How to Talk to Cops Without a Lawyer

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Should you talk to police without a lawyer? Here’s my foolproof plan on how to best talk to police without an attorney. You can forward this to your wayward sibling or child so that they may avoid spending time in prison.

It’s really not that complicated.

When do police have to advise you of Miranda warnings? When do they NOT have to read you Miranda warnings? When can they NOT interrogate you?? It’s sort of like 6 minute abs.....

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Garreth Stevens case is a good example. 19 year old kid is arrested and interrogated. During the interrogation, Garreth says "I want a lawyer". Interrogation continued and Garreth invoked his right to counsel six times and his right to remain silent three times. Once the jury saw that video, Garreth was found not guilty


Cop: "Nice day, isn't it?"
"I'll need my lawyer present during any interrogation."


Anything you tell the police that would tend to indicate one's innocence cannot be testified to in court by law enforcement. Answering police questions literally cannot help you in anyway. And the police can tell nearly any lie they want to the suspect but the suspect is legally obligated to tell the truth.

If people really understood the game and that they aren't obligated to play no reasonable sane person would ever play.


How to talk to cops... I DON'T ANSWER QUESTIONS!


Great Video !!
People need to learn to quit thinking the police will help them, and only say "I don't answer questions", "I want an attorney" or "Am I free to leave". Nothing else !!
You and JUSTICE Judge Robert Jackson said the same thing in different words, " DON'T TALK TO POLICE, It will never help you out.
Safe Journeys


John said, “shut the F up and request a lawyer.” LOL
I hear you John.


Salinas v. Texas. A murder suspect selectively answered questions. The questions that he did NOT answer were used to convict him. A bad precedent if prosecutors try to expand on "guilt by silence". Keep your mouth shut before or after Miranda, or whether you have even been given the Miranda warning. Pretend Miranda doesn't exist, just repeat request for lawyer until they give up, they have to give up.


My dad was a cop and he would always tell me not to talk to police. He also said if the police say I don’t need a lawyer, then I probably need at least two.


The only questions cops ask are investigatory questions designed to get probable cause and statements that you can't change without committing perjury.
Never, ever answer their questions.


Every single traffic stop the first question they ask is an attempt to make you self incriminate. “Do you know why I stopped you?” Or “Do you know how fast you were going?”


Important is that you SAY IT, not just remain silent. Courts have ruled you must INVOKE your right to silence. Simply staying quiet is insufficient.

Also, don’t answer ANY questions, not just those regarding you being in custody. Things like “can you believe this weather “, “what did the jail give you to eat?” are designed to establish a baseline of behavior. Then, when they ramp up pressure, they can compare notes, and see if there’s differences. It is also a trick to get you to answer ANY questions once you’ve invoked your right to remain silent. Courts have ruled that answering incidental questions established that the right had not been invoked.


How to talk to the police without a lawyer: don't.


I learned. My divorce taught me a lot. It was a bit like your client, the whole system was barreling down on many nasty accusations, it’s incredible what mom was willing to say to get custody. In the end she lost custody, and I learned my rights.



"I don't answer questions."
"I want a lawyer."


Video title: How to talk to cops without a lawyer

Content: Don't.

Context: The Constitution and specific examples from case law

John ain't the flashiest YouTuber handing out free advice, but the value of the content speaks for itself.


This needs to be taught all grade school children ✊✊✊


In Louisiana, don't say, "Get me a lawyer, dog." Apparently, those are magic words that mean you're not asking for a lawyer there.


Never ever talk to the police. “My attorney has advised me, and the US Supreme Court recommends, that I answer no questions by law enforcement officers.”


Only one time in my life I learned to stfu. Open investigation I was asked to give a statement. Hell, I was at work when this alleged incident occurred, right? (Looking back they might have been trying to get me as some type of accessory or trip me up lying, interview me several times and see if anything about my statements changed, or maybe incriminating someone else?)

Anyhow, I was treated as guilty until proven innocent. As soon as they informed me I was actually suspected and read me my rights I shut the hell up and stated I wanted no further parts of any questioning until I consulted legal council.
Smartest move ever, a few thousand for an attorney might have saved my ass from a LOT of BS.
Investigators can always be out to get you even if you did nothing wrong.


I hope I'm never in trouble, but if I am I truly hope you are on my side sir.
