Everyone Plays a Cleric in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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0:00 - Sponsor
1:13 - Intro
2:31 - An All cleric Party
8:23 - Our All Cleric Party Picks
17:00 - Combat
24:23 - Exploration
27:23 - Social
29:57 - Winning Strategies
32:33 - Party Weaknesses
34:56 - Adventure Ideas
39:30 - Ranking

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Here's a campaign idea: a clerics only party is summoned by the gods to put an end to the dark age brought by the wizards only party as they slowly approach the apex of their power.


We managed to run a bards only campaign for 3 years. A clerics only campaign would be an absolute breeze comparatively


the 4 horseman of the apocalypse party. War, Death, Nature and Trickery not sure if affective but very story driven posssible.


Regarding the “level 20 clerics vs level 20 wizards”, the clerics have 4 guaranteed divine interventions. That’s pretty strong. It’s effectively 4 wish spells.


I love the thought of an all Cleric party that follows the same deity all using Divine Intervention in the same combat like, "Mom/Dad didn't pick up the phone! You try calling them!" as they roll the dice one after another.


A group of all Warforged Clerics tracking down and recovering magic items and such to build their own Warforged god!!! I need to run this campaign asap!


My DM ran a one-shot for my birthday a couple years ago, and we called it "Oops all clerics!" because cleric is my favorite class. It was a lot of fun! The domains made us all still feel very different!


Just remember, as clerics (and support as a whole) our job isn't healing, it's deciding who lives and who dies.


I think it's interesting that they both chose Trickery even though it was their lowest rated subclass. The problem with the Trickery domain is that there are other classes that can do what it does so much better, but in the context of an all cleric party it fills a small but necessary niche


i can see a 4 cleric party having a day where theyre like ''WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO ONE BROUGHT ANY HEALING SPELLS TODAY'' cause they all assume the others have it covered


If this series goes on through enough classes (and I hope it does) we'll eventually get to the power rangers


hey, the twilight, peace, trickery, and light is absolutely perfect thematically. as a concept, the twilight domain includes all of those elements. imagine the other 3 clerics as the corners of the twilight triforce.


Guiding Bolt, an upcastable attack roll spell, will be this group's best friend.


I would imagine Cleric is one of the best classes to fill your party with.


35:32 for a "4 horsemen of the apocalypse" themed cleric party, if you want to go with the classic "war, death, famine, pestilence/plague" themed, I'd take the following to fill each role:
+War Rider - War Domain.. obviously
+Death Rider - Grave Domain. The death rider is less about bringing death and more about gathering the dead, as he is described as being followed by hades, the resting place of the dead. Likewise the Grave domain is about watching over the line between life and death. To resist death, or to desecrate the dead’s rest, is an abomination. Grave domain also focuses on the death itself and imo, it fits better than the death domain.
+Pestilence Rider - Death Domain. some deities who have Death as their domain also have poison and disease as a domain. this domain tends to focus on the school of necromancy and necrotic damage more than actual death. Many Necromancy spells tend to make the target sick or inflict a disease or poison on the target and so Death domain would work well. (also, in a lot of fantasy, zombies and vampires are created by diseases of different kinds so that'd work with the undead aspect as well)
+Famine Rider - Tempest Domain. this one was a hard one to decide upon. at first, the sound of Nature domain seems to be a perfect fit but nature domain is more about growth and command of plants as well as communicating and commanding animals. kinda the opposite of a famine. however, famines are often caused by a huge storm causing fires or floods that wipe out crops. so a cleric who commands such forces seems like a good fit. Oh, and the spell "Insect Plague" is on their domain spell list.. a plague of insects would cause famine as they eat all the food.. so there is that. lol. I'd have used death domain as some necromancy spells do cause withering effects on plant life and would be a great fit but can't use repeat domains in this and death was already taken (and fits better overall in pestilence imo). so Tempest domain is my pick for famine.

now those are the classic interpretations of the horsemen. however, if you want to be more biblically accurate, there is no pestilence rider. instead, there is a "conquest" rider. and if we used this (conquest, war, famine, and death) than the domains i would use to fill each role are as follows:
+Conquest Rider - War Domain. the conquest rider is going out to conquer. he's actively fighting. war domain is all about battle and some of the gods who hold it as a domain also hold conquest as a domain. It fits well.
+War Rider - Forge Domain. in the bible, it mentions that the war rider is "given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other". how do you make men slay each other? you give them weapons. weapons must be forged, so craftsmen are the backbone of war and the forge domain fits this better than the war domain.
+Famine Rider - Death Domain. pretty much as i mentioned above in the pestilence rider and famine rider of the classic horsemen.. death domain focuses on necromancy spells and necrotic damage and many necromancy spells have strong effects on plant life. it was my first choice above but i couldnt use it up there.. i have no restrictions here and it does fit better than the tempest overall.
+Death Rider - Grave Domain. Pretty much everything stated above still applies here.


In my newest campaign, my players are all artificers. They just wanted that. Bag of holding for everyone:D


Combine your four spirit guardians to make an Asura and have it wield all four of your spiritual weapons.


I ran a one shot called cleric con, a whole party of clerics vs undead waves like cod zombies, with a random magic item from the magic item table after every wave.
It was a complete slaughter for the undead! Really hard to balance!


4:12 I love this idea because it reminds me a lot of the cleric in my long-running (like three years at this point I think?) Tyranny of Dragons campaign. He’s an arcana domain cleric who serves the universe itself. His holy symbol has been the ying-yang symbol and a set of scales at different points in the campaign, and for every healing/buffing spell he takes he takes a damaging/debuff spell to counterbalance it. It’s also fun because his rival in the party is my wild magic sorcerer, born from a literal knot in the weave. The cleric is super cool, and definitely the strongest member of the party.


Last year I ran 6 session campaign with 2 Paladins and 3 Clerics. It was a blast.
