Bialik Breakdown: Atsuko Okatsuka on how her mom’s schizophrenia impacted her childhood. #shorts

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Theme Song Written, Produced, and Performed by Ed Robertson. Mixed by Kenny Luong.

#MayimBialik​​​ #BialikBreakdown
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I don’t know how many times I was beat for looking sad. As an adult, I suppose I understand that in a way, for her, it couldn’t be helped but apart of me also feels that society is not build to give proper care to people who suffer the way she does. Young people with no children, if you have anger issues or mental illness that you’re not keeping in check- please don’t have children. You don’t have to have children. You don’t have to want children. You can live with a warm loving family without having kids and be just fine. This will give you the space to lash out and not harm anyone. I promise you will still feel fulfilled without children.


When I heard you say you couldn’t let your mom know you were sad, bells went off for me. Like, “Hey! I know that fear”! Grew up with a paranoid schizophrenic mother. I had two hiding places just to stay out of her way. But oh the fear of walking in the door to see that cigarette cherry light up in the dark as she sits on the couch waiting for me. Unable to get to my hiding spot for fear of giving it away. Tough times


Im absolutely enamored by the sharpness of her haircut. Like how does one do? What are split ends? She likely wouldn’t know.


As an adult how do you make friends? . Still trying to figure that out


My friend's daughter in Tennessee came down with schizophrenia at 18. She had straight As in HS, was to go to university but she came down with drug resistant schizophrenia so it has been a terrible nightmare for 5 years now for the girl and mom. She is constantly hallucinating despite being on all kinds of meds. There does not seem to be hope here it is such a devastating illness, especially the extreme cases like this. Tennessee is such a garbage state when it comes to mental health help. The mom can't afford to put her girl in an institution as it is a crazy expensive the yearly cost even in a state hospital. The single mom has to work, on a low salary to support 3 young daughters, and have this ill daughter to look after while she is alive ( the stress of being around someone who is constantly hallucinating is unimaginable) but no idea what will happen to the daughter when the mom dies. I guess she will become homeless like many with schizophrenia. Another example of why there is no God or if there is how he does nothing.


Did she write a book? I need the full story please!?!?


I can relate to top-toeing around someone out of fear


Masked friends as an adult is a challenge 😅


Lol I think many adults feel like that .. how do you make friends as an adult 🤔


From a war? No, from the Mushroom Kingdom!
Sorry, couldnt help myself. :)
