The Best of Vivaldi

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The Best of Vivaldi
Performed by Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana
Conducted by Alessandro Arigoni
Violin on The Four Seasons: Cristiano Rossi
Flute on all Flute Concertos: Alessandro Molinaro


The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 1 in E Major, RV 269 "Spring"
0:00:00 I. Allegro
0:03:11 II. Largo e pianissimo sempre
0:05:43 III. Allegro pastorale

Concerto for Strings in G major, RV 150
0:09:50 I. Allegro
0:11:42 II. Largo
0:14:01 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in G major "Alla Rustica", RV 151
0:16:12 I. Presto
0:17:48 II. Adagio
0:19:23 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in A major, RV 160
0:21:59 I. Allegro
0:24:16 II. Andante
0:26:23 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in A major, RV 158
0:28:32 I. Allegro molto
0:31:40 II. Andante molto
0:34:57 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in A major, RV 159
0:38:47 I. Allegro
0:40:34 II. Adagio
0:41:56 III. Allegro

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 3 in F Major, RV 293 "Autumn"
0:45:26 I. Allegro
0:50:25 II. Adagio molto
0:53:37 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in F major "La Tempesta di Mare", RV 433
0:56:53 I. Allegro
1:00:01 II. Largo
1:02:23 III. Presto

Flute Concerto in D major "Il Gardellino", RV 428
1:04:37 I. Allegro
1:08:12 II. Cantabile
1:11:15 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in G major, RV 435
1:14:03 I. Allegro
1:16:39 II. Largo
1:19:12 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in F major, RV 434
1:21:21 I. Allegro, ma non tanto
1:25:01 II. Largo e cantabile
1:28:06 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in G major, RV 437
1:29:43 I. Allegro
1:33:36 II. Largo
1:35:31 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in G minor "La Notte", RV 439
1:37:56 I. Largo
1:40:53 II. Presto (Fantasmi)
1:43:06 III. Largo (Il sonno)
1:44:48 IV. Presto
1:45:55 V. Allegro

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, RV 315 "Summer"
1:48:17 I. Allegro non molto
1:53:24 II. Adagio e piano - Presto e forte
1:56:04 III. Presto (Storm)

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 4 in F Minor, RV 297 "Winter"
1:58:55 I. Allegro non molto
2:02:03 II. Largo
2:04:12 III. Allegro

Sinfonia in B minor "Al Santo Sepolcro", RV 169
2:07:22 I. Adagio molto
2:10:32 II. Allegro ma poco

Concerto for Strings in C minor, RV 120
2:13:59 I. Allegro non molto
2:16:49 II. Largo
2:18:49 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in D minor "Madrigalesco", RV 129
2:21:17 I. Adagio - Allegro
2:24:52 II. Adagio
2:26:02 III. [No tempo indication]

Antonio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741) was a Venetian composer and virtuoso violinist. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Frideric Handel, he is regarded as one of the greatest Baroque composers and his influence during his lifetime was widespread across Europe, giving origin to many imitators and admirers. He pioneered many developments in orchestration, violin technique and programmatic music. He consolidated the emerging concerto form into a widely accepted and followed idiom, which was paramount in the development of Johann Sebastian Bach's instrumental music.

Vivaldi composed many instrumental concertos, for the violin and a variety of other musical instruments, as well as sacred choral works and more than fifty operas. His best-known work is a series of violin concertos known as the Four Seasons (Le Quattro Stagioni). Many of his compositions were written for the all-female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for abandoned children. Vivaldi also had some success with expensive stagings of his operas in Venice, Mantua and Vienna. After meeting the Emperor Charles VI, Vivaldi moved to Vienna, hoping for royal support. However, the Emperor died soon after Vivaldi's arrival, and Vivaldi himself died in poverty less than a year later.

After almost two centuries of decline, Vivaldi's musical reputation underwent a revival in the early 20th century, with much scholarly research devoted to his work. Many of Vivaldi's compositions, once thought lost, have been rediscovered – in one case as recently as 2006. His music remains widely popular in the present day and is regularly played all over the world.

