How to Adult | What They Don't Teach You

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In this video, I share tips that can help you live a better and healthier life because adulting doesn't have to be complicated. Comment below and let me know when was the last time you went to the doctor?!



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About Shameless Maya

"What would happen if I shamelessly promoted myself for 365 days?" My channel started out as a social media experiment, and now it's a lifestyle. I hope my journey from shame to shameless inspires you and others not to be ashamed of who you are and to share and celebrate that shamelessly. Here on my channel, you'll find videos on lifestyle, inspiration, fun transformations, techie vids for aspiring geeks, beauty, fashion, and so much more.
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They don't teach us this in school but our parents don't teach us either. Millions of kids completely at a disadvantage bc they were never properly prepared for life. thank god for the internet honestly. AND MAYA!!!!


1) take care of your health and your body. Go to the doctor.
2) get your financials in order. Budgeting etc.
3) organise your life.
4) take ownership. Stop blaming others and apologise when you make a mistake.
5) don’t lie. integrity. You say you do something so do it.
5) ask for help from others and yourself. If you can’t help yourself first than ask others.
6) learn how to be a good friend. Listening and not being envious or jealous. This is about them and not me. Put yourself in their position.
7) clean up after yourself. Do your dishes and your laundry.
8) make time for fun.


I really wish they taught financial literacy & life skills in school 😩😩 but im learning


I'm 23 and every day I'm realizing how much adulting I still need to do. I live with my parents and they still treat me like they did when I was a child. Even tho accepting their unconditional love and help is tempting, I want to start being more responsible and take care of myself. I always postponed adulting because I thought I couldn't have fun anymore, but that's not true. I just need to find balance. Thank you for the great tips!


I would add revise your childhood narrative, whatever u heard from ur parents or society about ur personality or life because this will massively affect ur life...and hey learning never ends by school.. sorry!


Turning 18 this month so I needed this. Adulting seems hard 🙃


Also getting a proper bra fitting and finding the right clothes that fits well. Taking care of ya self ladies and gents!


Before I watch the whole look Nah let me say that again, you look STUN-NING😍❤️


I do get envious with friends. Like I'm happy for them but also envious. So now when I feel that way I ask myself "why do I feel that way?" . "How do I feel when I feel ppl projecting their envy onto me?"
Trying to keep myself in check bc I dont want to be that kinda friend or family member.


Video summary:
1) Take care of your health and body
- get tested regularly even when you feel fine
- go to the gym and manage your stress
2) get your finance together
-pay your self
-use apps like mint and creditkarma
3) Organization
- use a calendar like google calendar
- save birthdays under contacts
- note things down e.g your groceries to keep track
4) Take Ownership
-stop blaming others
-really mean it when you apologize
-don't lie
-hold true to your words
5) Ask for help
🌟-but try to do it on your own first (as much as possible) then ask for help so as to come from an area of experience rather than ideas
6)Learn to be a good friend
7)Clean up after yourself
- e.g your laundry and things
8)Have Fun!
-80/20, e.g weekends are for fun

Hope this helps y'all, just turned 18 not long ago, let's get our life together!


You'll never be able to grow up If someone close to you is yelling at you, belittling you, disrespecting your personal boundaries (walking into your bedroom unannounced or sifting through your belongings without permission), intimidating you, physically harming you, or insulting you constantly. Self respect cannot be reached...


Turning 18 in a few months. I am terrified. I know I’m not emotionally mature yet. But I need to ready myself.

Definitely financially… thank you for this video!


I’m 19 going into 20, and I’m at a point in my life when i feel like I’m still a young dude while everyone around me is growing up and developing themselves into young men, i still feel like I’m 16-17, and I really feel like i need to learn how to take care of myself from now on, not just studying, but personal development and mental strength, cuz life comes at you fast, and you need to be one step ahead or at least within the norm


I agree with all this---although I think you could also add: 'Get out of your comfort zone.' Part of growing and adulting is reaching beyond the familiar and experiencing new or unknown things. These are the moments when we grow.


“They don’t teach you this is school” we always blame the schools, but they can’t teach everything. We need to remember our first teachers are AT HOME. Those of us that are parents, or future parents, remember this! Let’s do better and work hard to teach our kids everyday life skills!


This year I got ON IT going to the doctor. I was feeling all kinds of proud when you said that... and then i remembered the dentist 😶


Im with you Maya. Don’t say you’re gonna call me right back and NOT CALL ME BACK 😡😂


i love how her first tip was take care of your health bc i have arthritis and mostly everyone around me wants to focus on money not my health which is frustrating but i’m glad i was able to figure that tip on my own despite the ppl telling me otherwise


I may only be 15, but it’s never bad to start being more mature now. I wanna know these things so when I’m into Adulthood, I won’t be clueless. Especially since they don’t teach us these things at school.


As simple as this advice was. I was reminded that I need to be proactive in my health care. I’ve been avoiding the doctor and have found every excuse why I shouldn’t go but I need to change that starting now! Thanks Maya 💗
