Understanding Johnny Depp Films and Characters 😮 (how to be a good actor)

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Spanning across numerous Johnny Depp films, watching countless interviews and speeches, you can observe a defining element about Johnny Depp. He’s perhaps trying to tell you something, but with his brilliantly spoken dialogues and stumbling with realtime words, he’s may be unable to convey what he really wants to say. This got me thinking about what this engaging actor is really trying to tell us?
“When you add up the amount of dialogue that you say per year and you realize that you’ve said written words more than you’ve had a chance to say your own words, you start thinking about that as an insane option for a human being.” — Johnny Depp, BBC Radio Interview, 29th of July 2013

If you visualize Johnny Depp films, you’ll get a very vivid image of perhaps Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow, Willie Wonka and the Mad Hatter. The way Johnny looks, smiles, thinks, talks, moves and interacts while embodying these characters, is how he distances himself from the reality.
But if you dial back the distance, you’ll find your way to three key Johnny Depp Films. Ed Wood, Donnie Brasco and Black Mass! This is where Johnny was able to take the reality and made you believe the fictional world is the reality. To support the suspension of disbelieve, all these stories were based on real-life characters.
These projects were like character arcs where Johnny went from a failed resilient movie director to a below the radar undercover cop to an insanely dark criminal who wouldn’t think twice before pulling the trigger on you.

Encapsulating all these projects are his interviews, holding your attention for the same reason his performances hold your attention. Johnny tries to say something in a manner that immediately grabs you.
You begin to think like he’s hiding something, carefully searching for his words and sentences.
Watch interviews with stars like Dicaprio or Cruise, you’ll see how they’re enjoying these moments of stardom and spotlight whereas Johnny seems very off-putting about living these moments. He seems like he desperately wants to go back to whatever character he was playing at the time, giving him the medium he thrives in, fully expressing himself where his real-life personality doesn’t allow him the same freedom on a psychological level.

In the middle of the 1980s, Johnny was going absolutely broke, but his salvation was just around the corner. It came as a lead role in the TV series 21 Jump Street. Johnny instantly rose to fame and prominence as his portrayal became a huge hit with the teenagers. But instead of enjoying the spotlight and the millions that came with it, he became disgruntled with the recognition attached to being known as a teen idol.
This is where Johnny Depp the mad actor was born. He went on to choosing roles that moved him farther and farther away from the reality he created for himself, saving him from the materialistic problems of his life. Even though his highly despised role placed him on the right track, he’s perhaps disturbed by the fact the thing which saved him was something he hated. This perhaps led him to create unhinged storytellers, psychotic lovers, hallucinating writers.
In the middle of Johnny Depp Films, there’s a musical horror story titled Sweeny Todd. Arguably the darkest character Johnny played, someone who wants nothing but revenge from the man who wronged him. He’s driven only by the thought of killing his enemy and once he achieves this goal, the story ends with Johnny dying holding his dead wife close. The narrative allowed Johnny to combine two of the most crucial elements that helped him define who he is today, his intense love for music and his knack for creating quirky characters.
It doesn’t surprise me how he made Sweeny Todd in a collaboration with Tim Burton, the master of cold, dark and oddly mysterious storytelling. Producer Scott Rudin once defined Burton and Johnny’s collaboration as Johnny playing Tim Burton in all of Tim Burton movies and even though Burton dismissed the comment, Johnny nodded a ‘yes’.

The end of Sweeny Todd is where I realized what Johnny is trying to say…, he’s trying to say absolutely nothing. He’s simply trying to act, he’s simply trying to express himself. He continues to choose acting as his prime form of expression because it allows him to not be who he is and make a great living out of it. He’s trying to act his way through and out of life. Just like Sweeny Todd, Johnny is perhaps driven by one goal, the goal to search for himself by not being himself which brings me to his statement in the interview with BBC radio, I don’t think he’s going anywhere.
He may believe acting to be an insane option in the long run for a human being, but Johnny Depp with all his talent, creativity, thoughts, movements and words would rather die than not be able to make us believe how all his characters were nothing but real. All sides of Johnny Depp might disappear someday, but Johnny Depp the actor is going nowhere.

#johnnydepp #johnnydeppfilms
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He is the definition of a character actor. He just wants to have fun. And portrait interesting characters. He recently just said. He just wants to be a punk rock actor. And he is.


I'm on a Johnny and Tim Burton binge now, especially coming up to Halloween. He's a very talented guy, and so magnetic, and a good guy. He's going through a rough patch now, but all the best people do. At least 6 of his films are in my all time favourites.


God bless u all. Johnny is a blessed amazing talent treasure from God. I own alot of Johnny's dvds.💚💜💙💛💖👏🙏


he's a genius with such a beautiful face in the planet


I couldn't have said it better myself! I agree totally! Johnny is a real genius when it comes to his acting!;(even though he doesn't see it that way!) That includes when he creates a character!


I think Jack Sparrow is quite close to his own personality but public pressure does not allow him to work like this so he seems so tense in front of the audience. He is a friend of Marilyn Manson. They are those people who don't fucking care what people think but it is sad that Depp is a famous actor who makes lots of kids movies and love one. He is required to maintain a positive image which makes him struggles a lot. (Just a personal opinion)


My darling husband to be Johnny Depp is a screen genius


"But instead of enjoying the spotlight and the millions that came with it, he became disgruntled with the recognition attached to being known as a teen idol" -- This very statement. We question a man who's reacting quite normal to an obsessive and distorted society and culture. Amounting any person to the status of stardom along with its immense scrutiny and fame will have an effect. We ourselves idolise those scenarios (the stardom, the fame, the money) and when someone else who's got it, isn't enjoying what we crave - somehow they're "disgruntled" and psychologically inept? Who are we as people? Where are our priorities? This man is trying to balance and navigate his life as best he could given his circumstances.

We should question those who portray this level of pseudo happiness; I'm sure we all love and value our privacy and ability to be in control of who we are. The very nature of his profession robs him of that pleasure most of the time - hence his quote.

I do think we should listen carefully to the words of Johnny Depp, as he teaches us incredible humility, patience, the importance of honesty and kindness.


I liked your video, but Johnny Depp has found his true love and that's playing in his band. He's always been a true musician first. 🍒


I really can relate to your personality


I've never thought of an actor's movie choices in this great depth, and what it potentially says about who they are as a person. Fascinating stuff.

I am adding this to a new monthly playlist of Storytellers on YouTube that I am creating.


Johnny Depp is the most amazing man I've ever seen in my life I love him so much he is the best ever


Johnny Depp is talents treasure from gob.... He is Love u JD


Very good video. Indeed, he enjoys the art and the work, he is not there for the fame.


My beautiful man Always and Forever 💖🎥💕❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻💋💫🍀🌹


Yea or maybe he just has anxiety or something bc of his way he says stuff
Like I do exactly what he does bc of anxiety but idk maybe just me




I would never have seen the video if I hadn't stopped by the Premier pro Reddit. I enjoy your work.


Your video making skill is fucking amazing.
