Indigo children | Wikipedia audio article

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00:01:26 1 Origins
00:03:50 2 Claimed characteristics
00:05:24 2.1 Indigo as an alternative to diagnosis
00:06:21 2.2 Relationship to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
00:08:34 2.3 Relation to autism
00:09:28 3 Commercialization
00:09:56 4 Discussion as a new religious movement

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Speaking Rate: 0.9117180459663409
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-A

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates

Indigo children, according to a pseudoscientific New Age concept, are children who are believed to possess special, unusual, and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. The idea is based on concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. The concept of indigo children gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990s and the release of several films in the following decade. A variety of books, conferences and related materials have been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities. The interpretations of these beliefs range from their being the next stage in human evolution, in some cases possessing paranormal abilities such as telepathy, to the belief that they are more empathetic and creative than their peers.
No scientific studies give credibility to the existence of indigo children or their traits. Some parents choose to label their children who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities as an indigo child to alternatively diagnose them. Critics view this as a way for parents to avoid considering pediatric treatment or a psychiatric diagnosis. Some lists of traits used to describe indigo children have also been criticized for being vague enough to be applied to most people, a form of the Forer effect.
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