Vertical Farming with Aeroponics: Top 7 Benefits of a Tower Farm

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After having set up vertical farms using Tower Garden aeroponic systems in 30 countries on 5 continents, let us share with you the main benefits of a Tower Farm:

1. 95% water savings in comparison to soil farming
2. 80% space savings in comparison to conventional hydroponics
3. Low energy footprint
4. Nutrient density: aeroponic crops grown on a Tower Garden feature an increase in nutrient density and antioxidant levels.
5. Less pesticides
6. Versatility: Tower Farms can be set up can be set up outdoors, in a greenhouse, indoors with LED lights, or even on a rooftop.
7. No previous experience is required to start a Tower Farm!

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I'm very impressed with your production process; it's truly efficient.


Such a peaceful and rewarding way to spend the day.


Please continue creating videos like this!


Love this video and thanks so much for sharing. One minor correction. Energy consumption is in watt hours or kilo watt hours not watts. At 0:48, your pump is consuming 45 watts of power. Run for the whole hour, it would consume 45 watt hours ( 45Wh) worth of electricity. Since it only runs for 12 minutes out of an hour, it consumes 45W * 12/60 h = 9Wh. Running for 24 hrs, it's 216Wh per day, not 216 watts per day. And yes, 216Wh per day x 30 days is 6, 480Wh or 6.48kWh x $0.16 per kWh = $1.04 per month in the US. Awesome energy efficiency. Is the pump on for 12 minutes straight every hour, or 6 minutes every 30 minutes, or something else?


Well said! I love that you can make monthly payments if you prefer because I bought one and the second I just made monthly payments and I just love them. Would love to get a couple more. It’s awesome to see them grow so fast, taste delicious, and the tower looks so beautiful!


I have been intrigued by tower farming for some time now, primarily as a means of cultivating my own produce on my terrace. While the terrace is sizeable, it does not qualify as a proper garden, making it challenging to grow fruits and vegetables. However, with tower farming, I am confident that I can effectively cultivate the crops I need in a relatively small area. I stumbled upon your channel today and was immediately impressed, prompting me to subscribe. I hope to have ample time in the coming days and weeks to browse through those of your videos that pique my interest. Thank you for sharing your expertise and the considerable effort you have invested in creating these videos. 🙏🏼😎


Amazing, I'm looking forward to own an Aeroponic farm soon.


Hola saludos, ví un vídeo corto en facebook de sus estructuras verticales y no había dado con el autor, y por coincidencia después de 2 meses lo he encontrado aquí, esto me ha motivado a realizar mi proyecto con la estructura vertical, ahorra más espacio y el sistema es más innovador, me da mucha emoción ver sus trabajos me inspiran a ponerme en marcha, en este proyecto de vida. Lamentablemente en mi país ha Sido un camino difícil ahorrar e instalar el proyecto. Comencé creando ya mi empresa, se llama Ecoagro Corporacion, C.A espero algún poder conocerlos en persona.


It would be nice if you link the mentioned studies in the description!


1.1k for a tower seems really expensive. At first, at least, without understanding very much of it. I have to admit that I have to look into this kind of growing more. I am yet very uninformed and I know that quality - in the long run - is a big, big factor. The video seems very interesting. Thank you ver much.


why not put a tilapia in one of the base of the towers and uses it as a hydroponic system. Genuienly asking


Well presented… Amazing to see how prolific the crops are in this video. My Tower Garden is outdoors in Arizona….this is brutal on most plants except cucumbers and squash…It seems that the protection of a greenhouse is best for summers here…. On the other hand, our winters are mild enough for bumper crops of lettuce grown in my backyard Tower.


This is amazing, do you do any online training ? Please share if you have.


Enjoyed the video, ty so much for sharing, subbed


You are THE BEST ! Really I love your Job !! BRAVO


12w per tower is still expensive...cant really scale it efficiently, better use solar power but eve then just cs of set up is a turn off


We use 5 gallon buckets and grow about 12 plants per bucket.


Hy plz make full details video how I learn this farming from beginner to advance and from where I got resources and how make it buget friendly as I'm in India. From where get towers and other required material.


Thanks for sending vedio😊
Isreal, India, usa jindabad
Jai hind


Hello, how did you connect many water pumps? Can you show the electrical circuit? thank you.
