How we Feed Bees for Winter.

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Bulk feeding Honeybees Quick and Easy

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Here is a video on how we heat syrup for 100's of lbs of pollen patties.


Wonder if you could use treated plywood on the bed.
Nice setup.
I think. I would do it a bit different, but I do not know anything about feeding so many hives.
I would use deep-cycle batteries which would be charging while the truck is running and a dc pump or an inverter and a AC pump. There would be a pressure switch in the system and if the pump reaches that set pressure it would shut off the pump. I also would use a fuel type nozzle instead a valve.


Thrown on a coat of truck bed liner. Best 100 bucks you''ll spend. I coated mine and don't have issues with slippage with totes or bees anymore, and I had the same deck; a very slippery one.


Best quote of the video so far, “[t]his isn’t really thick syrup. It’s thicker than water, but so is blood.”
Hahah!!! What in the heck!
Easily funniest YouTube beekeeper.


Hey Kamon stop by TSC and pick up a fuel nozzle to replace that ball valve and all those fittings you have. Will cut down on your dripping a good bit and you don’t have to worry about that valve getting accidentally opened up. Really enjoy the videos!


Mixing sugar syrup yesterday in 5 gallon buckets. I realized I need a new system. It takes way to long to feed 25 colonies. You've given me inspiration. I'll rig a 55 gallon barrel and put it in the back of my truck!! Thanks Kamon!!


i would put all your feeders to the inside of the pallet it makes evrything so mutch faster.


When you have put on that third box but they don’t fill up but three frames, do you leave it on with all that empty space or do you pull that box off and give those couple frames to a weaker colony. Getting ready to do the double screen board with a couple boxes that are like that.


My heavy haul flat bedding husband uses rubber mud flaps between his aluminum trailer and metal pieces of freight to prevent sliding.
Saved his life in a head on with a suicidal veteran.


Iim in south western TN - I'm going to go check my bees today (if it's warm enough) and I'm pretty sire ill need to feed them. What's the best to feed this time of year?


Do you have a holding container in the bee hive and where do you get one


I can’t imagine feeding that much syrup to the bees. I would have to stop every drop from leaking that I could. Thanks K & L for taking the time and effort to produce this video!


I stopped feeding syrup a couple weeks ago here in southern Kentucky because nighttime temperatures were getting into the 40s and 50s. As a new beekeeper, I'm worried about getting the hive moist when it's cool. Do you worry about moisture when it's in the 40s?


Good video Kamon, thanks. Question: where do you get your sugar and how much do you pay for it? thanks


I bought a similar tank and filled it with syrup from mannlake which is super thick especially when its cold. do you think your pump would still be able to pump that thick syrup? great video.


Are you using the the 1”, 2” or 3” HF pump?


Kamon, are you using pro sweet uncut or are you mixing it with water. I been using pro sweet uncut filling my top hive feeders. The jury is still out whether I will use it next year. I am set up to mix 40 gallon batches of sugar water with a 40 gallon tank and pump system. I would have to get a honey pump if I go with pro sweet. the cost is a little bit more than sugar but I don't have to mix it, what your opinion using pro sweet.


Do you ever have any problems with robbing from the spills? We do have some narrow roads up here.


Do you add any tea tree oil to your feed?


With a decent fall flow, will they fill a deep?
