How to be an anti-capitalist for the 21st century

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The American sociologist Erik Olin Wright was invited to Stockholm for a talk in 2017 by the Institute for Futures Studies and Katalys. Moderator is Stefan Svallfors, and discussants are: Marika Lindgren Åsbrink, researcher and author, leads LO's equality inquiry; Åsa Odin Ekman, a Social Democrat, editing "Klass i Sverige".

Of course UBI is affordable, easily! But it might mean Jeff Bezos can't do a play school like jolly space play jump 11 minute space joy ride with his cool bro' and saying "hi mom" for around $35 billion a ride. Of course M4A and UBI all totally unaffordable in such a world. Jeffy Boy even said it himself when he thanked all his employees for paying for his space play!!!


This fails to address the intersection of colonialism and capitalism-- many governments are fundamentally colonial. Unless you implement UBI as a conceptual relative of mutual aid that takes place on a hyper-local level and undermines the legitimacy of both neo-colonial and capitalistic institutions?


This woman said UBI would be a major expense like we’re not sending billions of dollars to Israel.

Like why are people ok with a few people having A LOT of money but once people discuss even/fair distribution of money suddenly it can’t happen?


i hate that i was born before communism. i want to die because im so poor.


At the moment when he was trying to make a critique on a moral foundation, he already failed in a Marxist way.


Surely edit out the coughing that is annoying. Still enjoyed.


This is one of the clearest explanations I have heard on different ways to eradicate or tame or erode capitalism and what types of replacements their are.


Great talk, though I think the original 'How to be an Anti-Capitalist for the 21st Century' paper is better structured, at least for purposes of reassuring and convincing those who aren't already on the same page as him.
What's more, as this is a public lecture with responses, it does disappoint and worry me that there are no right-wing voices at all here - either on the panel, or among the questioners in the audience. It feels a little like an instance of preaching to the choir. I'd love to see Erik in discussion with people who strongly disagree with him - if anyone knows of a recording like that, please do reply and refer me to it.
Finally, just a passing observation: I don't think I've ever seen a lecture with responses less focused on the content of the lecture... That's not necessarily a criticism; just it seemed very strange to me.


Yeah, pretty hard to be a capitalist when capitalism's been dead for 40-110~ years eh? "Capitalism!" "Do you own your apartment, stuff and land?" "No, still capitalism though!" "Is the money free and unregulated?" "No, but its capitalism!" "Do I keep what I earn, or do I pay iver half of it to income tax even if I'm borderline poor?" "No, but capitalism!" "Is there at least free trade? Can I sell stuff, make a buisnesses without taxes and licences?" "NO! BUT ITS CAPITALISM I TELL YA!!!"


must have a critqiue.. and a diagnosis first.. how Helegian dialectical of you!!... thesis, antithisis, synthesis everyone into graves yeah?


How to be an a$$hole in the 21st century


A very Euro-centric view of the world.


I love that the water is labelled and owned


this guy is like the neoliberal-apologist version of
