Vertical farms could take over the world | Hard Reset by Freethink

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Vertical farming saves water, land, and energy — and it could be how we grow food on Mars.

Vertical farming is a type of indoor farming where crops are grown in stacked layers, rather than spread out across large plots of land. These farms offer many benefits over traditional ones, including the prospect of better access to healthy foods in underserved communities.

Because vertical farms use LED lighting, their output isn’t subject to the natural elements that typically affect plant production such as adverse weather, insects, and seasons.

They’re better for the environment because they require less energy and put out less pollution, without a need for heavy machinery, pesticides, or fertilizers. Additionally, soil-less farming methods like aeroponics require just 10% of the amount of water consumed by outdoor farms.

Adopting these sustainable farming practices could lead to a monumental shift in how we produce food on Earth, and enable us to create a reliable food source beyond our planet.

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What do you think of vertical farming?


Vertical growing arrangements have been discussed for at least 20 years or more on cannabis growing forums.


Coming from a local farming community, I can see that if this is done right, it can be used to help and enhance local traditional farms and farmers. The two can coexist without being at odds.


I am here in Japan developing a team to begin a hydroponics setup small at first doing a lot of experimenting to determine what type of system will work best. This is probably one of the most insightful discussions I have seen on this entire discourse on the future of agriculture and food production.


What I was curious about throughout the video was not if the produce tasted or looked better than normal, but if it managed to remain nutritious. I kinda find it weird that they didn't mention anything about the nutritional value, since that is the most important aspect of food🤔


“We can condense 700 acres of farm land into the size of a big box retail store!” Hooooly f!


Wait a minute, this is not a Minecraft automatic farm tutorial??


I feel like I may have found my new calling. It always has been nature, which is why I studied marine biology, but life is hard for me as a 31 year old adult diagnosed with ADHD. Employment is a constant struggle and I never seem to last longer than 3-6 months, my record being 1 year. I have started homesteading, being more self sufficient, using my strengths of hyperfocus and knowledge as a scientist to start small experiments with agriculture. In this past month, I made an indoor nursery (planning on making a high pressure aeroponic system for under 100€ soon), a 1000+ litre compost pile (will give hot water), bought 6 quail (incubating my first egg after only 1 week of having them), set up a small worm compost farm, bought over 50 vegetable + fruit seed packets (of which I've planted 10-20%).
While my contributions to the scientific community have been negligible, I hope that by doing independent studies I might be inspired to change that.


I’ve known about vertical farming and similar techniques for years now, and I’m so glad it’s finally gaining traction.


Wow, nate went from growing small farms on youtube to Wallstreet CEO grower. Incredible man, impressive work.


Sometimes I wonder what the world would have looked like without innovations like this😊, my advice for everyone, both in the agricultural industry and elsewhere, is to evolve with the world in others so as not to to be left behind


Verticle farming is something I've followed since I used to advise people on their pot grows 20 years ago, this is a game changer. Especially if you can pair some other things like aquaponics, mushroom growing, and find a way to still get animal based proteins farmed outside like free range chickens for a portion of meals a week. But like you said the biggest issue is current diet trends, and people don't like change...


Ha, i followed this guy on youtube and lived near him when he started this. Incredible


This seems like a good idea, I would really like it to work. Something that worries me from an environmental perspective is how much electricity these farms will require, and whether those demands allow this to be part of a sustainable future


I imagine every home having a large refrigerator sized, automated indoor vertical farm atrium and every restaurant, school, grocery store, etc having a storage container based, automated vertical farm too.


One problem that's not mentioned in the video, is that there are a lot of crops and produce that are just not feasible to grow indoors and/or vertically. Growing most trees, and grains are just efficient enough. Great technology however, I hope it will be able to come down in price and availability.


The graphics and visuals along with the voice is making this video highly entertaining!!! I appreciate that. Thanks😊


I love the concept, but I would like to see detailed data on energy consumption of these operations. It is rare I hear a tech story that actually gives me a sliver of hope about the future, so rare that my instinct is to put it in the "if it sounds too good to be true..." category.


Been watching Nate's Youtube channel for the last six years, glad to see he is still pushing forward.


Seeing this in action everyday has been an incredible experience. The farm in Compton, CA., was built from the ground up. I have been there to see every step of the way.
