare when he discloses private details he received about the after-life from the Blessed Mother.
A few years ago Jacov gave a surprising answer to pilgrims gathered around his house about what happens to people in Purgatory.
Before the question about purgatory was answered, the visionary was asked about a good conversion in the eyes of God. Question: How does a proper conversion in our life please Our Lady.
Jacov: Conversion is to place God in the very first place in our lives.
If we have God then we have everything, then we have the answers for everything we are looking for.
God will always give us signs what we should do.
That means we will know which is the right way to follow and what we have to do. That is conversion. We should ask our-self if we are converted enough?
If our conversion so far is pleasing Our Lady?
Everyday we should be thankful to God, for every new day because that is a chance for us to be better. I always say to God: ‘thank you God for this day", because that is one more chance for me that I become better and it helps me stay on the path.
Question: Do souls suffer badly in purgatory?