Massad Ayoob Teaching Common Law Self Defense, Stand Your Ground, Road Rage Avoidance & More!

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Massad Ayoob is the best. Study this interview and share it with everyone. Read the books and take the classes. Build your mindset. Obtain your permit for discreet carry and refuse to be a victim. Reject the agenda-voices that incessantly demand citizen defenselessness against violent criminals.

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I grew up in Massachusetts during the Mike Ducacas period as governor. I know insane gun laws trust me. I live in a stand your ground state now. I still try to stay out of places and situations that could lead to the need to use deadly force. I still will not pursue a criminal once the immediate threat is diminished. I'll do just about anything to avoid conflict while I'm carrying because I know what can happen if you pull the trigger. Life isn't just over for the perpetrator it's over for the victim if you in fact survive the attack. Even if you get off any legal charges you can still be sued for liability and everything you have is gone. It's all up to a judge and jury once you use deadly force that terrifies me.


Wise words" if you could be seen, you could be hit, if you could be hit you could be killed"


Awareness of our INDIVIDUAL Sovereignty appears important right now as
part of the greater enlightenment process that is taking place... Check out the
on youtube ; )


For us living in Rural America, where the closest time for a cop to arrive is usually about 30 minutes, to a LOT more, this is a tough one.


talking about the two guys at the car wash situation awareness may have came in to play


"In The Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection" came out just months before I went to the Academy.  Since then I've had all the guys I've hired read it.  (DoD Security)  I'll still remember how it opened my eyes and taught me lessons that all Cops and Armed Guards should read and know.  Here in California it's almost impossible to get a CCW even if you have an honest reason.  I never liked carrying in public (in California) because if anyone sees the "bulge" or catches a glimpse of the butt or holster you will be stopped, "Felony Style" before you can explain that you are off-duty or a legitimate CCW holder.  It's more trouble than it's worth to carry concealed in California.  It seems that only the Criminals get to carry here in Cali...


Great vid and very informative. Thank you.


+Doc Casull how does this end the caliber dispute?? they could shoot back... *I* don't want to shoot someone and still die... Thanks for the advice though.


I don't agree with you that to call 911 every time someone tailgates your car. situational awareness is key. I think if you think someone is having a road rage episode and you're the target to try to turn onto another road or a parking lot that you can exit quickly to try to deesscilate or remove yourself from the situation and if the other persons follow then call 911 and don't stop driving if you can and stay inside the car don't get out to confront. that's just my opinion


First time here. Great dialog. You got my sub.


@5:30, SO true what Mr. Vernon says. Its very sad.


Hey Massad, you’re not fooling anyone. Lose the hair hat...


Only a coward and a fool avoids confrontation "at all cost".


I am a liberal and do not believe your judgement and categorization do any justice for our coming together with a common goal of gun ownership, knowledge, skill and desire to protect ourselves if necessary. Instead of pitting us who believe differently against each other as Blue and Red or whatever, let's focus on the good, there is so much more we have in common, so much more that we share as Americans. I am a handgun owner, I want to learn a new skill with shooting, technical skills, self defense, the laws, etc.. I want handgun laws to improve, improve to educate, and keep criminals from such easy access to any kind of gun they want with intention to kill innocent people. That is just common sense to me. Let's start saying good things about each other so we give less attention to our skewed judgements. No white washing subjects, people, statements. In this day in age people can hind behind their keyboard and say anything, but they only represent themselves. Let's keep perspective of our common purpose... a loving, flourishing place for our children to live and grow and feel safe. :)


I hate to break it to these guys, they are preaching to the choir too.. conservative, gun nuts, Republican and right lending audience. 


Lost Me at Lunatic Left Fringe.... NUT BAGS.. Massad get your name off this.
