Hercules - Go The Distance (Disney Goes Rock) Peyton Parrish Cover

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STREAM “Go The Distance” Starting March 25th!

Rev - Bassist
Tiktok @revenant_oc
IG @tiktokrevenant
Twitter @revenant_oc

Scotty - Drummer
IG @inkedscottyb
FB @inkedscottyb
Twitter @inkedscottyb
TikTok @inkedscottyb
YouTube InkedScottyB

Richard - Guitarist
TikTok & Band - backroad_sanctuary

Thank you for the support!
- Peyton

#disney #metal #cover #rock #hercules #gothedistance

© ℗ 2021 Noise Machine
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If you enjoyed this song and want to support us, please preorder this song link in the description of this video! 🙏🏻🤟🏻


Hey Peyton, I don’t know if you will see this but I just want to say thank you. Ever since my dad passed away back in November I have been lost, And hearing my favorite Disney song with such power is exactly what I needed. 🤘🏻🤘🏻


My son is autistic and loves rock. This is our song we play every morning on the way to school. It gives him motivation to do his best every single day. I don't think there's been one time when we've played it that I haven't started to cry. Thank you for a wonderful cover of an already motivational Disney song.


SIR. I have synesthesia, meaning sometimes the wires in my brain get crossed and I experience multiple senses at once. For instance, I see colors when I listen to music. It always looks like a galaxy or an oilspill of different colors depending on the voice. Your voice is a night sky blue with swirls of grey and deep rich red. It’s so beautiful to look at, and this was such a perfect song to experience it to!! 🖤🖤



🎶I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me
Where the crowds would cheer, when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be🎶

🎶I'll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way if I can be strong
I know every mile would be worth my while
When I go the distance, I'll be right where I belong🎶

🎶Down an unknown road to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime but somehow I'll see it through🎶

🎶And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope
But I won't loose hope, 'till I go the distance
And my journey is complete 🎶

🎶Oh yeah
But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart🎶

🎶Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its harms
I don't care how far, I can go the distance
'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms🎶

Give Peyton parish a hell yeah🤘😆🤘


I am 32..in the army..battling depression..and every time I hear this song it gives me strength. Thank you for your talent and dedication.


If Disney ever makes a live action Hercules, and they don't even consider using this cover for their movie, it will be a crime against humanity. These Disney covers hit home for millions of people. Well done. 👏


Michael Bolton's version always made me want to cry. This version makes me want to hike up a moUNTAIN AND CHASE MY DREAMS


I'm 60 yrs old and just starting treatment for cancer. To help face it every morning I start with Triumph's 'Fight the good Fight' and this song. Thanks for inspiring on old rocker dad.


I'm 30 years old, grew up watching Hercules. Hearing this gave me chills like I never thought possible.


My 6-year old son came into my room as I was getting ready this morning and said, "Dad, I want you to come watch this video with me again." He LOVES this song.
After watching it for the hundredth time, he turns to me and says, "I wish I could meet them." Thanks for inspiring my boy with your content. He loves the songs you create, and I am grateful for that.


Mann, going on 30 and deal with severe anxiety and depression. Actually had to take a full month off work from stress and my health. Been back a few days and I throw my ear buds in and rock out to all your music man. Really helps me get through the days!


I have often dreamed of a far off place
Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me
Where the crowds would cheer, when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be

I'll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way if I can be strong
I know every mile would be worth my while
When I go the distance, I'll be right where I belong

Down an unknown road to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime but somehow I'll see it through

And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope
But I won't loose hope, 'till I go the distance
And my journey is complete, oh yeah

But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart, oh

Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its harms
I don't care how far, I can go the distance
'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms

I will search the world, I will face its harms
'Till I find my hero's welcome waiting in your arms


My life has been such a mess lately, but I'm just being honest here, this brought a grown man to tears. Thank you, Peyton for bringing this masterpiece to us. It brought immense joy to a man that is burnt out and exhausted.


Hercules has always been one of my favorite Disney films. You all absolutely killed this once again. Well done!


As a kid this was just a good song. As an adult whose been fighting depression, its an inspiration. Thank you for this Peyton. Really.


Brother!! U need to make an entire Disney rock album. Keep them coming ! Thank u for all ur amazing music! FYI my two year old absolutely loves “Ragnarök” goes full Viking when he listens to it lol


Some Disney songs deserve to be known for more than just the song from a Disney movie. This is one of those songs.


We who love Jesus Christ and follow Him know we will be with Him in Eternity! This song sings of our journey and being embraced when we arrive! Come back to the Father where you belong. Let go of this fallen world...go the distance and find your Welcome Home!


I dont know if this is even gonna get read, by anyone but here goes. Im disposable. Thats my life story and i heard someone say a long time ago if youre gonna follow a religion study it for a year and a day, and i fell on norse paganism because if im disposable i might as well give my life for someone else. So everytime i would hear this song i would think of my Father who passed away before i got to know him and think of him calling me home to Valhalla. Well recently my ex let me back into my daughters life and she lives far away. But when we talk i can tell she needs me. So i found out im not disposable. She needs me. And this song is whats keeping me going. Shes the voice calling me home now. It is a literal thousand miles between us. But i can go the distance.
