He Stole My Heart-Justlena/Jelena Ep 5

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The sound of dripping water woke up Selena from her deep sleep.She fluttered her chocholate brown eyes open and noticed that she sleept in the toilet.The screams had stopped,like always,but Selena knew that they would come back tonight again.They always  came back to her,not leaving her alone a single night
She dragged her weak body to her  closet and picked out black jeans,a black hood and black converse.She loved the  color black.She didn't really know why,maybe because they showed  how she looked inside,dark,empty,broken....The hazel eyed boy was something she couldn't stop thinking about.No matter how hard she tried to forget him and what happend,she just couldn't "Why am I thinking about him" Selena mumbled to herself.She felt stupid.Thinking about a boy who killed her father in front of her was not something a normal person would do.

All eyes were on her when she stepped in the classroom.Some eyes judged her,some eyes admired her and some eyes just wanted something to  gossip about in the caffeteria .Selena was now the famous/popular  girl who was brave enough to say something to the bad boy.Of course people wanted talk to her,get to know how she got the courage to stand up against him or just find something to gossip about,but she didn't want the attention.Selena prefered to be the invisible girl,who no one knew existed until the teacher called her up and then they would forget about her excistens again.If  you asked any student a couple days before the incident,they would just shrug their shoulders and say that they didn't know any Selena Gomez on this school.Hell,if she didn't need to do homework or other projects,the teachers wouldn't even know she existed.Unfortunately she couldn't go unnoticed anymore."Ignore them Selena.Just ignore them" Selena mumbled to herself as she pulled the black hood closer to cover her beautiful face.

She sat down,far down in the classrom,took out her sketchbook,were she always drawed the most beautiful things,and started to sketch the hazel eyes that have captured her mind.Selena was almost done with the drawning when she heard Mrs.Clark,her english teacher,trying to calm down the noisy class.She couldn't help but notice that Justin's seat was empty.She didn't knew why she suddenly cared about where Justin was or if he was okay.Minute by minute ticked by,but Justin didn't show up.Selena tried to find diffrent reasons why he didn't show up.Her thoughts were ocupied by him that the english lesson passed by in a blur.

All classes passed by,but the dirty blonde haired boy didn't show up.

Selena cursed herself as she kicked her locker, in the empty hallway,trying to close her locker,who seemed to have stucked,but she had the worst locker in the whole school,so that wasn't a suprises for her.No,the suprises would be if she actually could close it.
After much struggling with her locker ,Selena started to walk home.Unfortunately she missed the buss today.So she had to walk home,something selena hated the most.You see,thanks to Selena's mother,they live in a creepy neighbourhood and the only way home was an unwelcoming path through a dark allyway.

The street was completly empty as selena walked.It was a cloudy afternoon.Not a living soul was in sight.She walked closer and closer to the allyway that would lead her home.She took a deep breath,clutched her backpack harder to her back and started to walk through the creepy allyway.Brifly,she got a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach,as she walked down the dark allyway.There were steps echoing behind her,but Selena didn't really pay attention to it.Finally she was out of the allyway.Selena sighed relieved,happy that she get trough the allyway.As she walked on the street,Selena could feel eyes bore into her back,but this time she didn't want to ignore it.Selena looked behind her,trying to get a glance of the strangers behind.But nothing was there.Suddenly,she heard footsteps behind her.She clutched her backpack hard,in fear.As she speeded up her pace,the persons pace speeded up too.Her heart beated really fast,sweatdropps dropped down her forehead.If this stranger tried to attack her,so could no one help her, because not a single living person was outside.

She walked faster and faster as she saw her flat,in front of her.Selena felt slightly realived.The steps had stopped and selena let out a sigh of realive.Her keys jingled around as she tried to unlocke the door,but before she could unlock it ,a cold blade was pressed against her neck."Shh don't scream or els.."

Hope you enjoyed

Sorry for any mistakes

Stay awesome,my warriors
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OMG Love It Post Another One And I bet It's Justin Awwww Can't wait


please post another, where are you? xx


post another one of this please and i bet it's Justin hahaha lol, please post 
