How I Would Learn Mid Lane (If I Could Start Over)

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If I could start over, I would have taken SkillCapped's gym membership guaranteeing I'll get buff. Mages day, assassin day, and yasuo day. Of course, never skip Illaoi day.


Your first point is true. If you are having fun, your tilt meter will take SOOO much longer to fill. Winning lane is important, unless you play Akali or Ahri like I do, and roaming kinda is lane'ing, if that makes sense.


Playing lol with a tilt proof mindset is so much fun. It’s easy to forget it’s just a video game but when you remember it’s so much easier


If i could go back in time i will relentlessly beat up my past self until he vows to never touch this game.


I love that mcbaze says pick Champ you enjoy I've been telling my friends for years. I'm low Grandmaster and I do play a bit of off meta.

I'm not a midlanner but I'm trying learn the role in normals


Been playing Vex a lot these days. She's very fun to play, I've been enjoying it a lot. I wanted to main her, but never took the time to watch a guide. I learned all by myself, and honestly, I think I'm doing quite good. The other day, a friend of mine urged me to play Ashe ADC with him as a support. I never spent a game THIS boring. And the game went pretty sad because I wasn't into it at all. Next game I played my sweet little Caitlyn, and went 18/2.


I really have fun with qiyana since shes the closest i can get to a champ like Invoker in dota but the nerfs just makes me play her harder and unfun when i first picked her up when she first released


This is exactly why I main Master Yi, and have for years. I find his playstyle to be the single most fun in the entire game and nothing so far as really compared. People always say he’s a low elo champion that gets worse as you climb, but the recent 12.13 changes might actually help that a little. Love the champion, wouldn’t wanna main anyone else


Pls do one of these vids for every role for coaching for my team :)


If I could start all over, I would inherit McBaze's ego to never lose and climb soloQ


i think another good point you shoulda made is that if youre new and even if ur having fun, you can genuinely expect to lose a lot of games at first as you learn each matchup. for example, every champ you go against is new to you. you dont know what to expect or predict if its your first time playing against these champs. but after playing against each champ at least 10 times each in the mid lane, you start to be able to counter them and outsmart them


Winning lane is important but ima take a page out of LS’ book here. Laning is only a third of the game. If you pick a hyper scaler and play the lane even chances are you’re winning that game. Scaling means more than a snowbally comp unless that snowball comp gets Uber ahead it’s not going to do a whole lot


Imagine being in a coaching and having your coach tell you to never ward xD would defenitely confuse me


have fun. this is the most important thing of league. thank you <3


Can you make a video: "How to counter every champion in the game"? It would be nice


I wanted to play oriana very much but thought it was very hard and it was better to pick Annie but annie can get boring really fast now i will just go play oriana and see what happens


If we can have one for bot lane i would be so thankful


i used to have fun until i genuinely couldnt cause i was ass my teammates were ass and i was stuck in a shitty elo and i genuinely cant carry no matter how hard i try and its frustrating bro.
i used to be a passive player, and not really know how/when to do trades without my jungler being there, but now im aggressive and sometimes that gets me into trouble. my cs is only decent, sometimes i win sometimes im pretty even, sometimes i lose in cs. like compared to when i first started playing league i can see huge improvements but still not good enough so i wanna like "start over" and learn everything step by step starting from the basics, and hopefully turn into someone who can carry or just have fun again.
edit: oh it might not help that i main mostly lux, seraphine, neeko, and ahri, but i can still play a select few other mages


Got back into lol ti play with mates as a malzahar OTP. Most fun i evwr had playing the game


It's all good saying "know your matchups", but as a noob HOW do I do that? Do I just read one of the build pages or the LoL wiki as the game loads? Or is there another way to know that. Because there are a lot of champs/matchups and I don't actually know who powerspikes when, etc.