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The Best of Vivaldi

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 1 in E Major, RV 269 "Spring"
0:00:00 I. Allegro
0:03:11 II. Largo e pianissimo sempre
0:05:43 III. Allegro pastorale

Concerto for Strings in G major, RV 150
0:09:50 I. Allegro
0:11:42 II. Largo
0:14:01 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in G major "Alla Rustica", RV 151
0:16:12 I. Presto
0:17:48 II. Adagio
0:19:23 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in A major, RV 160
0:21:59 I. Allegro
0:24:16 II. Andante
0:26:23 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in A major, RV 158
0:28:32 I. Allegro molto
0:31:40 II. Andante molto
0:34:57 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in A major, RV 159
0:38:47 I. Allegro
0:40:34 II. Adagio
0:41:56 III. Allegro

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 3 in F Major, RV 293 "Autumn"
0:45:26 I. Allegro
0:50:25 II. Adagio molto
0:53:37 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in F major "La Tempesta di Mare", RV 433
0:56:53 I. Allegro
1:00:01 II. Largo
1:02:23 III. Presto

Flute Concerto in D major "Il Gardellino", RV 428
1:04:37 I. Allegro
1:08:12 II. Cantabile
1:11:15 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in G major, RV 435
1:14:03 I. Allegro
1:16:39 II. Largo
1:19:12 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in F major, RV 434
1:21:21 I. Allegro, ma non tanto
1:25:01 II. Largo e cantabile
1:28:06 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in G major, RV 437
1:29:43 I. Allegro
1:33:36 II. Largo
1:35:31 III. Allegro

Flute Concerto in G minor "La Notte", RV 439
1:37:56 I. Largo
1:40:53 II. Presto (Fantasmi)
1:43:06 III. Largo (Il sonno)
1:44:48 IV. Presto
1:45:55 V. Allegro

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, RV 315 "Summer"
1:48:17 I. Allegro non molto
1:53:24 II. Adagio e piano - Presto e forte
1:56:04 III. Presto (Storm)

The Four Seasons, Violin Concerto No. 4 in F Minor, RV 297 "Winter"
1:58:55 I. Allegro non molto
2:02:03 II. Largo
2:04:12 III. Allegro

Sinfonia in B minor "Al Santo Sepolcro", RV 169
2:07:22 I. Adagio molto
2:10:32 II. Allegro ma poco

Concerto for Strings in C minor, RV 120
2:13:59 I. Allegro non molto
2:16:49 II. Largo
2:18:49 III. Allegro

Concerto for Strings in D minor "Madrigalesco", RV 129
2:21:17 I. Adagio - Allegro
2:24:52 II. Adagio
2:26:02 III. [No tempo indication]


I’m a heavy metal head, and love classical music. Vivaldi, Paganini, especially.


I always listen to classical music while I do my homework, it helps me concentrate and my performance improves a lot, Vivaldi is definitely my favorite and it is a privilege to be able to listen to his works.


So privileged to be able to stand in my modern day kitchen and press the play button to hear this. Crazy to think the average Joe, like me, back then had no access to this at all.


I’m here listening 7/19/24 WHOS WITH ME?? 😈🔥🔥👌🏻


In memoriam in semn de respect si aducere aminte ca un pios omagiu adus aminte marelui si regretatului artist fiind totodata bineinteles preferatul meu maestrul compozitor Italian Antonio vivaldi supranumit regele anotimpurilor. Astazi duminica 28 iulie 2024 se implinesc:283 de ani de comemorare de la moartea marelui artist. Data mortii:28 iulie 1741 Viena, Austria 🇦🇹. - nascut La data de: 4 martie 1678 venetia, italia. Zodia: pesti. A fost un mare profesor, teoretician, preot catolic. Mare pacat ca nu mai stim sa ne apreciem marii nostrii artisti minunati si super geniali de mare clasa cat mai sant inca in viata langa noi sa ii iubim pretuim si respectam valorile si care au plecat la cele vesnice si care ne-au parasit in aceasta viata. Bunul dumnezeu sa va aiba in imparatia cerurilor in paza si protectie si sa va odihneasca in pace maestre acolo unde ati plecat la domnul printre stele eterne regrete si sincere condoleante familiei sale pentru ca nu se va mai putea naste niciodata un asemenea mare om genial si unic prin partiturile sale cu care a incantat milioane de fani din intreaga lume. Din partea unui admirator fan si spectator drag si fidel. Amin. ❤🎉😢❤🎉😢❤🎉😢


