Marxism and Gender

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Join us for this session of HM Online 2021: Marxism and Gender
The two-dimensional woman: capital(ism) and domestic labor in light of Robert Kurz’s writings
Nuno Miguel Cardoso Machado. Researcher at SOCIUS, CSG, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
Luxemburg’s approach of imperialism as a perspective on nature, race and gender
Jonas Van Vossole, Center for Social Studies, Coimbra University, Portugal
‘A Marxist-Feminist Discussion on Female Labour Force Participation and Intra-Household Dynamics in Post-Pandemic India’
Satyaki Dasgupta, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA
Annesha Mukherjee, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, India
This event is co-sponsored by Historical Materialism and Haymarket Books. While all events for HM Online are free to register, the organizers ask comrades who are able to please consider making a donation, which would help enormously in covering the costs of putting together this programme of events. Like all left organisations, HM had a very tough period from the beginning of 2020 and our budgets are very stretched and bank balance is sinking all the time, with very little revenue coming in. If you can make a contribution to help keep us afloat, please don’t hesitate!
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Twitter: @haymarketbooks
The two-dimensional woman: capital(ism) and domestic labor in light of Robert Kurz’s writings
Nuno Miguel Cardoso Machado. Researcher at SOCIUS, CSG, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
Luxemburg’s approach of imperialism as a perspective on nature, race and gender
Jonas Van Vossole, Center for Social Studies, Coimbra University, Portugal
‘A Marxist-Feminist Discussion on Female Labour Force Participation and Intra-Household Dynamics in Post-Pandemic India’
Satyaki Dasgupta, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA
Annesha Mukherjee, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala, India
This event is co-sponsored by Historical Materialism and Haymarket Books. While all events for HM Online are free to register, the organizers ask comrades who are able to please consider making a donation, which would help enormously in covering the costs of putting together this programme of events. Like all left organisations, HM had a very tough period from the beginning of 2020 and our budgets are very stretched and bank balance is sinking all the time, with very little revenue coming in. If you can make a contribution to help keep us afloat, please don’t hesitate!
Follow us!
Twitter: @haymarketbooks