How to Rename a project in IntelliJ How to rename classes, variables, and packages in IntelliJ

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How To rename things in IntelliJ:
1) Renaming a file
when renaming a file we have to follow a rule of class names and file
names in java must be the same if we change one, the other must match.
Because of this reason, we can't simply change only one we must change both.
2) Renaming the project name:
When renaming a project name we can't simply use refactor it only renames
the modules if we want to rename the project name we need to go to the project
structure and then rename the project name
3) Renaming variables:
if we have created a variable name and if we have used it on many
places we can rename all the instances in one go.
Delete project:
Open the project and use file explorer to delete it.
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Hey Asghar, Its Rafik here (Batch15) Thank you for the useful information. . Great job !!!


problem arise when i change the project name


Thanks you bro!

I not see this it so nice!
Im Russia


This was so helpful. I've been looking for this shortcut of renaming one variable used multiple times at one click. Thank you! Is there another shortcut for doing the same thing without the mouse?