Music is eternal !!! It soothes the soul ♥️


Cel mai mare artist preferat al meu al tuturor timpurilor pe care la avut vreodata planeta asta a noastra prin partiturile sale muzicala cu care a incantat milioane de fani din intreaga lume si nu am stiut ca sa il iubim pretuim si respectam valorile dragi de langa noi si care au plecat la cele vesnice si care ne-au parasit in aceasta viata. Bunul dumnezeu sa va aiba in imparatia cerurilor in paza si protectie si sa va odihneasca in pace maestre acolo unde ati plecat la domnul printre stele eterne regrete si sincere condoleante familiei marelui si regretatului artist compozitor Italian antonio vivaldi supranumit regele anotimpurilor. Din partea unui admirator fan si spectator drag si fidel. Amin ❤🎉😢❤🎉😢❤🎉😢❤🎉😢


This is fühlt sich ganz leicht mit diesen traumhaften Melodien im Ohr und man kann nicht aufhören zu lauschen...Danke für's posten und Dank den Künstlern die diese Musik lebendig werden ließ fühlt sich außerhalb von Zeit und Raum...und glücklich...🎶❤🎶❤🎶❤🎶❤🎶❤🎶❤🎶


Today is really a bad day for me 😢 until I heard this music, I heal my soul, give me more energy to fight tomorrow 😢😢


*Oh, Lord. Vivaldi was such a genius!!! Thank you for posting this! You made my day.*


In memoriam in semn de respect si aducere aminte ca un pios omagiu adus aminte marelui si regretatului artist fiind totodata bineinteles preferatul meu maestrul compozitor Italian Antonio vivaldi supranumit regele anotimpurilor. Astazi Luni 4 Martie 2024 se implinesc 346 de ani de la nasterea marelui artist. Antonio Lucio vivaldi supranumit regele anotimpurilor a fost un mare compozitor Italian si bineinteles totodata preferatul meu maestrul profesor, preot catolic. Mare pacat ca nu mai stim sa ne apreciem marii nostrii artisti minunati si super geniali de mare clasa cat mai sant inca in viata langa noi sa ii iubim pretuim si respectam valorile si care au plecat la cele vesnice si care ne-au parasit in aceasta viata. Bunul dumnezeu sa va aiba in imparatia cerurilor in paza si protectie si sa va odihneasca in pace maestre acolo unde ati plecat la domnul printre stele eterne regrete si sincere condoleante familiei sale pentru ca nu se va mai putea naste niciodata un asemenea mare om genial si unic prin partiturile sale cu care a incantat milioane de fani din intreaga. Din partea unui admirator fan si spectator drag si fidel. Amin ❤🎉😢.


This type of music makes me travel in my mind to another life


The eternal Vivaldi with his timeless works. Perfect for relaxing and reflecting.


I happened to run across his life story on YouTube. Was so intrigued and already liked him, without hearing any of his music.
Well, , I fell in love with his music after listening for the first time. Went from liking the man to loving all that he was gifted of.
It is my favorite music to listen to while I indulge myself in my art.
He will forever be in my heart❤


I love Vivaldi! His music always ranges from the dramatic to the joyous. He always has such exuberance. Thank you, Halidon! Thanks to Vivaldi and you, Italy is an even greater place.


Blessed transformation, brought to you by Vivaldi hundreds of years later.


Vivaldi Four seasons is my go to for the best of the Masters. Enjoy!


I am an odd dude that fell in love with Vivaldi in mid I was 10-15..


When you realize you have been working without a break for 2.5 hours because the beautiful music ends. Thanks for this great music.
