3 Solutions to a ITC Infotech SQL Interview Question

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In this video we will solve a ITC Infotech SQL interview question using 3 solutions. here is the script:

CREATE TABLE city_distance
distance INT,
source VARCHAR(512),
destination VARCHAR(512)

delete from city_distance;
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('100', 'New Delhi', 'Panipat');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('200', 'Ambala', 'New Delhi');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('150', 'Bangalore', 'Mysore');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('150', 'Mysore', 'Bangalore');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('250', 'Mumbai', 'Pune');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('250', 'Pune', 'Mumbai');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('2500', 'Chennai', 'Bhopal');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('2500', 'Bhopal', 'Chennai');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('60', 'Tirupati', 'Tirumala');
INSERT INTO city_distance(distance, source, destination) VALUES ('80', 'Tirumala', 'Tirupati');

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Exact same output, figured out in 30s: with cte1 as(
select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY distance ORDER BY distance) as rnk FROM city_distance

select c.source, c.destination, c.distance FROM cte1 LEFT JOIN city_distance c
WHERE c.source =cte1.source AND AND rnk=1;


Thank you Ankit for such a nice video and here is my easy solution :

select * from (
select t1.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by t1.distance order by t1.distance) as rnk
from city_distance as t1
left join
city_distance as t2
on t1.source = t2.destination and t1.destination = t2.source ) as t
where rnk =1;


Really neat work at order by null. Learnt something new today.
Here is is a simple solution using lag.
with cte as (
select *, lag(source, 1, 1) over (order by (select null)) as prev_source, lag(distance, 1, 1) over (order by (select null)) as prev_distance
from city_distance)
select distance, source, destination
from cte
where NOT(destination = prev_source and distance = prev_distance)


with cte as (select *,
case when source > destination then source else destination end as s,
case when source < destination then source else destination end as d,
row_number() over(order by null) as o_flag
from city_distance),

cteq as (select *,
row_number() over(partition by distance, s, d order by null) as flag
from cte)

select distance, source, destination
from cteq where flag = 1
order by o_flag


the final approch was top class. it is important to visualize the left join in our mind, only then new ideas will pop up.


with cte as
select distance, source, destination, case when source<destination then source else destination end as s1,
case when source<destination then destination else source end as s2
from city_distance), cte2 as
(select *, row_number() over (partition by s1, s2, distance order by distance) as rn from cte)

select distance, source, destination from cte2 where rn=1;


Hi Ankit great solve as usual! This was my approach:

with mycte as
select *,
case when source < destination then concat(distance, source, destination) else concat(distance, destination, source) end as keyvalue
from city_distance
select distance, source, destination from
select *,
row_number() over(partition by keyvalue order by source, destination) as rn
from mycte
) as x
where rn = 1


Thanks Ankit for this interesting problem and solutions. My solution
with cte as
select *,
row_number() over(order by (select null)) as rn
from _66_city_distance
cte2 as
select a.distance as adist, a.source as asrc, a.destination as adest, a.rn as arn
from cte as a
join cte as b
on a.source = b.destination
and a.destination = b.source
and a.distance = b.distance
where a.rn%2 = 0
select *
from cte
select * from cte2
order by rn


Everyday learning some new concepts and ideas from you sir🙏


with cte as(
select *,
case when source=lead(destination) OVER(order by (select 1)) and
destination=lead(source) OVER(order by (select 1)) then 1
when source=lag(destination) OVER(order by (select 1)) and
destination=lag(source) OVER(order by (select 1)) and
distance=lag(distance) OVER(order by (select 1)) then 2
else 0 end as val
from city_distance)
select distance, source, destination
from cte
where val=0 or val=1;


solved it without ascii value or lag:
with cte as (select *, row_number()over() from city_distance)

select * from cte c1
full outer join cte c2 on
c1.source=c2.destination and c1.destination=c2.source and c1.distance=c2.distance
where c1.row_number is not null and coalesce(c1.row_number, 0)>coalesce(c2.row_number, 0)


My solution:

with cte as(
select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by 1) as rn
from city_distance)

select a.distance, a.source, a.destination
from cte a left join cte b
on a.source = b.destination and
b.source = a.destination and a.distance = b.distance
where (case when b.distance is null or a.rn<b.rn then 1
else 0
end = 1)
order by a.rn


My Solution :)

with cte as
(select *, lag(source, 1) over (partition by distance order by distance)prev_source,
lead(source, 1) over (partition by distance order by distance)next_source,
count(*) over (partition by distance)cnt_dist

select distance, source, destination from cte
where cnt_dist = 1 or source < destination


with cte as(
select *, row_number() over( order by (select null)) as rn
from org.city_distance
select *, case when source > destination then source else destination end as source1,
case when source > destination then destination else source end as destination1
from cte
qualify row_number() over(partition by source1, destination1 order by rn) = 1


Hi Ankit, Thanks for uploading such useful content . Here is my approach for the above question (although the query outputs rows in a sequence which is different from the source table )

select *, CONCAT(LEAST(source, destination), ', ', GREATEST(source, destination)) as combination from city_distance)
, PQR AS (select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by combination, distance ) as rn from CTE)
select distance, source, destination from PQR where rn=1;


Sir, I followed a long approach

Select *
from city_distance A
where distance in (Select distance from city_distance B
where B.distance = A.distance
group by distance
having count(*) = 1)
Select Distance, Source, Destination
(Select distance, Source, Destination, CASE WHEN Source = LEAD(Destination) OVER(Partition by Distance ORDER BY (SELECT NULL))
and Destination = LEAD(Source) OVER(Partition by Distance ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as marker
from city_distance) A
where marker = 1


with cte as
(select *, row_number() over () as rw from city_distance)
select t1.distance, t1.source, t1.destination, t1.rw, t2.* from cte t1
left join cte t2
on t1.source = t2.destination and t1.destination = t2.source and t1.distance = t2.distance and t1.rw > t2.rw
where t2.rw is null


Just to let people know. ITC infotech is not a company which has long term projects for SQL. Simple hire, 6-9 month project then fire policy.


simplest answer

with cte as(
select *, row_number() over(partition by distance) as ro
from city_distance)
select distance, source, destination
from cte
where ro=1;


my Solution:-

select distance, source, destination from(
select *, row_number() over(partition by distance)as rn from city_distance
order by distance)
where rn=1;
