Ancient Home Remedy for Colds and Flu - Made with 1, 2, or 3 Simple Ingredients

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0:00 Introduction
1:15 Home Remedy for Colds and Flu



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#MarysNest #AncientRemedy #HomeRemedy

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0:00 Introduction
1:15 Remedy for Colds and Flu



➡️FOR THE PRINTABLE RECIPE: Don’t forget to open the description under the video and scroll down till you see “RECIPE”. There will be a link there that will take you directly to the RECIPE on my website (MarysNest DOT com) that accompanies this video. Depending on what type of device you are watching the video on…To open the description under video, click the words “SHOW MORE”, or the title of the video, or the small downward pointing triangle arrow to the right of the video title. All of these should open the description.

Thanks for watching! Love, Mary


Mare, I was on the verge of full blown something…flu, COVID, who knows! I made this recipe on a Monday night, drank it all, and the NEXT DAY I was completely fine. My chills were gone, headache obliterated. I’ve since shared it with so many people! BTW, I saw this recipe the day before I got sick. God is good!


My grandma used to make me drink garlic tea when I was sick with the flu. Just many garlic cloves boiled in water. I guess it helped, because I haven't died yet lol.


1. Onions which are antiviral & antibacterial, use skins & all. One large or 2 small onions with skins.
2. Water to cover simmer 30 minutes not boiling.
3. Ghee & sea salt, add to onion broth
4..Garlic optional. Use entire bulb cut horizontally with skins on, add to the pot.
5. Ginger - whole sliced unpeeled organic ginger.


I had an extremely bad cold one time and I didn’t have the means to cook any of the ingredients so I chewed on a couple garlic cloves and the next day my cold was completely gone!! I absolutely love garlic and add double or triple to every recipe I cook!! Great video!!!😊


I used to put a garlic clove in my children’s ear when they had a cold/sore throat. Big enough so it just sits at the ear canal but doesn’t get in there. I also used to rub menthol and fresh pressed garlic rub on the soles of their feet with bed socks on to sleep overnight
My children never needed antibiotics other than natural remedies


I’m sick at home and Ms.Mary I feels like my mom helping me thru this cold. Such a Gentle and wholesome lady 💛


You should be on national tv teaching the population how to get healthier. Thank you 🙏


I added honey to mine (1 cup honey to 4 cups broth) and I drink mine cold so that I dont destroy the benefits of the honey. I just drink a cup a day and if I am drinking it at night I add a shot of spiced rum to it! You know, for its healing qualities....


I watched this yesterday, youtube recommended it to me because i told a friend i have fever and flu, (google is always listening, noticed it many times, many times i mention something to someone and recommendations related to it come) anyway, i watched it, made it and came back here to tell you, all fever gone, all flu gone, it was perfect. The doctor had said "it's a viral fever and will take 5-6 days to go" hmmm i wonder where the virus is now 😂

Thanks Mary!!


I make a Filipino soup called Arroz Caldo whenever anyone is sick or on the verge of getting sick. I make it with lots of onions, green onions, garlic, and ginger to give that punch in the throat. I also use some citrus juice (lime, lemon, or calamansi) in the recipe.


Hi Mary. My wife and I caught covid from the in-laws. I remembered seeing this video and decided to make it for us even though we are on medication. You can't beat natural! I made it with the onion, two cloves of garlic and four quartered mushrooms. I didn't have any whole ginger. When I added a little sea salt to it, it reminded us of a delicious onion soup we get at our favorite Asian restaurant. I think it would be fantastic with the little floating round crackers in it. I feel a little better already! Thanks, Mary.


Mary, I learn so much from you; your voice is soothing and you are genuine. Thanks!


I had just started a cold when this video came up. I made a batch of onion/garlic/ginger broth. Today is my second day of sipping on it and the cold has gotten much better very quickly.


I made this with ginger & turmeric root & garlic . Later I mixed it with beef bone broth & onion powder & salt. During my week of flu with sore throat, this was a lifesaver. Thank you for posting this video. 🤍


I used to keep a jar in the fridge full of local raw honey, lemon slices, and ginger pieces. You can just spoon some of the honey, lemon and ginger pieces into a mug and top it up with hot water to make a tea.

It’s absolutely amazing for coughs, sore throats, and you can just top it off with more pieces and honey whenever it’s getting low. I should make another jar, now that I think of it! Thanks Mary 💛


I think a little turmeric would amp up the anti-inflammatory effect, as well.


I learned from my daughter, when you feel a cold coming on, chop a clove of garlic, and swallow the pieces whole. I rarely get sick but if I feel something coming on, garlic almost always kills it before it can get started


Years ago, my voice teacher used to tell us to drink the juice of a boiled onion when we had a sore throat. I think adding the ginger would help the taste so much. We will be trying this. Thanks!


Thank you Mary, I'm a true believer in whole foods being medicine.
I use this regularly just as an immune booster too, and switch it up when I have more of any ingredient at a time...I use olive oil sometimes, add in parsley when I have it...I also do a 100 clove of garlic soup with whatever else I might have on hand, the garlic gets sweeter on a slow simmer which my family loves!!! Herbs always a welcomed bonus👍😁
