PROCESSES TO COMPEL APPEARANCE, Section 63. Form of summons Every summons issued by a Court

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Section 64. Summons how served,

Section 65. Service of summons on corporate bodies, firms, and societies

Section 66. Service when persons summoned cannot be found

Section 67. Procedure when service cannot be effected as before provided

Section 68. Service on Government servant

Section 69. Service of summons outside local limits

Section 70. Proof of service in such cases and when serving officer not present

Section 71. Service of summons on witness

Section 72. Form of warrant of arrest and duration

Section 73. Power to direct security to be taken

Section 74. Warrants to whom directed

Section 75. Warrant may be directed to any person

Section 76. Warrant directed to police officer

Section 77. Notification of substance of warrant

Section 78. Person arrested to be brought before Court without delay

Section 79. Where warrant may be executed

Section 80. Warrant forwarded for execution outside jurisdiction

Section 81. Warrant directed to police officer for execution outside jurisdiction

Section 82. Procedure on arrest of person against whom warrant issued

Section 83. Procedure by Magistrate before whom such person arrested is brought

Section 84. Proclamation for person absconding

Section 85. Attachment of property of person absconding

Section 86. Identification and attachment of property of proclaimed person

Section 87. Claims and objections to attachment

Section 88. Release, sale and restoration of attached property

Section 89. Appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of attached property

Section 90. Issue of warrant in lieu of, or in addition to, summons

Section 91. Power to take bond or bail bond for appearance

Section 92. Arrest on breach of bond or bail bond for appearance
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