20th Century Capitalism and Regulation in the United States

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Overview of cycles of regulation, de-regulation and government in 20th century US capitalism
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"hopefully you find that interesting" All your videos are interesting Sal!!!


Trustbusting had played a major in lessening the influence of these magnates. Good job,



They have generally been considered a fringe group among economic researchers, since the history of modern booms and busts has given greater support to a Keynesiasn perspective, however this has changed as more money from business and right-wing think-tanks has come into academia. (Even the "Nobel Prize" for economics is not actually a Nobel Prize, but was a Swedish bank prize that shifted in the ideology it rewarded depending on it's own struggles with the Swedish govt.)


@deadbutmoving Huh? Corporatism IS capitalism. If you watch the informative video above you'll learn that big gov't led to more regulation, that regulation led to "Trust Busting" or banning monopolies. You have it completely backwards and/or wrong. Typical right winger, you profess ignorance. I bet you felt real smart and stuff when you typed all that too. Go back to your alternative High School and get them to super-size that GED for ya.


@truthcrackers What you are talking about isn't regulation. Regulation does not cause nor allow monopolies to arise, criminals do. It is those that are breaking the rules, ignoring regulations, and utilizing tort or political associations to avoid penalization which victimizes our society. The financial crisis was cause by criminals that broke the rules after their era of buying politicians and media didn't fill their pockets fast enough. Less regulation now will only lead to similar incidents.


Mansa Musa was richer than John D. Rockfeller.


i hate to say it, but amirica is going in an ugly direction, where we create increasing regulations on the middle-lower class, while lefting most regulations on the rich and banking systems. essentially, the once great free market, has turned into an almost dictator like control, through large corporations and banks on our economy, and essentially our livlely hood. we live in a world where 1% of the world owns 40% of the worlds wealth, ithink its time to stand up and remeber who contrls the wrld


Please talk about Keynesianism and how it is part of government screwing society. We badly need more capitalism, the signs are all over. Just look at how much innovation is gone overseas, among other things. Look how crappy the economy is despite ever increasing government intervention, look at the flourishing of other countries who themselves adopt more capitalism. To me, it looks pretty conclusive, though I'm sure keynesians and/or liberals will tell me I'm a big oil stooge.


"the worst of capitalism and socialism" couldn't agree more


I think towards the end of the video, is the closest we'll ever see Sal getting pissed off.


@khanacademy It would be great if you could do a video over stagnation (Carter/Reagan), supply side, and demand side economics.


What is it about religion and politics that makes people behave so backwards? Everybody has one set of beliefs and believes anyone who disagrees is ignorant and brainwashed. The comments here only exemplify this, how did this happen? Are we all for the most part brainwashed by someone Else's personal interest?


@truthcrackers What? from what I understand repealing the glass-steagal act (which caused deregulation of the banks) caused it.


Also kevinus
If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. - Prince Philip

“My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world.” -Dave Foreman

A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal- Ted Turner

Still a theory??


I'm not sure if de-regulation is such a good thing though, greed is so high that it comes with a price.


free market capitalism is not immune to corruption. Those that have market power want to keep it or increase it, there's nothing inherent in capitalism that would prevent a monopoly. The only way to stop the big boys from creating an oligopoly or monopoly is to have REGULATION in place. Just focusing on government's role misses out on what capitalism allows for. Look at third world countries where the rich elite rule all, and the government have no power.


Also, How about, Nixon off gold standard, temporary price controls. Reagan supply side becomes legit theory. Summers, Greenspan, Phil Gram et al removing power to regulate derivatives from Ag dept. Market to Market FAS 157 in 2007. Paulson lobbies for removal of SEC limit on leverage limit 12:1 in 2004. Voelker's rule potentially will bring back some of Glass-Steagal


The idea that Standard Oil was a dangerous monopoly that needed to be broken up is simply false. It was a monopoly, yes, but because they offered low enough prices that no one could or was willing to compete against by cutting their own prices. They instead made the false allegations of predatory pricing to paralyze the competitive superiority of their rival when the advantages of this superiority were passed on the  benefit of consumers. Standard Oil was able to offer low enough prices (to the advantage of consumers) where no one was willing to compete. It did so by being an innovator, streamlining production and logistics, and lowering costs. They offered cheaper oil prices and a diverse range of petroleum products. They were successful at meeting customers needs and that's how they drove other companies out of the market who were not as successful. It was a perfectly legitimate monopoly that was forced to break up.


Man I KNOW i learn more from this guy than from my school


Is the mention of the Square deal for Teddy Roosevelt relevant ? (Corporation control is kinda linked to the "Trust buster" etiquette nah?) I'm not from the US so just asking.
thanks for the nice vid anyway!!
