Meet The River-Class Destroyer - State-of-the-art WARSHIP!

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We’re celebrating the start of construction activities for Canada’s new fleet of Canadian Surface Combatants (CSC)!

The CSC project will equip our fleet with 15 new, state-of-the-art warships to bolster our capabilities at home, and abroad for decades. Today’s start of construction is on the production test module, where Canada and Irving Shipbuilding Inc will be able to test, adapt and enhance the build process.

This should allow the River-Class Destroyers to be in full rate production in 2025, with the delivery of the HMCS Fraser expected in the early 2030’s.

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I could cry tears of joy...finally, our navy is getting upgrades!


Great naming convention for the class.


From the Canadian Gov website.... "Delivery of the first River-class destroyer, HMCS Fraser, is expected to happen in early 2030s, with the first nine ships projected to be built by 2040. The final ship, of a projected total of 15 destroyers, is expected to be delivered by 2050." LOL


FINALLY, Hope that we get to see them and that they dont get stuck in development hell but it feels good knowing that something is finally on the way.


Love it! Great to see The MacKenzie coming back! i served on DDE 261 from 1982 to 1985 as AB Radar Plotter and she was a proud ship and crew. Travelled over 25, 000 miles and visited many ports. Can’t wait to see this new River Class!


I know the long timeframe seems crazy and it is but not for the reason you think. This timeframe is deliberate, when we built the Halifax class Frigates they were all built in fairly rapid succession, then we didn't build another thing for 30 years. This meant that the shipbuilders knowledge of building warships went away and had to be built from the ground up. Spreading the purchase out over 20 years keeps the yards in the game and ready to build more in a pinch. My problem with this is we waited too long and now we need 15 new warships over the next 10 years. I would argue though that that is okay because Canada needs to expand it's Navy significantly, we are a maritime nation with the largest coastline on earth, and one of the smallest navies. We should build these destroyers fast and be ready to start building some additional capability, I am thinking Air defense frigates, 2 more AOR's and missile cruisers, as well as the 12 subs which will need to be built off shore for technical reasons. The subs could be assembled and fitted out here though. Well those are my thoughts on the matter what say you?


Looking forward to seeing it float in my 80’s !!,


I support this navy development!! Let's keep our rivers and tributaries safe!! 😁👍🇨🇦

Happy Canada Day!!


My Grandfather was shipwright (Chippy) on HMCS St. Laurent H83 from 1943-1945. He received the British Empire Medal for saving a burning merchant ship at sea having spent 51 hours straight without rest fighting it. He returned and was asleep for a mere 3 hours before they were to beat to quarters as they hunted down and destroyed U-845. "The conning tower looked like a cheese grater after we raked her with our 50 pounders. We then dropped about a dozen hedgehogs beneath her. When they went off they lifted her partly out of the water, she split into two, then went straight down." He was tasked with taking survivors and imprisoning them below. One of them revolted, my grandfather never explained in detail what happened. He merely stated "the poor bugger when I was through with him...." Then would trail off in speech and thought.

A few months later they were attacked by a glide bomb which lifted her 'A' gun partly out of its shaft and caved the bow in causing a significant breach. My grandfather had spent some time fashioning wooden wedges for which some of his shipmates chirped him. When he encountered the breach he hammered the wedges into it. As they swelled the breach sewed shut and HMCS St. Laurent was saved. "Looked like the feathers from a goddamned duck tail but they got us to Belfast."

When St. Laurent was sent home for more significant repairs in Canada she was ordered to the Naval base in Shelburne, Nova Scotia; his hometown where he was given the helm and triumphantly navigated her up the harbour he knew so well.

He passed last year at age 105 and would not see this moment of the third iteration of his beloved St. Laurent, but he did manage to be available for the launching of the HMCS Harry DeWolfe named after St. Laurent's early legendary commander.

Godspeed St. Laurent, Fraser, and Mackenzie. Ready aye ready.


To bad I’ll be like 100 years old to see these in action my kids will enjoy


As an ex-RCN veteran, all I can say is interesting ad.


Great we just need to build about a dozen more and find the crews! Hopefully most of the electronics and weapons are off the shelf bugs and teething problems. At the end of the Second World War, Canada had the world's 3rd largest navy. With the Arctic and Pacific heating up, we need to commit to the world and to our men and women in uniform!!


AWESOME! My only wish is that they would be built faster. The last ship is due in 2050, which is an astonishingly long time from now. With our procurement process taking decades, they should start working on the next set of ships now. Maybe we should subsidize reopening the shipyard in Saint John, and two ships could be built at the same time? (one in Halifax, and one in Saint John)


The HMCS Reel Justice 1 and 2 will be the biggest, bestest and most beautiful aircraft carriers in the world. They'll be two aircraft carrier like no one has ever seen before.


Man this ship looks so cool can’t wait to buy one for myself


Finally, a boat that isn't older than my mother.


The way Canada works is you won't even see the first ship till it is outdated in 10-12 years, the rest 20 or more years. Like everything Canada does Armed Forces wise, it will take many years and headaches. Might see 5 ships before program is cancelled.


Type 26 with new radar. I was hoping for more than 32 VLS in an 5000 ton ship. I hope more can be added later on.


My Great Uncle served on the H48 HMSC Fraser in WW2. Great name!


Love the names. Now we need our young Canadians to join and take up a fantastic opportunity to see the world and have a great career too. Sigh if only I was 20 again.
