What Is The AIDA Sales Method? (Free Cold Email Template)

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Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. AIDA Sales Method

You ever see that movie Glengarry Glen Ross? If not, I highly recommend watching Alec Baldwin's famous speech where he goes over AIDA and he goes over ABC, always be closing. Now, in today's video, I want to talk about what does that actually mean, what is attention, interest, desire, action when it comes to sales and what can we learn from this acronym. Let's get into it.

Also, I use this framework to craft a fool-proof cold email template for you guys to use.

0:00​ What exactly is AIDA?

1:47​ How does AIDA work for us?

3:33​ The origins of the AIDA framework

4:33​ How to use the AIDA framework in Cold Email?
/// R E S O U R C E S


#Sales​ #AIDA​ #Email10k​​


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Hey Alex! Been following you for a couple of years! Actually used the stuff you mention in your videos and got clients through it! Thanks for that!

Keep going on mate!


hey @alex berman! highly appreciate the value loaded in the video. Keep it coming, man!


love it alex. Btw how much is the video editor of this channel paid? Yes, I'm talking about you! You're reading this right now. Reply this comment dear.
