The Truth About 'Clean Girl' Ruining Graves for Views

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The "Clean Girl: is an influencer who does "grave cleaning" videos but unlike many others who clean graves with respect and care, the truth is that she seems to give them the "landlord special" otherwise, ruining them while trying to promote her own cleaning products.

Andra's TikTok Video:

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Ripping out the real flowers aggressively and replacing them with FAKE flowers.. is it me or that feels very weird of her to do that


I'd CRY if somebody took my baby sisters flowers and replace them with fakes, and then PAINT HER GRAVE!??
Can't imagine defacing a grave, especially a kids.


My jaw dropped when you said she was painting the graves. That has to be a crime for defacing a grave or something


I lost my little sister two years ago٫ and we left a small wooden box with her favorite teddy bear inside it. This bear is dirty as hell٫ and has some blood on it٫ but that blood is because she had it in her hand when she first tried walking٫ and fell on her face٫ making her nose bleed. The blood on that bear shows a milestone. Also٫ that bear has the word "Hannah" on it٫ which was her name. She wrote that in kindergarten. She practiced for weeks so she could write her name on it٫ just her writing it. If somebody cleaned that bear٫ I would cry for years.

Edit: She died in second grade to cancer if you're wondering.


PS. When she pulled the flowers out, she pulled out roots. Someone planted those in the spring. She shoved the fake flowers into the dirt.


I really hate the way she talks, it's just so annoying and condescending, is giving mean girl trying to be nice.


For anyone curious. According to the National Park Service "Cleaning stones should be done with the gentlest means possible. It should never be the intent to make a grave marker look “new”. Even with the most careful technique, cleaning may accelerate deterioration or cause loss of original material. Only use soft brushes and gentle cleaners, such as water or a non-ionic cleaner (neutral pH of 7). Never use wire brushes, power washers, or harsh cleaners, such as bleach." Their website has a lot of good info on it. Including tips, and how to determine if its even a good idea to clean the grave. Even the most gentle cleaning can do a small amount of damage.


Imagine after you died, chilling on your grave and suddenly a stranger just aggressively 'clean' your grave and took your flowers.


“Oh wow, there’s TWO people buried here!!”

Girl this ain’t Pokémon Go tf


She's using an ACIDIC ABRASIVE BATHROOM PRODUCT ON A GRAVE STONE! That'll 100% destroy the gravestone


8 years ago my dad passed away and each cemetery visit along the way I would bring fresh flowers for my old man, cleaning supplies for obvious reasons and a small bag of candy as a offering to other visitors. Cleaning the grave is a therapeutic for me and my mom. I think we would have an emotional breakdown if someone stole that from us for clicks.


“He was a war veteran. He deserves *so* much respect.”

* smears entire grave with paint and ruins his plaque *


It's actually so gross. Her "cleaning product" is just Kaboom with her label over the can, and she changed the color in post, and it's an abrasive bathroom cleaner. Not for graves. I'd be appalled if I found out she desecrated one of my families graves, and the painting them is just terrible, like, is it even paint for outside? All around gross behavior.


My daughter died almost 3 years ago. Back in the spring we went to visit her only to find out someone had taken the toys & flowers we'd put there and thrown them away. They decided those things didn't have any value. My youngest daughter told me she'd left sissy a lucky penny and it was gone too. So I was a sobbing mess in the cemetery while my husband is calling to find out why this happened and how we can prevent it. People have no respect.


I’m speechless. Many cemeteries don’t allow fake flowers - she clearly ripped out the roots of actual flowers that recently bloomed. And don’t get me started on painting them…so disrespectful.


i don’t know how she could even do that because i feel bad even stepping on the place where a grave was😭


This broke my heart. When she took the flowers out I genuinely gasped. Those flowers could have been special, considering they were still there despite being dried out.


She does it for free. Then posts it on tiktok/youtube and gets paid thousands of dollars for views.


Please, please, PLEASE do not clean any toys found on a child's grave.
Some of these toys are ones that were owned by the child and some parents can see you as washing part of their child away when you do this. With how brightly colored her cleaning products are and the fact she makes them herself, it wouldn't surprise me if it had dyes in them that could ruin them as well.
If you ever notice, most respectable grave cleaners don't show themselves washing the toys.


14:45 i feel like this is weird because the teddy bear couldve been a special item to her, so they want to keep it just like how it was when she was here. a child likes having a teddy bear just like how it looks like before. some children like it when their clean, but some dont. because the teddy bear had so many memories with it, if they just cleaned it, the memories would be gone. this is just my understanding.
