What if JOKER Was Behind the Jedi Temple Bombing

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What if Joker Was Behind the Jedi Temple Bombing? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Anakin stalks the lower districts of Coruscant, keeping hidden as he follows his prey, a group of gang members who just left a store. In their hands were a case of credits they extorted from the owner.

Although he was tempted to confront them immediately, he forces himself to be patient as they could take him to a far greater prize. As the gangsters move through the crowded streets, they leave and head towards a secluded alley.

This is his cue to jump down, discreetly pushing his way through until he reaches a bolted door. A slit opens and a Gamoran guard peeks through.

Anakin: I have business with your boss.

The guard laughs and prepares to shut the door slat, but finds it stuck in place as Anakin keeps it open with the Force.

Anakin: We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

The Gamoran reaches for the slot with both hands and pulls hard causing Anakin to smile. A few moments later, the hall is rocked as the metal door slams forward, sending the hapless guard slamming against the wall.

Gangsters all rush out, carrying blades and blasters. They find Anakin marching with his lightsaber in hand. The guards open fire on him or try to get close with their swords, but the Jedi is like a phantom from hell, moving in total silence as he deflects their shots. Those farthest away are thrown back by the force or feel objects knocking against them while the fools who get close are cut down in a few quick strokes.

Soon, the same gangsters are in full retreat, heading back to the main room as the Jedi follows after them. As they approach the meeting room, the doors suddenly slam shut and the vents begin releasing gas. Anakin pauses as he sees the gangsters coughing and falling to the ground as they inhale the gas.

From beyond, the Joker sits on his throne and listens to the coughing die down. He leans on the edge of his seat just as a lightsaber cuts through the door. Anakin steps out and glares hatefully at the Joker who begins to cackle.

Joker: Why so serious, Ani! Not even bats has such a big frown.

Anakin: We’ll see how much you can laugh when I’m through with you!

Anakin lightsaber slashes toward the Joker’s chest, but he does a backflip and watches as his throne shatters into pieces.

In response, the Joker pulls a joy buzzer from his pocket, flicking it on as it crackles with lethal electricity.

The Joker lunges, aiming the joy buzzer at Anakin’s chest, letting the electricity surge across Anakin and sending him stumbling back. When the Jedi gets up, the Joker holds a blaster to his chest. Anakin raises his lightsaber, but all that comes out is some confetti and a flag that says “Gotcha!”

The Joker bursts out laughing and sidesteps another attack just in time to avoid the blade slicing through his purple coat but missing his flesh.

Joker: *laughs* Close, but no cigar!

The Joker flips backward, tossing a handful of razor-sharp playing cards at Anakin. With a quick spin of his lightsaber, Anakin deflects them all, sending the cards scattering across the room in a shower of sparks.

Anakin: Enough games, clown!

He extends his hand, summoning the Force to lift the Joker off his feet. The Joker’s laughter only intensifies as he’s slammed against the wall, pinned by an invisible grip.

Joker: Ooh, you’re stronger than you look, Ani! But I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve!

With a flick of his wrist, the Joker triggers a hidden mechanism in his sleeve, releasing a cloud of green gas from his flower directly at Anakin’s face. Anakin instinctively recoils, dropping the Joker as he waves his hand to disperse the gas. The Joker lands on his feet, pulling a toy gun from his coat and aiming it at Anakin’s head.

Joker: Bang!

This time, the blaster bolts are real and forces Anakin to dive out of the way until he can right himself and deflect his attacks. With a well-timed counter, he knocks the blaster from the Joker’s hand.

Anakin: You’re done, Joker.

Anakin hurls his lightsaber across the room, the blade spinning through the air toward the villin. The Joker tries to dodge, but the weapon slices through his arm, sending his gun flying.

The Joker falls to the ground, clutching his stump, his laughter turning into a wheezing cough.

Joker: That’s not funny.

Anakin cuts him off by lifting him off the ground and starts to choke him.

Anakin: I disagree, this is pretty funny to me. But how about you answer my questions before I start taking more of you off. Why did you bomb the temple?

Joker: Me? I swear officer, you got the wrong guy. I was just here watching the shows. It was that other girl, Barris.

#starwars #starwarswhatif #thejoker
Рекомендации по теме

The joker in star wars?! More DC Universe Star Wars Crossovers?


Bro Anakin meeting the joker what a ride lol 😂


Just one bad day can change everything, Anakin knows that very well.


You mean chancellor palpatine, because he wasn’t emperor at this time


I wonder if bats will be impressed with the joker taking out Chancellor paper plane?"Anakin the clowns are taking ovah!"


What if darth Vader was in mortal combat

Scorpion: your wife and son?

Vader: They are lost to me now

Scorpion: The same pain sears both are hearts

Please make this Since we're probably never going to get this Cross over 😢


The Courier's Gambit YouTube channel: I make great crossover content.

Darth Theorist: Hold my blue milk.


You are one of the people that can do a Joker voice that I like (no offense Mark Hamill will always be my #1 Joker)


Oh snap! We both did a temple bombing video in the same week. Great job on yours!


Nah Joker in SW would make the most evilest people there hold up of how evil Joker is!


Joker torturing a captive Obi-Wan and giving him "The One Bad Day" speech while it cuts to Anakin going wild trying to hunt down the true bomber actually feels like a really good mash up.


He probably do this to spice up his "game" with Batman. Bet Joker would see Anakin like how he sees Jason Todd. Both young and filled with anger and reckless. Nice impression of Mark Hamill's Joker.


8:21 Joker accidentally outs Palpatine as Darth Sidious.


Perfect ending & punchline! Ha Ha Ha! Thank you again! Trying to figure out how to insinuate ghostbusters in here 🙂


Death by joker venom. Now that's funny!
How about a Joker and Luke Skywalker team up? I mean, Joker from Batman the animated series.


WOW! THE JOKER VS ANAKIN?! That made me laugh. The Joker is crazy to go against Anakin Skywalker! And course, Joker Venom used with the bombing od the Jedi Temple. Even Joker working with Maul?! I have to give Joker credit, especially against Palpatine.


Great work!!!
May I suggest you do a crossover with Star Trek?


I want to get off DarthTheorist's wild ride 😭😭😂😂🙏


"Jonkler beats an old man and hits the griddy and then gets chocked"


What if the Inquisitorius and the Purge Troopers weren't disbanded?
