Nancy Fraser: Marx and Feminism

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Noted scholar Nancy Fraser joined us for a wide-ranging interview covering Marx' and Engels' view of social reproduction, the tension between class, gender, and race, and the need for a "Feminism for the 99%"

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I feel like Marxism was supposed to evolve over and be built on as society changed and to state that an outdated version of Marxism should not be a reference point for a modern stance.


Chale, increíble entrar a cualquier video sobre marxismo y feminismo y ver los comentarios llenos de mansplaining, desacreditación fortuita y sobre todo el típico argumento de que el feminismo divide a la clase trabajadora.

En efecto, así como hay una socialdemocracia muy cuestionable por sus coqueteos liberales, hay un feminismo liberal muy concentrado en el tema de la propiedad como único elemento de libertad. Sin embargo no todo el feminismo es liberal, lo cual sabrían si lo leyeran más y no solo criticaran a lo wey. Un feminismo transectorial que reconoce no solo las diferencias de clase, sino de raza, preferencia sexual y más.

Pero bueno, machos hay donde sea, y muchos se disfrazan de marxistas para escupir su odio.


There is the subject/object (Marxism). The object is the material. It can be investigated by empirical science means. But this mode of thought can be found in any level. The observing a material object is the most powerful way of interact. Then there are subject/subject (where feminism seems to cultivate. ecofeminism. they do not assume objectified science. therefore more focusing in the social science and phenomenology.) Object/object is also possible (such as Newtonian mechanics.)


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Such an enlightening view of the world, but through a crooked lens.


In order to criticize Marx and marxism you have to read most of marxist's literature, something that takes time and effort. This lady read a few quotes of Marx and pretend to be able, to have the necessary knowledge to say that he did not studied or denounced the economical exploitation of women and its significance in capitalist society and how the condition of women affected their families under capitalism.


This woman has no idea what she’s talking about.


As a Marxist Postal Worker, nothing is more empowering freeing and humbling then meeting my partner/spouse as an equal in our home and finding new and creative ways to share the domestic work load. I carry so much inherited privilege being a white male, so it’s been a very difficult but rewarding road and there’s so much ground to cover. Please, if you have not yet factored this dimension into your solution to a new and better society, wait no longer, in fact start here and work out the door.


Lol. So a feminist pretending to judge the work of men far intellectually superiors to her. Interesting. That's feminism on its "best".
