How To Achieve Your Goals

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Sadhguru decodes the mechanics of success and explains why establishing your way of being if most essential if you want to function at the best of your intelligence and capability.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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Listen to this 2, 3, 4, 5, 100 times if you need. It is a blessing to have someone who brings profoundness of human experience.
"Everyone wants to get in the race, but no one wants to build the machine."


When ever I feel upset this man changes my mindset 😊 thank u sir


Creating the right inner environment is the path to creating your outer environment as everythng is a reflection of what's within. Building a solid spiritual practice and learning how to build the resonance of the heart is the key to make your outer environment a conscious choice. I've been able to find my own unique genius using this simple formula, and cure a lifelong disease in the process doctors and natural healers couldn't but my mind and my connection with Spirit did...the inner environment I created is the pathh to crucial in these times and you can do the same.. Blessings in abundance dear ones. Namaste


"In our Lives, if we do not do what we cannot do, it's not an issue. But if we do not do what we can do we are a disastrous life." - Sadhguru 🙏


Hey you. Yes, you. You're probably scrolling through the comments, like I am, reading all these motivational comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep, and don't stress about everything going on in the world, or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress on your future. Just live your life, because you only get one. Do whatever makes you happy, not what other people want from you.
For me, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning, get some exercise, and cherish life for the amazing blessing that it is. I hope you do the same and have an amazing day as well!
Stay safe and stay relaxed <3


I wish that all of you reading this comment will achieve what you truly desire. We are all ONE. ❤️


This is where realize I Sadhguru has profound wisdom to share the whole humanity. It is just as simple as one's own beingness will determine the outcome of his or her quality of living.


GOLDEN words to implement in life :-
It doesn't matter where we are if we function to the best of our intelligence and capabilities. So so true and helps me rest assured whichever place in the world we are or even on Mars we need to understand the BEING.
"If we do not do what we cannot do, its not an issue. But if we cannot do what we can do, we are a disastrous life".


'If we do not do what we cannot do, it's not an issue. But if we do not do what we can do, we are a disastrous life.'

Loved this part so I'm going to comment it for my own reference.


1. Try to focus on competence, as desire comes true as a consequence of your competence. If you tweak desire more than competence you will become incompetent out of stress.
2. First learn how to be, then knowing and finally act.
3. Identify your genius and try to be at the top of your peak, don't try to do things just because everyone is doing and be on their top. You will end up in worry, even if you win or loose.


May all of you achieve everything you desire.May blessings and wisdom shower upon all of you.


White and black vedios are so appealing to eyes❤️ love you sadguru....❤️


What ever he says, it's within us.
Only thing is we are not giving enough time to us to realise it.


Where ever the Awareness goes energy flows--- And matter is form of energy 🙂


This is something I never Knew I Could desire until now


Dream is only achieved when a someone really wants to achieve it irrespective of what it is


"We all wanted to get into one basket and be on top of the best pile. It's a cruel way of life. If you get there also you will suffer, if you don't get there, you also will suffer." ~Sadhguru


"To function at your peak, you should be friction-free. That is why Inner Engineering". Namaskaram🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


The thing is to stand for what you said and not expect from others. 😊


Quality of our perception will determine …. So important to get this … love ❤️ we have so much more power in our lives then we are willing to take on at times .. my quest is to remember my greatness and step into it … may you all as well❤️🙏🦋💗💫
