Hemorrhoid Removal | Step by step

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Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgery performed to remove hemorrhoids, and your doctor may recommend it if your hemorrhoids do not respond to a more conservative treatment. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins that appear on the surface of the rectum or anal canal.

A swollen vein near the entrance of the anal canal is called an external hemorrhoid, while a swollen vein inside the rectum is called an internal hemorrhoid.

Internal hemorrhoids are classified according to their level of development:
First degree internal hemorrhoids are those that always remain inside the rectum; second degree internal hemorrhoids expand outside the rectum during defecation and then automatically return inside the rectum; third degree internal hemorrhoids extend outside the rectum during bowel movements and then must be pushed back into the rectum; and fourth degree internal hemorrhoids always remain outside the rectum and cannot be pushed in.

Some of the causes of this condition are:
* Constant constipation
* Chronic diarrhea
*lifting excessive weight
*Excessive effort when defecating

Before the Hemorrhoidectomy, it is possible that the patient gets local or general anesthesia, if general anesthesia is given he will receive drugs to sleep through an oxygen mask or intravenously and later a breathing tube will be inserted through the mouth and into the trachea, It will help him breathe during surgery.

Once the patient is asleep, he will be placed in the lithotomy, Razor, or lateral position, to immediately begin to disinfect the perineum and anus.

The doctor will begin by using a scalpel, electrocautery, or laser to make an incision in the tissue surrounding the hemorrhoid to expose the swollen vein. The specialist can tie off the swollen vein to prevent it from bleeding when it is removed.

Once this is done, the doctor will extract the swollen vein and the inflamed tissue and depending on the case, he will evaluate if the wound can be left open or should be sutured.

Finally, medicated bandages will be placed on the wound to help it heal and protect it from infection...

Generally, this procedure lasts about an hour, and after surgery, the breathing tube is removed and the patient will be asked to eat a high fiber diet, as well as to drink plenty of fluids to avoid constipation during recovery, which can last between two weeks to two months approximately.

The doctor may recommend warm baths, medications, or laxatives to make the patient more comfortable in the days after their procedure.

Most people who undergo this surgery can go home the same day of the procedure, however, in some cases the patient may stay a day or two in the hospital.

Likewise, it is important that if there are side effects such as fever, excessive pain, wound drainage, redness or swelling, the patient must contact their doctor immediately.

Hemorrhoids are an extremely common problem that must be treated on time to avoid complications.

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Your explanation is awesome. We want you to talk more about the immune system.


I had this done and it was the most excruciating recovery. The pain that followed is beyond imagination and had I known this I would have never had the procedure


I was scheduled to have this done and I was terrified. I googled like I never googled before and I came across laser hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP). My doctor never told me about this new laser technology as an option because they don't offer it (Cleveland Clinic). I chose a place in Florida and had my surgery on 3/2/23. No pain! No open wound! No risk of nerve damage! It is a minimally invasive procedure so there was next to no recovery time! I told myself I would spread the word if it went well and so here I am. If you are interested and would like to know more I would be happy to help. Feel free to message me.


Im in a very bad pain right now 😢
I had external hemorrhoids for 10 years but they never affected me
But in the past week they became worse and going to roilet for me now is like going to hell I took a picture of them and when I saw it I was shocked 😢
I was addicted to coffee but I quite it yesterday and I promised myself to never drink it again cause its one of many reasons why people having hemorrhoids not speaking of fast food spicy food and soda
Lets eat healthy guys hemorrhoids are not a jock once u have them u will wish to die and not stay in that pain
May God cure everyone ameen


This is something like that for the last three days they just come out is make me so much pain now I have to go to hospital soon as possible. Thank you for your information


I had this done in 2016 and they used small tubular device that clamped onto the pile. Then they use electricity to burn the pile out. It comes out inside the device. I was in hospital for two days. I was given Pethidine for the pain. I was given a ten day supply of laxatives, antibiotics and a week supply of Tramadol. I did not need all of the Tramadol and was walking around town after about three days. They have just returned so I'll have to have the procedure again this year. They did not use sutures because feces can get trapped in the wound and would be prone to infection.


Really frustrating when I have a good diet, drink plenty and am not straining or constipated. I would undergo surgery given the option. I feel I’ve no choice. As soon as it seems to get better then it gets worse again. I really feel for anyone who is or has suffered this debilitating condition. 😢


I had tonsils removed a L5 hernia surgery, a left big toe implant, have multiple surgeries to transfer ligaments and put screws on both wrists, also had this done, it was de most painful one of all of them.


By god, this surgery was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Rather take a bullet through the foot instead of going through this again. Lord show mercy to those who must undergo this surgery. Sheesh😖😔😞


In the Czech Republic, we use a laser, without pain without anesthesia. The treatment is outpatient without hospitalization and free of charge.


Doc allot of people have been getting hemeroid removal lately! Yes, yes.


Ice baths after warm sitz baths can shrink the hemorrhoids. Then you’re going to have to live on slippery elm. Slippery elm prevents the hemorrhoids from growing. Ice baths shrink them in size. Slippery elm also makes it that poop doesn’t cause the hemorrhoids to bleed because they coat the stool in mucilage. Buy slippery elm and take it before and after your meal. Do sitz baths with sea salt or baking soda at least once per day. Time your meal, develop a schedule for bowel movement so you can shower afterwards. Do not eat rice or anything that hardens stool or will cause you to push too hard. Drink enough fluids between meals, not during the meals. CHEW YOUR FOOD completely out. Do kegel exercises and rebound or walk up a hill. Pray and train your mind to beat this. I’m not doing this surgery unless I’m hospitalized


Do you recommend a HAL operation? What are the pros and cons?


Nice. Gonna try this on my bro at the sleepover tonight. I'll post an update after to share how it went.


I had to go to the ER for multiple hemorrhoids and when they stabbed one of them to numb I felt pain like I never thought possible. Also, an extremely beautiful nurse was helping and talk about a tough situation for both of us. More so her probably


It was imperative that I had them removed so I had it done. Both dectomy and Percy. The pain was beyond what I can tolerate. since people do not die from this surgery, I was asked to wait out till I recover. And no intervention was thought necessary to help me out with the pain. It took me 40 days to recover and start acting like a human again. Two years after the surgery I would say I was a success. I think the body is hardwired to forget about major traumas. I can’t even comprehend how much in agony i was when woke up in the recovery room.


damn this can get much worse than I thought... I started having hemorrhoid due to constant diarrhea and constipation.... Although I was able to change my eating habits in time and my diarrhea and constipation cleared up as well as the hemorrhoid.. After seeing this I;m so glad it did...


My first experience was getting the roid “froze” to freeze it .. when they sliced or poked me with the needle (however the popped it) it was the worst pain imaginable. And now here I am a couple years later having to do the same procedure with an even bigger/painful one. Im so dreading this !


I just got did surgery done few days ago hurts when I use the washroom hopefully I recover fast
