Twist Lock Trick Box - 4½ New Designs!

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The 3D printable Twist Lock Trick Box has four... and a half new base designs!

All the required files to make your own are available for download.



Happy printing!

== Featured Printy ==

Super MINI Toggly Fidget Buttons & Honeycomb Twist Lock Trick Box printed by cmad78

== Other prints shown in this video ==

rock2pus twist lock trick box topper by Dabaws

== Other Links ==

Vector design by ahmed

== Credits ==

Intro Music By

Other Music From
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I think my favorite part of 3D printing is seeing the fascinating ways that people's brains work, and the way that shines through in their designs. Yours are superb.


I love these designs. Thank you so much for your effort and for sharing! The idea to replace Celtic knots with pictures is amazing! I plan to give that as a Birthday gift for my mom.


That cat definitely deserves all the pampering.


Depending on the exact size, this may be the perfect storage solution for the little Ben and Jerry's ice cream containers... Either by gluing the base piece in in lieu of the lid or just throwing it in one of the larger containers


I wander if this design could be used in the rolling storage boxes by implementing the cap in this video 😱


I was just thinking if you extended the top rotational piece outside the margins, you could have a "nested" box, in which the locking box acts as a lid and a secret compartment.


I got a little confused. I bought PTEG for printing stuff that is food related.. But with this much color variation did you perhaps print it with PLA instead?

If yes, am I overcomplicating and it's safe for storing food or spices in it like this.. I just can't use PLA for tools that wear and tear, like forks or spoons?


I have the lid printed and the open frame base printing right now. Just test prints until I get some decent filaments. I am thinking of using that last one you showed to create my own base that's the segmented to hold a few sets of DnD dice. If I do is it okay to upload the stl to thingiverse?


woudl you by any chance be willing to make a fusion 360 tutorial on making the box? I have been trying to make a custom box design of a triangle for a few hours now and im a complete fusion360 newb. I feel like there has to be a much better way to recreate the design from the beginning rather than trying to frankenstein your great design onto a crude box design
