r/Nuclearrevenge I Filled Her House with Poo

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0:00 Intro
0:07 Fired revenge
5:21 Deported
8:31 Cleaning
12:17 Smashed

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This is why you KEEP YOUR DOGS ON A LEASH! And give them proper training for safety.


For the cat litter story, the neighbor was unhinged. OP did nothing wrong with their trash routine, so the neighbor was not justified at all. I’m glad that OP got some revenge and that the neighbor stayed away after that.


Last story: The line a dog cross when killing a big cat, to getting on to a small kid, is so so small sometimes. That's why that dad did what he did.


The last story. And warning ⚠️

My dad did something similar but with a tricycle. The neighbors had a classic junk yard dog, was mean and always tried to bite anyone who passed the house. Of course my dad had a cat named Sugar but was like Tom who loved teasing this dog whenever it could. However one day the dog finally got out and chased it to our backyard.

The cat managed to hide but my brother, who was 3, was in the yard playing. The dog cornered him and he started to cry. The kitchen has a window you can see the yard and my dad said that was one of a handful of times his heart stopped. And super papa bear was activated!

He jumped out of the window and just grabbed the closest thing, which was my brothers metal tricycle. And proceeded to bash this dog over the head with it until it just was no longer attacking.

My dad called the cops, the neighbor was beyond pissed but my dad said he was just numb.

Well karma came for the neighbor! The dog was supposed to be put down 2 years prior because it had a bad bite history. But instead just lied and gave the dog a different name and said he adopted it. This was the 70s when this happened. And he got fined and all kinds of trouble!

For years that neighbor just flipped us off whenever we saw each other anywhere and everyone knew but were on my dad's side. But was also why we weren't allowed to have bells on our bikes because my dad says it just brought that memory back hearing them.

I love dogs but that doesn't mean I won't fight one and win if my family or pets are in danger!


As a clean mom with three cats, this is nuclear revenge at its finest 👏
That cat urine smell is SO HARD TO CLEAN


Story 3: I don't know if the neighbor threw trash in OP's house as a power move, or incorrectly assumed OP was some trashy pollutant, but all of this could've been avoided if she just talked to OP.

In fact, a lot of problems can be avoided by just talking about it


Story 2: First off, don't cheat, but even then, don't screw over or tick off the people that know, they WILL snitch.

Honestly, if he graduated, I doubt he would've gotten away with it for long once he got a job.


The last story happened to my boyfriend. He went walking in the woods behind their house and found the corpses of their missing kittens. The neighbor's dog came into the clearing and started chewing on the corpse of my BF's favorite kitten. He said he blacked out and next thing he knew the dog was dead and he carried the dog back to the neighbor's house. He went back and buried the kittens, luckily one kitten never got caught by the dog and that baby is still alive and well after several years


When I heard, "I filled her house with 💩" as a form of nuclear revenge. I was imagining someone purposely causing a sewer backup or unloading the contents of a spetic truck into a living room. Throwing bags of used kitty litter just feels petty. This is coming from a cat owner, so I'm familiar with the stench.


Worst smell: a freezer filled with game meat that had been turned off and not opened for years, that smell still haunts me


Story 2: This is why when someone wants you to do something risky for them, always demand payment UPFRONT. No payment? No help. He really thought just because OP is his friend, he wouldn't dare do what he did, but lo and behold, he ruined his own life. Well, if only if he paid him completely or came clean about the situation!


....so, I assume Magic didn't survive. Poor girl. I hope that family never got another dog.


13:33 the blurred part: You could see blood and grey matter it was gnarly. It's eye socket was also smashed.


In the late 60’s my mother had a female Siamese with a name that translated as “Darling”. Initially. My mother was thinking of breeding her but situations prevented that so she was altered. As she aged she was allowed out of the house but she stayed mostly in our yard. As he just didn’t allow trespassing animals. Kittens from across the street were rolled back across in a manner that they weren’t harmed. One day a young German Shepherd male entered our yard and growled at her. She swiped his side then vaulted over him to swipe the other side. This dog’s tail couldn’t get even more tucked between its rest legs as he yelped and ran home. She stayed in her domain watching the dog run away never to be seen around our property again.


People who refuse to train their dogs should not be legally allowed to have them. The only person responsible for that dog's death was the dog's owner. This was entirely avoidable with training and a goddamn leash.
If your pet is off leash and it hurts someone or gets hurt by someone it is 100% on you. I dont care if its friendly. It could run up to someone hoping for pets and cuddles and it would STILL be the owners fault if the person the dog approached hurt it.
That dog died because of a terrible owner.
And OP didnt say it but if the cat died too that's two lives on that terrible neighbor's hands.
Id do the same for my cat but I cant imagine the trauma of having to do that. Even if the dog was attacking and I knew I was 100% in the right like OPs Dad was it would still haunt me for the rest of my life.


2nd story - the cheater cheated his accomplice. What an effing surprise. There are two muppets in this story, just one of them is also vindictive.


Missing details from the last story: 1) Was the cat killed? (seems from edits that it was, but that wasn't mentioned in the story) 2) Did the dad _tell_ the neighbor that the dog killed the cat? Because otherwise to them it just looks like some psycho murdered their dog for no reason and threatened to do the same to them.


A neighbor's pitbull got ahold of the family dog once while my dad was walking her. Our dog was under a year old and a bit bigger than a shih tzu. The dog had gotten out, so our neighbor (who was either a cop or an ex-cop) followed shortly after and helped restrain the pitbull. The family dog had to go to the emergency vet and recovered to live another 10-15 years, but since our neighbor was a man, she was scared of grown men (aside from my dad of course) for the rest of her life. It wasn't actually the neighbor's pitbull, but his daughter's boyfriend's pitbull. The dog supposedly didn't have a history of violence, but that incident alone was enough for our neighbor to offer to put the dog down. If you don't train your dog or keep them under control, then you have no right to complain when someone else steps in and eliminates the threat.


Story 1 typical American workplace throws you into a dumpster fire then blames the worker for everything. I will say I'm surprised OSHA actually did anything since they don't typically give an F and most places bribe the inspectors


So we all have the same morning routine 😂
