I Tried a Secret Google Project!

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An exclusive first look and footage of Google Project Starline!

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Glad to see Google trying new things and actually showing them


As always, the adult entertainment industry will pave the way for tech such as this.


I’ve never seen Marquess been blown away like that with a tech demo. First few seconds you can clearly see him trying to figure out how they were doing this. That’s impressive


I can see this being super useful for telemedicine. A person can be a world away, but if they can "meet" with you using Starline, you can show them the weird rash on your elbow or your crushed hand or whatever, and they would be able to see it so well, the only thing missing would be touch. That's important too, especially for orthopedic and internal injuries, but you'd be at a hospital that had a Starline booth anyway, so a local RN or doctor could follow the expert's instructions WHILE THE EXPERT WATCHED AND COACHED... I think this will have huge benefits for telemedicine.

Not to mention surgery training! Um, I'll let your imagination take over, but if you're a surgeon intern...!


Probably the best use I can imagine is nursing homes, hospitals, where one of the people is bound to one place, so the relative could just come to a public Starlight kiosk and dial the right device. Also a great way to communicate with people in medical isolation, during interrogation or with prisoners to ensure the safety on both sides.


While working at Google, I had the opportunity to take many of my 1:1 meetings in booths like this. It was wild — you legit remember those meetings more, and no zoom fatigue!


IMAGINE this keeping the 3D scans of people after they use it. You could be age fifty and tell it to present you at eighteen 😮


My fiancé is a psychologist. Pre-pandemic she said that a practice like hers would never go remote. Obviously it did and we were able to move from Washington, DC to Vermont. That said, she still spends a week or two in person because so much is lost when remote. I can see a scenario where she sets up a system like this in her DC office giving her clients the opportunity to have a near-match to an in-person experience. The same is true for other areas of healthcare where the meetings are 1:1 and there is a massive value to creating a more intimate human connection.

I am a singing teacher and here to, my practice could justify the expense, I could live where I wanted, but have a studio in an area where there are many clients, or schools could put these setups in practice rooms and bring in teachers from all over.

I expect that it will be a long time before setups like these are part of everyone’s home, but there is a clear, exciting use case for small businesses that have already expanded their reach with remote tools, but are suffering from the current quality of the systems at our disposal.

Thank you, as always for delivering such precise, useful content!❤🎉


Super proud of you MKBHD. The fact that Google gave you access to something like this, and being the first outside of Google to see it, is impressive. Shows that all the hard work you have done over the years is paying off. Seriously good stuff


Perpetually being reminded of how neat the 3DS was and how the 3D feature would’ve been pretty neat with more powerful modern hardware


Incredible tech. Well balanced presentation MB. thank you


Using your position as a YouTuber to learn about and share things like this is exactly what you should do. We all appreciate you bringing us along!


As a senior med school student, I can only imagine how this kind of technology could be implemented in telemedicine soon.
Props to Google for this one.


So glad they chose you to deliver this type of content to us. Insane tech.


I think this could be incredible for virtual doctors visits. Would make them feel much more personal, and greatly increase the experience for both doctor and patient.


Wow, this was probably the closest to getting the feeling of a 3D effect through a 2D screen and video I've seen. Great capture!


This is what the Metaverse should be. Making virtual meetings feel like in-person meetings to your brain. Could really decrease “zoom fatigue” and meaningfully improve remote work.


Very rare to see Marquee blown away like a tech newbie


Think about the precious memories that could be recorded. A mother could speak with her child who's away at college, and 30 years later, they could replay that interaction and feel as if they were back in that moment. Picture a younger version of yourself, speaking to your older self. A father's final message to his son could be played back as if he were still present. Wild right?

Imagine a future where this technology could instantly translate different languages, even imitating the speaker's voice. It would revolutionize communication. I'd love to see this in schools; just imagine a student meeting a penpal from another country "in person".

I would go out my way to use such technology like this if it enabled me to connect with distant family members in a way that feels deeper than a regular zoom call. I am certain this technology will be adopted in hospitals and corporate meeting rooms, but I'd also love to see it in public libraries, households, even dorms.

I am genuinely excited to witness what this tech could do in our lives.


Some part of me really values the little glitching or geometric shimmer around the edges of the models. There's something deeply charming about a not-quite-perfect simulacrum of the participants that is just weirdly compelling. A perfect version would indeed be futuristic, but the little scuffs around the edges of tech like this makes it *feel* futuristic.
