American Girl Gets The Shock Of Her Life

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American girl teaches me Clementine 😎
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Grace from Boston, here!

Thanks, Dr. K, for such an amazing memory. It was a long and frustrating day in Paddington before you turned up, made my day, and blew my mind. I’d give anything to play like that someday! It was such a privilege to witness.

For those curious, I wanted to address a few things:

1. I didn’t realize how many cans I had accumulated! 😂 for the wondering, there was a recycling bin a few meters away from that piano. I sort of staggered over and dropped them all in on my way to the platform. I looked like a jackass, but it was an overall success.

2. I’ve had my head shaved for ten years now. I love it and it’s so easy to maintain. For those asking about job interviews: I part my hair in the middle when I want to cover the shaved side! Works like a charm. So, that’s a tip for any other Skrillex impersonators out there looking to feign respectability!)

I think I’ve heard almost every joke under the sun about my hair—and truly, I love those, too. So, it’s more than cool if you want to make some fun to that effect (I need a laugh anyways)—just know that nothing you say will EVER top the Irish bloke who told me I should be proud for surviving cancer (I have never, ever had cancer), but that hospital staff should’ve noticed that the chemo only “took” to one side 💀 💀 💀

3. I’m feeding trolls by even mentioning it, I know, but I have to ask that comments about my chest be kept to a minimum. That’s partially because I’m not compelled to explain to strangers why I don’t wear bras to sit on 12 hours of connecting trains, but it’s mostly because ☠️ 🚨 MY EXTENDED FAMILY CAME ACROSS THIS VIDEO AND ARE FORWARDING IT TO EVERYONE I KNOW 🚨 ☠️ I just don’t want, for instance, my Nana stumbling onto an extended hot take about my nipples. Now, I know that practically no one will honor this wish of mine. This is the internet, after all. But, if you were, like… on the fence about weighing in on this topic, this is perhaps something to bear in mind.

Also, I’m *very* amused that some found this video worth commenting on to begin with. It isn’t exactly sexy (except, of course, for those tunes 🎵 😎 🎹)! Please let me know if you need some porn recommendations, or something? I don’t have any on hand, but I’m open to looking into it. There are better places on the internet for this content, I promise—you don’t have to do it in the boogie woogie comment section 😶

4. I have to give a huge, awestruck THANK YOU to those of you who uncovered my creative writing blog after watching this video! I’m not sure how on earth that came about, but seeing people engage with my work again has meant the world to me. In recent years, I stopped writing altogether in a sudden crisis of confidence. I miss it all of the time. Some of your comments have been so honest and so kind that I’m inspired to try and start back up again. I would love to share the link in question (for the benefit of any other folks who might be interested in the ramblings of an overly verbose twenty-something with too many interests and not enough serotonin), but I don’t use YouTube very often. I’m not sure if pasting links in comments gets them flagged as spam?

Anyways, thanks to all of you for tuning into such an unforgettable, hilarious, completely unanticipated moment in my life! I’m wishing you all the best. Now, troll away.

GT 🖤


Grace, your name describes you. A wonderful, gracious young lady with a million dollar smile.


Oh, this was a song when I was a kid. My first time to hear again n now am a senior citizen. Nice n favorite song of the oldies. Thank toy Dr K.


I love watching this man surprise people


Dear Grace… you are simply marvelous in every way. Your parents named you well.


I come back regularly to watch this. 1:49 is a classic when he launches into it, much to this wonderful human beings surprise 😀😎


Strangers becoming friends, music bringing them together, smiles, laughter. Just what I needed in this covid shit break that we are enduring. Nice one folks.


Grace: you are a lovely person and a great sport. Your humble personality and warm spirit really makes this video. Thank you so much.


Human emotion at its best.... Have a great life Grace.


Hair suits her .it's cool and she's natural and comfortable in herself and in the moment not rehearsed!


This guy and these videos always put a smile on my face especially when I’m feeling down. I also feel like I wish I would have learned to play an instrument.


Music is such a healer to any pain you may have and I love peoples reaction to your videos, great work .


I just have to start my day watching on of these videos! Thank you! Music and people enjoying it is such a spirit-lifter.


Brendan makes me laugh and cry at the same time, what a great man!


thank you for this great people's moment...God be with you


She is what we call a free sweet!


legend has it that girl is still trying to gather up and carry her soda cans.


Music is universal, it doesn't matter what language, what ethnicity you hail from, or how rich or poor you are, music will always speak to you in one way or another....


We were once chilling out on the grass across the quay in Sydney, watching the buskers.
There was a guy playing a keyboard moderately well and a little kid came along and started talking to him and asked to try...
The kid "went off" - he was so good and the crowd loved him.
The busker gave up and came and sat beside us.
I think the kid collected more cash in 20 minuted than the busker had made all day.
When the kid was done, the busker wanted to give him the takings - but the kid was just happy to have had some fun.


keep playing Grace!! Your beauty shines through :)
