ORICO 5 Bay Sata Dock Box for Chia Farming

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Poor Investor Discord:
Orico 5 Bay Docking Station

📙Reading: Bubble or Revolution
🎧 Audible: Block Chain

Blue Yeti Black


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every time i see a new video of you and chia you make my day


I have the 4 bay for an OMV Pi NAS what I noticed is the response time tend to increase when utilizing all 4 bay at the same time. I believe it's something to do with the chipset even a single drive its slower compare to my Sabrent one. You might want to monitor the farming logs hopefully your model is better than I have. I found the board from a seagate backup plus is pretty fast I'm planning to buy a couple of those from ebay and just use the board with a 120watts power brick a dc plug splitter to minimize the clutter.


I have the same set up as you but like three of them so 15 slots for hard drives and I’ve been having them for I think two months now and they’re working good


That glossy plastic is a real bummer. How's your unit looking now?


I looked at these plenty before I decided too expensive for it is and not well available. Then I decided to build my own JBODs.


I have been looking at something similar but the fully enclosed version. Just can't justify the price atm! I took the plunge with Hpool and have 0.2 chia since last Monday. I'm on a similar amount of plots to you. Keep up the good content 👌


If the block challenge arrive at 00:01:00 then you normally can't see when the harvester tried to farm it by logs, but take a look at arrival time, then you'll see about 10 sec before it pass over filters then answer under 1 or 2 secs. Going back to time lord... If the time lord is in China you loose, a monster farm won. Your harvesters had no time to try to farm that it was already won


This is something I want to look into also. You are Lucky to have a lot of drives still :) I'm empty 😕 waiting for drives to come.


hey, make sure you test the proof times on plots stored in those drives, I'm wondering if it will be too slow since they all share the same I/O


I bought one of these when they were $69(Nice). Now they are 2 times the amount. They are jacking up prices since they are popular. I have a small fan pointing at mine just to keep them cool.


wish you showed more of the Dock, like the Size of it, how much space takes up on the desk and such. Looking to upgrade my dual bay dock to one of these. Ill use the dual bay for offline cloning as it has that functionality. Not comfortable enough with running my own raid set up and worried down the line if a hard drive dies, and I can't find that make and model anymore with all the new hardware coming out. I also wonder if you can clone 4 drives from the source drive all at once...


Most of these docks or enclosure bays are most likely support 10 TB max per dock/bay. And the connection, if you're not going to copy all your plots to all of the HDDs in every docks/bays at once, it should be fine.

I use external HDDs with USB hubs instead (look for the hub that uses the USB 3.1 Gen 1 chip, e.g. VL817 or GL3520). Because when I bought them at Newegg, there's no limit in quantity (WD Element 8TB) as opposed to internal HDD which was limited to 4 units for each customer.


Its was around 60USD few months back. Those came from China and they have jack up the price as well. But it would make disk management easier.


pro tip: Look for open box HDD Docks on Amazon ;) usually like 30% off


looked into this dock before too. it is very expensive, for the same price we can go with separate individual SATA to USB3.0 adapter(with power adapter) would be much cheaper then mount HDD onto those 5 slot HDD rack with cooling fan. Also if not mistaken, this dock has auto sleep function which will cause all HDD on this dock go to sleep and plot wont get proof/passed filter. this dock need to separately put cooling fan too, done stacking 2 HDD together and it is quite hot to touch. If 5 then it would be even more heat accumulated.


Now for the magic question: Can you RAID "JBOD" all 5 drives? Or only 4.... I got one but it only lets me JBOD 4 without an error. What say you?


Hey, just wondering, have you given up on Hpool? I'm still sitting on the fence trying to decide if I jump in or not. Chia-Core looks a bit sketchy from what I have heard. At the moment I'm still waiting it out for official pools. Almost 900 plots, 0 XCH.


I joined Chiacore 2 days ago and so far I earned .008002 XCH. The estimated reward when I started was .000083 /Block, now it is .00004412. Also, my 153 plots represent .002308% of the total plot count right now and as expected... diminishing also. If this is an indication of how things will be when the pool start then this does not look like it's worth it.
It's like a pyramid scheme where you need to keep recruiting (adding Hard drive) unit the population (Network space) get so big that it's not sustainable and will eventually collapse. But the guy on top of the scheme will still be rich in the end. Am I right? Should I start thinking of other use for my HD?


The problem with most of these docks is they don't have fans. Drives need some degree of active cooling if you want them to last a reasonable amount of time - no matter what they tell you with external drives sitting there at 60C+. :D I'd stick a fan on it - ideally a PC fan with a USB to PC fan adapter cable. They're cheap and work quite well.


I just passed 500 plots! Amazon warehouse is a good place to find deals. I bought a QNAP 2.5Gb ethernet NAS and a 2.5Gb switch to speed up transfers. I am returning the NAS and switch. Transferring plots over multiple USB connections takes the same amount of time. I am running out of power outlets for external hard drives. Found a power strip I can use at Home Depot with 12 outlets for $23.