It’s been 35 years since the Berlin Wall fell!

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I was 24 y/o and just finished a 6 year enlistment in The US Navy. I was a Cold War Warrior. The relief and joy I felt when this happened is beyond words.


I was 19 years old. A Marine stationed in Okinawa. I was excited to hear and read about what had happened in Berlin 😊


I remember watching that on US TV, one of the biggest events in the last half of the last century.


I was taking German in High school when it fell. I remember my teacher breaking down with emotions for the following week as we watched the news during class. It was surreal to watch something that we never thought would be possible.


The Berlin Wall and Tienamen Square happened in the same year. 1989 felt very momentous for my senior year college self!!!


35 years! WOW!
I was in Basic Training in the Army then. My 1st Duty Station after training was in Frankfurt Höchst. 17th Signal Battalion, 5th Corps at McNair Kaserne.
Seeing people from East and West Germany reuniting will hold a special place in my heart. Viva DEUTSCHLAND!🇩🇪


I was there. This was the greatest moment of my life ❤


We were the happiest people in world on that day 35 years ago. 🎉


literally watched it with German exchange students in Architectural Hall at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.. it was a surreal experience... they would go back to a different country..


I was in elementary school in West Germany when the wall fell. We had friends in East Germany from vacation in Hungary, so it mattered to us. We didn't realise it in the evening of 9th, but in the morning of Nov.10th we saw it on TV that the wall was gone. It was a great feeling, even for us in the free part of Germany.


Was stationed in Germany my grandfather came to see us, we took him to see it fall. He cried and saw his little sister he hadn’t see in almost 30 yrs ( she moved to east part of Berlin before it went up. He died 6 months later


Fili -- You look absolutely stunning in that black dress. Sehr schön!


Ich bin in Berlin als Kind aufgewachsen. Ich wohnte in Lichterfelde Ost. Wir hatten im Osten Familie die wir ab und zu besuchen konnten weil wir Berliner Bürger waren. Wir sind dann in 79 nach den USA gezogen. Ich war auf der Uni in 1989 als es alles passiert ist. Es war mir unwirklich dass die Mauer weg war. Das erste mal als ich wieder Berlin besuchte musste ich den Brandenburger Tor wirklich anfassen mit meinen Händen… die ganze Zeit die ich in Berlin wohnte konnte ich den Brandenburger Tor nur von Ferne in der Ostzone hinter der Mauer sehen. Um den Tor mit meinen eigenen Händen zu spüren war mir sehr emotional! Ich weiß nicht ob man verstehen kann wenn ein Symbol von seiner eigen Stadt unantastbar ist.


I was a former USAF military Brat that learned all about the wall and the history behind it growing up. My dad was stationed in W. Germany all through my high school years. After High school, I was in the air force myself for 3 years in the US. The wall fell two years after I got out. That was the most surreal thing to see the Wall fall on the news. Even today it makes me cry to think about about!


I was there I was in the Canadian Army stationed in Lahr just south of Baden …. It was an amazing experience to live through it with the German family who I lived beside at the time, I will never forget it !


I was an 18 year old American soldier stationed near Augsburg when the wall came down. We didn't know exactly what this meant, and we were on high alert that day and into the next. On the 3rd day, I and several other soldiers were tasked with setting up cots in the basketball court in the gym on our little base (Kaserne), and we began bringing in extra food as well. That night, about 100 east German Trabbis arrived with very anxious East Germans families in them. They had no idea what this was or what to expect, especially when they realized that Americans were there. Our Kaserne was inside of a much larger German Luftwaffe base that we, of course, shared with them, and I was one of the soldiers passing out food and trying my best to make our guests feel welcome. After all, my mom's family was from the former east Germany but left decades before the wall went up, and I still had relatives I had never met. After a day or so, they relaxed, and I remember my buddies and I who had cars taking some of the East Germans our age to their first real discotheque. We danced and had fun and it was really nice to watch the East Germans enjoying their life in this new country. After a few weeks, they were either moved elsewhere or found housing on their own, but I have always wondered how they fared and will always remember that time and how we helped the east Germans as best we could.


I was 19 at the time. I was in the USN boot camp. I remember watching the news in our barracks. It was an unforgettable day in history


Great memories! I was in West Germany the summer of 1990, shortly after the Wall fell. Will never forget partying in Frankfurt the night of the Pink Floyd concert at the Wall. Many businesses/bars/restaurants had a tv in their front window facing the street showing the concert. The streets were full of people watching on tv and celebrating the event. Unreal that this was happening after so many years fearing a nuclear holocaust due to the Cold War!


Still remember watching it on tv. Old tube tv with knob dials. No remote.


Es war der 60. Geburtstag meines Vaters. Er sagte einmal zu mir, dass ich die Wiedervereinigung erleben würde, aber er sicher nicht. Am Abend nach der Feier klingelte spät abends das Telefon, mein älterer Bruder war dran und sagte: "Die Mauer ist auf". Wir klebten ab diesem Moment vor dem Fernseher. Er wäre heute 95 geworden.
