The Real Reason Behind EV Fire Incidents

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Electric vehicles are more common than ever before. Not only do they create almost no emissions at all, but in many cases, they perform way better than gas vehicles. In fact, many even believe EVs might just be safer than gas vehicles overall. But whenever you look at EV news, one type of news story will be constant. “Tesla catches fire”, or any other EV “catches fire”. The problem has gotten so bad that it’s ruining peoples’ perception of electric vehicles. So why is that happening? In this video, we’ll be answering that and a few more safety concerns regarding electric cars.


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I work in insurance, a real quote from a vehicle owner “I’ve owned well over 30 plus cars that ran on gas from 1972 to 2019…the only car that has ever caught fire is my Tesla I bought 8 months ago. I will never own an electric car ever again” …these fires are more common than what’s being published…I know…I write the claims for them 😂


Here's the deal, were it not for government subsidies, these cars would not exist in the numbers they do. Had they been forced to create something that can stand on its own merit, they would have had to design a better car. Maybe the government needs to stop subsidizing business and get back to regulating it.


The sheer speed with which these fires develop is the most terrifying aspect, especially when it's a bus!


I'm amazed insurance companies will even insure them.


I taught a hazmat refresher class in the 90’s and had an older guy in class, who was had a PHD in chemistry and physics. He was involved in a multi decade Navy study in the use of Lithium as a replacement for flooded lead acid in sub marines. He said they gave up due to the fact that a certain number of betters WILL catch fire and know one knows why. I guess he was right. Why dies the government suppress this research 🤔


I have heard that some parking garages are banning electric vehicles from parking in them. That story of the bicycle shop catching fire under an apartment in NY was crazy and tragic. Now imagine a parking garage that maybe parks 500 cars underneath a hotel. Imagine that all of the cars parked in it are EVs. One ignites, under a hotel, full of people. Even if EV fires are rare (which I don't believe is the case) they are a massive liability, and they are extremely dangerous. Just the off chance that one might catch on fire could result in a total loss of property or loss of human life.


I wonder how many petrol and/or diesel vehicles it would take to do as much environmental damage as one burning EV?


I also talked to a farmer, That was given a Ev tractor to use in his fields. He said the thing was a complete pile of shit! Not only did he have to stop plowing his field 1/8th of the way through to drive this thing 4-6 miles down the road ( hoping he made it ) to his home to charge the damn thing for hours, Then he had to drive his diesel tractor back down to the field to finish the plowing where the fuel could come to him when he ran low. Ev's are crap again. Could you imagine having to plow 5000 acres and you have to stop every 1-200 acres to charge the damn tractor, Not to mention the drive time between the fields and a charging station!


Most EV owner that experienced horrendous fire that able to make it alive swear that they will never ever buy EV again…


50% of the cars shown on fire in this video aren't even EVs. In particular the one in a corn field where there is a red can of gasoline behind it that has been used to set fire to it !


I live in Montana. Towns can be long distances apart here, and the temperatures would make these things not run in the winter, and always be a fire hazard. I wouldn't buy one even if I could.


Imagine one catching fire in a bushfire danger area, No way to stop it.


Millions of ICE were manufactured but barely we could see that it catches fire when parked (not running esp. the engine is off) but it happened to EV that is why some park garages like the Charleston Place in SC don't allow EVs in their park garage under the hotel.


a month ago a family died in there Tesla here in Vancouver, they couldn't open the doors because the cars electronic every thing failed. then a few weeks latter a guy had to break out of his model y at an intersection it was on fire from the inside, a week later a model 3 went into a pole and it's battery basically separated from the bottom of the car like a missile and the occupants where seriously injured do to the structural impact of the battery flying away, which didn't catch fire this time. Also before that, a house burnt down with a Tesla in the garage. I have personally seen two just suddenly lock up on highway 99 in busy Richmond traffic just south of Vancouver. I think these cars have too many stupid features that impede safety, I don't have an issue with EVs they need segmented battery packs and actual door latches at the minimum. That said, I live in an apartment and I think I'll stick to a corolla or a hybrid for now.


I have not owned a single gas car in almost 60 years that caught fire. That said, I will never put an electrical vehicle in my garage and risk burning down my house and danger my family. Even electric bicycles, scooters and other electric units are being 😊banned from apartments because of fires they have started.


30000 gallon of water. Pretty environmental friendly lol.


The point is : there are no fire extinguisher that good enough to extinguish fire cause by broken lithium bateries, yet.


Many Tesla's caught fire in Florida after the hurricaine last year; the reason was saltwater intrusion. Evidently the battery packs are not water proof and salf water getting into the battery can cause a fire.


But the problem is that EV catches fire even park, that did not happen to ICE.


This is a pretty good presentation but it ignores one attribute of EV battery packs that makes them very dangerous. We feel relatively safe carrying a cell phone with a lithium ion battery. That phone has a battery pack with a single cell. Your laptop may have 4 to 6 cells in its battery pack. The probability of a single cell catching fire and injuring you is pretty low, although Samsung had to recall a lot of cell phones because of that risk. The EV battery pack may have about 2500 cells in a small vehicle or over 10000 cells in a large vehicle. The risk of fire starting is up to 10000 times higher for an EV than for a cell phone. If a single cell in an EV ignites then it will start a cascade failure through the entire battery pack. The size of an EV fire is in no way comparable to the size of an phone, tablet, or laptop fire. The comparison of the likelihood of a gasoline vehicle fire is distorted due to the fact many gasoline vehicle fires are started on purpose by criminals destroying vehicles they have stolen. Yes, those are included in the vehicle fire statistics. If a proper hazard risk analysis is done for these EV cars, we would possibly find they should not be approved for sale. Another attribute of EV battery packs is that they degrade quickly with age. An ICE vehicle with a hundred thousand miles on it is still a pretty good vehicle with a little resale value. A used EV may have a battery pack near end of life with a travel range that make is useless. Replacing the battery pack will far exceed the value of the vehicle. The EV is the disposable vehicle because rapid degradation of the battery pack destroys the vehicle resale value. Try buying a vehicle warranty for an EV with over 70, 000 miles on it!
