Interview Part 3: 'All I really need to know is that he's gone.'

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Why Vicki Lynne's mother feels no need to watch the killer's execution.
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Mom you are giving him the benefit of the doubt..
assuming that he is a human being.


Wrong . Jesus loved us so much that even He knows we will kill Him an yet HE became incarnte to save us and on the cross He didnt ask to kill or punish those who was killing HIM.


Remembering Vicki today. Also remembering JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, two siblings who were also so loving. When JJ was 7 years old and Tylee was 16 their mother allowed them to be murdered (in September 2019 when this video was made.) Tomorrow is the 2 year annivesary date of when their remains were found. They, like Vicki, were brutally murdered. I believe they are resting with Jesus just like Vicki is resting with Jesus. Those accused of the conspiracy to commit their murders are also defiant. I pray they will confess and tell the truth. I think it is easier to tell the truth here on earth. In this video, Vicki's mom makes it clear that justice extends beyond this life. I believe this too.


I remember this case I was 8 yrs also, hugs to the family I've felt your pain, I'm glad it will be over!!!!


Your justice is like a cloth thrown away before God!


“It was a nice sunny afternoon, on September 17th, 1984. I finished my work at school and was heading home. I drove about one block from the school parking when a young girl on a pink bike jumped in front of my car. I tried to stop but it was too late. I did not have much speed, so I barely hit her. I was terrified. I got out of my car and looked at her. She did not have a helmet, which was normal in those days. She bumped her head on the asphalt and was unconscious, but, thanks God, she was still breathing. I cried and was in horror. I took her gently and put her on the back seat of my car. I rushed to the hospital. At some point the girl gasped and after that it was complete silence. I kept on driving and crying. I looked in the mirror. I was approaching Tucson. The girl looked dead. I pulled out and stopped the car. I checked and the girl was indeed dead. Her cold skin frightened me. I cried not knowing what do: to go to the hospital or to the police station. I thought they will put me in jail for killing the young girl. What would my little children do without their mommy? I was terrified and then decided I will leave the body somewhere in the desert. I drove on one of the small roads and then stopped at a crossroad. It was already night. I took the girl’s frail body and carried it for about a quarter of a mile and then gently put it under a big cactus tree.
The disappearance created a huge commotion in the whole town. It was even aired on television. I was terrified that someone will find the body. I returned to the area in about one week, but did not find the body. Maybe the coyotes or other scavengers pulled her in one of their burrows. Someone else was charged, a pedophile from California. I had nightmares for years to come. I left school and quit teaching not bearing to see young girls anymore. In every little girl after that I saw the little Vicki.”

Note: this is the revelation I received after praying for this man. I struggled to pray for him. After he was executed, I prayed God to show me the truth. I wrote everything at the first person, as I perceived all emotions as clearly as I described them here.
