Medjugorje Visionary Sees Purgatory…Suffers Brain Tumor and Coma for Years

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My Favorite Books on Purgatory:

Purgatory by Fr FX Schouppe:

Diary of Divine Mercy:

Get Us Out of Here by Maria Simma & Nicky Eltz:

Manuscripts On Purgatory

My Conversations with Poor Souls

Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory

Visions of Purgatory: A Private Revelation - Paperback

Day by Day for the Holy Souls in Purgatory: 365 Reflections

Stories about Purgatory & What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls

Camera & Lighting Equipment I use in My Videos
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My poor wife is suffering from brain cancer. She always had such a fear of cancer but after her surgery and diagnosis the peace of the Holy Spirit overcame her and she no longer fears death - but trusts in God's Will. It's difficult to find meaning in any suffering on earth but offering it to Jesus to relieve the pains of those suffering in purgatory provides productive meaning. Please keep Mary in your prayers. It's been a hard year for us but also a year full of blessings we could not have anticipated.


I pray that many will listen to this & will vow to pray for the holy souls in purgatory daily, especially our deceased loved ones & those who have nobody to pray for them 🙏🙏🙏🙏


My birthday is June 24th and I have followed the messages since the beginning of the apparitions..I always felt a deep connection to this mission…In 1998 as I sat in an empty church I was told by the Blessed Mother ( audibly) to pray for souls in Purgatory every day..I have since then…they need our prayers sooo much…please pray for them…they can no longer pray for themselves…the Holy Spirit gives me their first and last names..I have masses celebrated for them and pray every day for them..I also put their names in the prayer book in the church where they will be prayed for at every mass…telling you this to help others to think of doing the same for them..they will thank you for all eternity❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for sharing our Lady Of Medjurgorie Queen Of Peace please spread the effects of thy flame 🔥 of love over all of humanity now and at the hour of our death Amen 🙏


We all should be praying for the souls in purgatory evrry day even if we think that our loved ones aren't there...we just don't know if they are in heaven yet..even if they were the holiest of people. I'm so happy you did this video will deliver many people from purgatory to heaven..GOD ALWAYS BLESS you and your family.❤


Thank you for sharing this story of Vicka.
I had the chance to see her and listen to her testimony during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje back in 1991.
She was so joyful and humble.
I truly believe that the apparition is true and this is one of the most important events in the history of humanity.


Thank you alvero for sharing this important information dear jesus have mercy on the souls in purgatory, and on thoughs souls who have nobody to pray for them, we need to help them, through our prayers and sa, crifices Patricia from Dublin, 🇮🇪❤️❤️


Please let us all say rosary for our departed loved ones and souls in purgatory who have no one to pray for them.


In my discernment Satan tried to plant the idea that holy souls can't pray for us by someone who doesn't know the truth about Purgatory Satan will use our ignorance to plant a lie.


I pray daily for deceased family members, especially my sister who I was close to.


I’m going to write this complete story out soon but I wanted to share. My grandma died in 2000 and I became Catholic in 2009. My older sister became Catholic in mid 90s. When my grandma had her 2nd stroke she woke up only able to speak one word: Rosary… she was not Catholic. When I became Catholic I had a very realistic and lucid dream. I was visiting her in something like a nursing home. I went in her room to see her and she was entirely in a dirty cloth bag. It had a small hole in it and I only saw a yellow suffering eye. I could see the outline of her face it was extremely thin. Her eye was wide open and it called to me in pain though I don’t think she could see me. I couldn’t stand to see her suffering so I left the room and prayed a Hail Mary in Latin with all my heart (I had just learned it in Latin not for any particular reason). I felt the Holy Spirit come. The door of her room was now closed with only a small window in the center. I saw a blue light from inside as if from a tv screen and I looked in and saw her face (I didn’t look for the source of the light). She looked no older than 40, and her face was lit up with a smile and the blue light. Then I awoke. I later realized the cloth bag she was in was sack cloth and it was covered in ashes (I had to look it up).


I pray the Chaplet of st Gertrude Every day and offer rosary’s and Devine mercy chaplets for the souls in purgatory. I don’t expect anything in return. I can’t think of anything better than getting souls to heaven


This is very interesting. Thank You for doing the research and bring it to our attention.


Aw 🙏🥲we need to increase prayers for purgatory 🙏😊


Thank you for looking into that “misquote”! People either hear wrong, don’t remember correctly or read a bad translation, or use a bad resource. This is all meant by the enemy to cause doubt and confusion. God bless you, Alvero


Dear Alvaro, thank you for your research. Please note this important message of our blessed Mother where it is evident that praying for the souls in purgatory can help us to gain intercessors who will pray for us.

Message of November 6, 1986, to the Parish through the visionary Marija of Medjugorje
"Dear children, today I wish to invite you to pray every day for the souls in purgatory. Every soul needs prayer and grace to reach God and God's love.

By doing this, you too, dear children, will receive new intercessors, who will help you in life to understand that earthly things are not important to you; that only Heaven is the goal for which you must strive.

Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing so that you may help yourselves and also others, to whom your prayers will bring joy. Thank you for having responded to my call."


I have a book of Vicka being interviewed by a priest. I think its when she was still young. She has pretty straight forward and genuine character. It's good to see the human behind the seer and discover what's really important for God. There are too kany people that think their sophistry makes them special, but God chooses the simple people. This video is a great example that Vicka, who has been made fun of many and put into many rhetorical traps by the enemies of Medjugorje, has a great heart.


Belated Happy Birthday Alvero.
It was my Mum's Birthday on the
20th June. Hope You had a lovely day with Your Family?

My Sister and I met Vicka in the Summer of 1986, I was 16 yrs old
and my Sister Yvonne was 19 yrs
old then. We were on a pilgrimage from N.Ireland. It was one of the most amazing experiences that I have had.

We sat very near to the Visionaries when they had one of their early evening Apparitions in the Upper Chapel in Saint James Church.

My Memory has it's moments, especially now I'm in my 50s,
however I remember this experience clearly, and when they talked to
OUR LADY, their faces were so animated, as they each spoke to HER... we could not hear what they said,
only the movement of their faces and mouth...and the Beautiful Peaceful Atmosphere that surrounded us at that moment.🕊️♥️♥️♥️🙏🕯️🕯️🌻🎶

Vicka is a really lovely lady.
I took a picture of Yvonne beside
Vicka, and still have it to this day.
What an amazing testimony of Purgatory from Vicka. Saint Faustina gave a very clear description of Purgatory woke me up more to the reality of Purgatory, and it's different levels. Saint Faustina also said when JESUS showed Purgatory to her, that if it hadn't been for the Grace of GOD protecting her, she would have died from the shock of what she saw there, and also when shown Hell.
Many Saints have also given True Testimonies of Purgatory also.
Saint Aquinas talked about it in detail too.


If i have a mass said in a catholic church does Blessed Mother accepted This. When i say Rosery i offer it to purgatory.


In the book by Eugenie, the souls m in the lower parts cannot pray, but the ones near release can, and upon release, of course.
