Raymond Tallis - Evolution and Theology

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Are evolution and theology explanatory enemies? Does the truth of evolution expose the falsity of theology? If humans descended from lower animals, must we conclude that God does not exist? Many scientists reject these disjunctions and affirm that evolution and God are completely compatible. What are their arguments?

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Raymond C. Tallis is a a retired physician and neuroscientist from Great Britain. His resume boasts titles like philosopher, poet and novelist. He is also a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal College of Physicians and Royal Society of Arts.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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Raymond is erudite and reserved; an excellent conversationalist. What's more, he seems to have a grasp of the genuine profundity of human existence. Which questions will lead us to a deeper clarity of our nature? As a 20- something living today, I hope I can be some small part of the discussion- or at the very least, observe it.

*Proverbs 3: 5-6.


St. Thomas Aquinas answered this ostensible dilemma in the 13th century edition of Jeopardy: "Alexandrius, I'll take Why faith and reason aren't angry bedfellows for $500".


Definitely like Raymond's approach, hovering above the fray, where others have committed themselves, scientific and religious fundamentalists alike.


I have a slight feeling that this ship is becoming very onesided. Btw is that old bloke from game of thrones?


Tallis looks a little bit like a bald Aristotle.


I believe that ethics needs to be brought into the debate and that this should be the starting point from both the scientific and the religious perspective. Then we can move into professor Tallis's final vision i.e " after cognitive closure that comes from the religious world picture and the scientific world picture can then be set aside and move through a mutually agreed ethical standard. Ethics were the starting point for me in becoming a Christian. I looked around at the sad and unequal world and thought what is the meaning of this to me? where is fairness, love freedom, and Trust. Eventually I discovered it in my fellow human beings both christian and non christian, high intellects and also in simple people. The inequality led me on a religious quest after I ended up jobless and homeless. A simple prayer was answered both in a practical and spiritual way. For me the central theme /teaching from the Old and New testament is love. For me loving God and my fellow Human beings opens the door to life and the reality of what it means to be human. Bless all seekers of truth. JB.


These are such amazing videos. Thank you so much. You guys are really doing an amazing job.


Raymond Tallis, I like this guy. Great video. Thank you CTT.


Stop meandering in nonsense. First define what you mean with the word God. We know what evolution is, but God is just a word.


can be both epistemology (from science) and ontology (from God)?


the deepest of evolution or starts of religion is the belief here


Thanks for posting these videos 'Closer To Truth'.


One thing is clear. His brain has allot of horsepower.


The true answer will come that God exists but God is not a noun.


evolution adapts to nature? is evolution able to adapt to something other than nature, such as God? natural selection and God are different categories of existence?


I love listening to Raymond Tallis. It sounds to me like he is seeing a more complete picture of the world than just what individual brains can encompass. I think a lot of these larger human concepts come about through a mega-brain that is composed of each person’s brain enmeshed into some larger whole. These types of extremely complex systems (societies, religions, etc) in my opinion are emergent through the trillions of interactions between individual humans over the centuries. Each human brain is a neuron in the meta-mind that is human civilization.


You should look at the work of two physicists to begin to answer some of your questions David Bohm & F David Peat


Theology deals only on the outer surface of religion. Esoteric religion is where the Truth is revealed.


No matter what the future brings as far as knowledge is concerned, it will be science that will be in the vanguard because its methods have ways of justifying its findings. No other epistemological method has it. THAT is the brilliance of science, whether you accept it or not.


If I would know how my illusive soul is constructed, i would never tell anybody, because this means it could be tempered with, also without my consent.
