What Gets Destroyed in an EMP? (And How to Protect)

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There are a number of things susceptible to an EMP attack that could make life miserable for you and everyone around you. With a few solutions, you could be looking at the potentially life-saving difference in an EMP attack. Visit our website or check out the individual links below for tested EMP solutions.

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EMP Alert:



EMP Bags:

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I'm a 70-year-old lady and thanks to you I've got my first Faraday cage built. Woo-hoo!


One of the top channel on the You Tube. As far as the EMP Detector, most people during the day are gone or asleep at least 16 hours a day. The effectiveness of this device is limited to the 8 hours they are able to hear it. Why not manufacture it with a set of relay output contacts to trip a shunt trip breaker on the main breaker or a subpanel. That way these devices are automatically isolated until the breaker is reset. Very easy to do and the EMP Detector could be modified for about 2 bucks.


It's pretty cool gentlemen like this are willing to take time to share their knowledge of sort of niche things like this. Especially with the state of the world stage.


I'm an EET / IT professor with 20 years prior experience in the field. This topic is one I only started teaching about in the last 2 years. In thinking about early warning devices, are there any manufacturers using early warning to auto disconnect homes from the grid? It seems smart to merge detectors that read the signature of an E1+E2 (must be hardened to handle both events), then open mains before E3, and show status of E3+ electromagnetic activity, indicating when the event is over. Thank you for educating and preparing viewers on this topic.


Thank you for great content in a world that is teetering on the edge of destruction.


He's awesome. I read his books and my house, cars, trucks are all protected with his cool stuff. I even got the EMP alert plugged in. Remember with EMP think in layers.


Very Good explanations of ways to prevent emp damage. I really like the idea of an auto detect and disconnect device. Thanks


Thanks! this is the most helpful video I’ve seen thus far regarding this kind of catastrophe 👍


Really appreciate you sharing this information with folks. I’ve been telling anyone who would listen about this subject ever since i read the book, One second after. Some pay attention, some don’t. At any rate it really won’t make any difference to me because i use a pacemaker. So, if there’s an emp attack, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be roasted and toasted and covered with a thin candy shell. Best of luck everyone.


Ok, I got a question. Let's say we install a FS 140 and 3 ferrites to protect my house. What about all the electric wires everywhere within the walls of my house? Won't they pick up that surge and fry everything anyway?


Excellent channel and products. What device would protect a solar system the best?


Excellent information as always Dr. Bradley!
The whole house ferrites are doing just fine...I will most likely get the EMP Alert device next.


By the way thank you very much I appreciate you helping us understand this EMP stuff.


So much information surrounding this topic. Shunt device should be pretty simple and cheap. Im amazed that a device so important for protection is so expensive. Almost like selling peace of mind at the price of fear. We may find out just how damaging an emp will be.


I know this video has been around for quite some time now but I just found it today. Thank you so much for the explanation sir. What about high voltage battery systems like we have in our solar battery banks and modern day hybrid cars or electric cars, do you have any recommendation to protect them?


I actually don't have any questions but I've been following you since I seen you on Canadian prepper and I have bought some of your smaller devices that go on like the computer Etc. I have referred you to so many people I have lost count and I think it's very important that they contact you some have some haven't but I still continue to refer them to you and I will continue. Maybe someday I'll be able to prepare a little more than I am now. Thank you so much for the video I wish I could afford the tape to go around a metal container maybe I can get that in time.


need more Shows like THIS



Dr. Bradley, Just read on a site that sells large Faraday bags that the bags will protect electronics from a CME. Now if I have followed everything correctly it is the E1 part of the pulse from a nuclear EMP that destroys microelectronic and a CME does not generate that pulse. Only electronics plugged in would be susceptible to the PULSE from a CME. Am I correct in this or do we need Faraday protection from a CME pulse? Thanks for the science you do in this field. A real scientist providing this info so a layman can understand is extremely valuable.


I have a simple trick with faraday bags.
First I make sure the item I want to store is in a cardboard box.
Second I wrap the box with 5 full layers of Alumium Foil
Third, Place wrapped box into Faraday bag.
Fourth Heat seal bag with Curling Iron.
If I'm very worried I place the bag into my homemade Faraday cage. Aka metal garbage can lined with cardboard and seal all seams and punctured holes with Aluminum tape.
Then tape lid onto can with Aluminum tape to give it a solid seal around the lid.
It's a bit over kill, but you only get One chance to prepare for an EMP Event. So make it the best effort as possible.
Just my to cents
Good luck


I think I went a little overboard with my faraday cage setup.
I place my electrical item into a Faraday bag and seal it up.
I then place the bag into a Ammo can and used Metal Duct tape around the seam where the 2 halves meet and I duct tape it and I duct tape over anything that pierced the can.
Now, with the ammo can sealed, last stop was my garbage cans that are lined with Cardboard and I lable and store all my ammo cans with gear in them into the garbage cans. Inserted into the garbage can is a very large EMP bag, think of putting a trash bag into a garage can. Once everything is in garbage can I roll close the " Liner EMP bag and scotch tape it closed.
I seal the lid with the metal duct tape and there it is .
4 layers of protection. I have extra equipment for my solar power system the Mppt, Inverters, BMS's ( Lithium batt). My comms: Shortwave(2), CBs w/ssb (2), GMRS (2) ham (1)
Finally got my license. Yippee.
All the Ammo cans stacked into the (2) garbages cans nice and neat.
I've been at this for a while. I believe in a belt and suspenders approach. Now, the car is next. Doing research on topic for car. I'm really thinking of getting a 1970's era car clunker or early 1980's as a backup. We will see.
I think that time is slowly running out, so please stack to the rafters with Food, water, meds, clothes, consumer items, freedom seeds and Boom sticks, and Fuel if it can be done Safety. And any items you use on a regular basis.
Hint 1: To add an extra layer or replace a layer, go to store like Costco and get the LARGE ROLLS of aluminum foil. Wrap your item like a holiday gift with 10 layers of foil. Remember to switch top and bottom on each layer for complete coverage. This can replace 1 of the layers as stated above. But please use at least 1 EMP bag for protection.
Hint 2: If you have a pre- built Lithium batt remember if it's Not protected you will need to attach a new BMS inside the box. Open case with whatever tools you have a hand saw for example and follow instructions to attach GET A NEW BMS THAT MATCHES THE BATT STATS. FOR EMP PROTECTION HAVE 2 EXTRA BMS's if possible and store them again in EMP proof container system. Only do this when an EMP hits. This is a SHTF condition....Thank you

Just my 2 cent
Good luck
