The Aircraft That Almost Caused Jets to Never Happen

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In the heat of World War 2, America's quest for aerial supremacy led to some of the most daring engineering feats ever attempted. At the forefront was the XP-55 Ascender, an aircraft so advanced it looked like something out of science fiction.

With its 1,275 horsepower engine innovatively placed behind the cockpit, the XP-55 was designed to maximize aerodynamic efficiency and maneuverability. Its canard wings provided additional lift and improved control at low speeds, while the twin tails enhanced stability and control, making these pioneering features that set it apart from anything seen before.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the XP-55 was one of its safety features for pilots. In the event of a bailout, pilots could jettison the pusher propeller, ensuring a clear and safe exit from the aircraft.

With a design as audacious as its aspirations, the XP-55 was intended to surpass contemporary American fighters like the P-38 Lightning, P-40 Warhawk, and P-51 Mustang, offering superior speed and agility. Could this daring experiment redefine aerial combat to achieve total dominance?
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Well that's a clickbait title. Nothing would have stopped the advent of the jet... just taking far longer for jets to become established. Nothing stimulates innovation like war.


Clickbait and stale footage with a robot narrator. There should be a penalty.


This is filled with inaccuracies. First you make a statement about the xp55 being stable. It was never stable. You did change it later in the video. You then made a backward statement saying the experimental engine wasn't used because of the Allison v1710. No, the experimental engine wasn't used because it never lived up to expectations. Also, the P39 airacobra And P38 lightning both had tricycle landing gear before the xp55 was ever built. You need to be more factual and stop with the clickbait titles. This is a distortion of history. Stop Doing THIS.


I realize the title and premise are click/"engagement" bait, but since I'm already here I'll point out the obvious and what others have likely said - jets already existed by the time the Ascender came along. Never mind non-US aircraft, for a USAAF jet that was already flying before the Ascender got off the ground, see the tricycled geared P-59 Airacomet. You can't "almost cause" something not to happen that is already happening.

It was widely recognized in late '30s and early '40s that prop driven/piston aircraft were near the end of their development and performance range, but jet/turbine technology was at the beginning. One was the future, the other the past.


And then in 1974, Burt Rutan built the first of several very successful canard, swept wing, pusher propeller, tri-cycle gear aircraft. The Vari-eze and the Long-eze were two extremely successful kits built by many experimental aircraft builders. Unlike aircraft kits of today, these are mostly built from plans with a very few manufactured parts. Several other canard designs copied much of Burt Rutan's designs and also became successful. These aircraft are known for being almost impossible to stall and are very efficient, yielding great speed on mediocre power levels.


An exaggerated title used as clickbate is very annoying.


Actually there were several aircraft with tricycle landing gear.


Why is the Japanese Shinden not mentioned.


I bet the engineers that developed this plane, we're rolling one the floor laughing when their 'easter egg' name was accepted. Ass ender.


The design features were so unprecedented you had to go back to the Wright 1903 Flier for something comparable. Elevators in front- check. Engine behind pilot with pusher props- check. This was Curtis Wright going back to its roots. Don't make gee-whiz claims you haven't researched.


Anyone else notice that the wreck footage of the first prototype shows the propellor still attached to the engine? That should have jettisoned before the pilot jumped out.


I would be very intrigued by the ascender it it was mated with a jet engine!


Nothing could have stopped jets to happen. The theoretical advantages of a jet over a prop with ICE are just too great.


Clickbait. Does not address what is in the title of the video.


Stupid title, assumes that mankind had no desire to advance past this point of aviation development!


Air to Air refueling
On August 27, 1923, the crew managed to keep the receiver aircraft in the air for 37 hours and 15 minutes with five refueling maneuvers. The US Army aviation group continued to work on the possibilities of aerial refueling. In 1928 she planned to set a sustained flight record. At the Middletown base in Pennsylvania, the Fokker C-2 with serial number 28-120 was converted into a receiver aircraft with additional fuselage tanks and receiver equipment.
Unfortunately, this technology was almost completely forgotten by the Allies during World War II, even though they had a huge problem with the range of the fighters over Europe and Southeast Asia until the arrival of the Mustang. This plane would have been ideal as a long-term escort fighter at the time. Technology is only as good if it is used correctly and that is still the case today.


The only one surviving is in a museum in Kalamazoo Michigan


If you read the WW2 reports on the XP-55 Ascender you will find out is had problems. It was designed for a engine that didn't happen., it had evil flight characteristic stalling being the worse. It top speed with available engines was only about 390 mph. As with so many of these piston WW2 prototypes existing planes, P51. F4U, F6F. P47 were much better.


@2:39 Is that Marshal Petain from France? What did the Vichy Government have to do with the advent of this craft? 🙄


That's just simply untrue. Isn't there a YT rule that says that you can't post videos that are UTTER BULLSHIT?
