Can I Beat Terraria In An ENTIRELY Corrupted World?

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Yes. Finally, the sequel to the long awaited sequel to "Can You Beat Terraria If the ENTIRE World is Corrupted?". With the new Terraria 1.4.4 Labor of Love update out, I wanted to try another Terraria Challenge Run, and I think this just might be my craziest one yet! Let me know what you think!

Part #1 if you missed it:

This is not a 100 Days of Expert Mode, nor is this 100 Days of Terraria Hardcore, nor 100 Days of Terraria Master Mode or 100 Days Of Terraria Hardcore Master Mode.
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Imagine how angry Dryad is
"This world is 100% corrupted, how tf did you let that happen"


I love how I know nothing about Terraria. Like, you are saying words and I’m like, “Yup! You go! Do the thingy!” I am very entertained lolol


That shot of the Destroyer absolutely demolishing you and your NPCs like you were pins in a bowling alley and it was the ball was kind of awesome, NGL.


Did you know that chlorophyte actually can spawn naturally? Jungle grass in a hardmode world and in an undergroundor cavern jungle can turn mud blocks into chlorophyte randomly in a 10 block radius, so it would have still been possible to have chlorophyte, it just would have taken a big while to get enough, i think


Keep THIS in mind, if you use a whip your summons will target what you hit with the whip.


This sounds like a nightmare to play through


now do it again, but crimson this time.


You calling cobalt "colbite" and orichalcum "oralcum" hurt me


never played terraria and i know nothing abt it but anything seanie posts is watch worthy


That's ironic because a few days ago I literally just asked if there was gonna be a sequel. This is going to be fun to watch.


Summoners aren't bad! They're just glass cannons with an emphasis on summoned creatures instead of whip damage. Speaking of, you CAN target enemies individually with a summon...With. Your. Whip. My main isn't bad! I am so triggered, I'm demonetizing you


honestly I don't even understand a thing about terraria, I just enjoy Seanie's self imposed tortures


People see the lack of Chlorophyte and stick with Hallowed armour until the end while forgetting about Spooky armour and being a summoner.
Edit: there it is!


Honestly, your playthrough was far more interesting to watch than traditional Terraria challenge vids...

_Because you actually prepare for stuff and don't just charge in utterly undergeared to SOMEHOW still win anyway..._
Like, your farms, your arenas, even using the Temple traps for an event? That's just great!..

One critique I have of this run is that despite being _literally surrounded by Corruption_ and having easy access to the corrupted flames, you have not been using what is (in my opinion) easily one of the strongest, and earliest accessible, hard mode weapons - the Dart Rifle. I have not had a Terraria playthrough in which I did not keep a Dart Rifle in my hotbar until the end. The corrupted darts are incredibly easy to use and blanket a huge area in corrupted flames which, IIRC, bosses are not immune to. So it is a great weapon both for hordes and for bossfights - eventually graduating to secondary weapon, of course, but a great source of extra DPS nonetheless.


I think for the underground hallow I would’ve waited for the destroyer to naturally arrive, killed him, then brought a clentaminator from the steampunker. If you create an artificial hallow biome with a house, and move her into it, she’ll sell hallow solution you can use to create underground hallow much easier.


I NEED to see at least one or two persona videos from you now after those references 😂 I feel like you could make some great content off that game


U can right click with a summon staff to choose your summons target
Or use a whip


I am not sure if it would go directly on Coruppt Blocks, but Holy Water would have been a way easier way to spread the hallow than waiting it out with seeds. All you need is hallowed seeds and pixie dust, the later does require the surface hallow, but as you mentioned, that is relatively easy to make


I was about to say the minecart track wont do well w summoner, but it seems like you found that out lol. Honestly I prefer summoner and think its the best class despite relogic hating it. Glad to see more people using it


Actually, you could have chlorophite in your world. You just needed some mud blocks, not covered by jungle grass, near your artificial jungle. And enough patience to firstly wait for first blocks of ore, and then patience for chlorophite farm)
And to be honest, all runs with map manipulation are possible, only question is how much prep time you will need to mimic normal play through conditions)
