How to Upgrade the Front of Your Home and Add THOUSANDS To It's Sale Value | HOME | Great Home Ideas

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Everyone seems surprised by the 30-40k increase in value but (1) that’s Aussie dollars not US and (2) small cosmetic changes so have a big impact - I painted two walls in my one bedroom apartment, added new handles to my kitchen cabinets and added some built in shelving to my storage locker… and got €20k extra for my one bed apartment in Dublin.


I can't stop laughing at "about a dog apart"! 🤣


I live in Canada so many of the construction and gardening options won’t work due to climate differences but I love to see the creative before and afters!


They could have just painted the old garage door. It wasn't that big of a difference in look. The real upgrade was the above glass being replaced. Overall, house does look great!


Love the Falcon or Fairlane! I drove a 61 at 16!


I love the door and garden. The only thing I'd change - is the house's windows - make them uniform with a dark or reflective film.


Most people paint the problems, it’s better to update but everyone misses the roof, could have cleaned the tile roof and adds another major level of improvement. The pressure washing looks like it was done on the driveway but obviously with a small machine which left streaks. A professional pressure washer and roof cleaner could have done that in a couple hours and it literally looks brand new, that is where it lifts the value $40, 000 to $50, 000 but only costs $2, 000 and helps the roof last for ever, Rather than pay someone $5, 000 to paint the roof or even worse, replace the roof for who knows how much $$. I would have also made sure the lawns had some fertiliser to lift the green and bring it to life. Another major lift to value is the front door, that would have tied in with the new roller door.


garage door woow. and i know he is doing well always that guy hero. 💐👍


Pretty sure they could have saved 5 grand by painting the garage door


Wow that looks beautiful good job guys


Garage goals! 🙌 Looks great, guys! From Virginia Beach.


That glass was so pretty. Such a shame. Modernizing houses just removes all character.


I've used a Gerni high pressure surface cleaner to clean my garage floor up and it did a fantastic job. Very high pressured water can peel away all sorts of dirt and grime without the need of resorting to chemicals.


Love to see the outtakes of these programs.


What edging did you put around the garden? looks like the grass just ends. It will just grow over in a few months


"about a dog apart" love it !!!


The bottled glass on top of the garage was beautiful and antique looking. Why anyone would want to replace that with generic frosted glass..that honestly looked beyond me. The original bottled glass above the garage door are the touches that make a house look special..not "dated"..if you have any taste for the unique, that is. And I also loved the pattern on the original garage door..which again..just like the original bottled glass above it..didn't look generic. I'm sure there is a kit they could have purchased to make their original garage door power..but since this show gets products for free in exchange for the advertising..they needed to use a new door. Personally..I would have painted the exterior brown brick a brick red or burgundy color..painted the original garage door the same color..left the beautiful bottled glass above the garage the drainage as was done..and planted dwarf evergreens and a few colorful dwarf maple trees to give the yard a more substantial appearance than grasses can give..with no maintenance required beyond initial watering. New to this show but loved the guys attitudes! 😉👍


Modern technology helps, remote controlled garage door, I love it!
I love the idea of painting the bricks white and the scrubbing of the floor with a high pressure pipe n then grey painting it. Wow ! The Storage Racks are so functional !
Am getting used to the plants, they need more flowering plants since they have enough sunlight and young children. But in think the main focus was their Garage makeover!


Did anyone else's mouth drop open when the appraiser said the makeover added $30-40K value to the house? 😲 Maybe in Australia, but that's ridiculous in the US.


I’m 35... looking to buy my own place in the next 5 years. I live in a flat owned by a family friend and pay £550/month rent in central London...I know, sweet deal! I save around 20-30% every month for a mortgage deposit. I want to start making my money work for me! Investments seem like the route to go for the long term. I’ll continue saving like I am but want to invest for the future.
