Josh Kerr Teaches Twin Fin Surfing | Like A Pro

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I think the reason most people complain about twin fins sliding out and not being good for high performance maneuvers is because the change on the feel and the way of riding vs a thruster is so different. You don’t learn instantly when switching from one setup to the other, you have to invest time and relearn how to surf on that new setup. If you give it the time your begin to rediscover new ways of applying force and release that goes along with your new equipment. When I got my custom twin I almost regret it instantly. It wasn’t until the 2nd month of having that board that I begun to really enjoy it. I now love and do not ride anything but twinnies


I have been riding a twin for a couple of years now and love the speed! Previous board was/ is a 5 fin Bonze. My personnel favorite riders are Torren M, Mikey F and Josh K., all 3 have such style and grace.


Thanks Kale, you've just reiterated to me how important the arms are in surfing your best. I do lack this part of my surfing and love these reminders watching your channel and surfing exploits!!! Richo from the Sunnycoast 🤙


It's cool how Kerrzy consciously thinks about arm movements to release fins.


Would defos say Asher Pacey was pushing twin fin surfing before Josh.


I just bought a twin fin fish a couple of weeks ago and have been scouring the internet for videos just like this!!! Love the pitch wobble on the piano in the intro too.


absolute legend, high arm just changed my twinny surfing. Just had the sickest waves in Mexico. Honestly cheers bro, big UK love to you and Keersy


So helpful with the backhand! Forehand my twinnie feels awesome, but any backside surfing I do I keep sliding out. Can't wait to try the back leg extension tip! Thank you!


Bob Simmons and Steve Lis would definitely not agree with the first sentence that came out of his mouth. Now with that said, Kerr is one of the smoothest new school surfers linking turns and power.
Footage of Josh surfing Kermas on a thruster shows his true talent


My first board ever was a twin fin. I think it’s a game changer for learning the flow of surfing and really helps you progress your ability in the water.


I think of it as setting the rail in the bottom turn on a twin fin. A little more in an extra pause at the bottom than you would on a thruster, and more smooth and gentle shifting of weight to back foot either front side or back side. it’ll also get you to blast up through the lip. as there’s no better feeling than an off the lip where you get pushed back out onto the flats (for me at least). The speed through carves and coming around from a round house cut back to go up and hit the foam bounce are also nice and faster feeling on a twin fin, but off the lips are the most fun in my experience. sort of a fine line between losing control and having the board right where you want it, it also looks the best style wise bc you’re pushing the envelope...


Josh"s surfing unbelievable. so much fun to watch this guy surfing wow


Can I sugest the most important difference is that doing a single or even double drop wallet is not a style thing but a functional thing on a front side carve. Rasta does this all the time because it works and keeps the rail engaged longer and bringing the board around. If you dont drop the wallet( drop your back arm first ) I reckon you will never be able to feel like you can push it.


Wow !! What a helpful dig in to surfing twin fin boards ! Super helpful!
Advice and tips where you can’t find on any other channel ! 🙌🏽 thank you so much for sharing kale !!


Lovely episode! Production quality through the roof. Really making some serious improvements. 🙏🏾


Loving these vids. Keen to get back on a twin again. Kale & Josh are close to my fav surfers. Lucky enough to have seen them both surf up close. Wouldn't it be awesome to get them together in the pool. Thanks KB.


I been riding 2 or 4 fins since the 80s and Kerr on a twinnie is pure magic...would have been epic to see him surf his final CT event on a twin.


Hey mate, love surfing twin fins since I tried it at UrbnSurf with you back in March. Board feels more alive and reactive, especially under the back foot. Much more fun than a quad set up in small waves!


I love the twin fin and will try to raise my back arm high to release the fins. Josh Kerr was ripping and nice tips for us to try 🙏🏾


I absolutely love your videos man. You’ve definitely allowed me to progress a lot more this past year than i would have with out your channel. Thanks brother! Stoked on the daily
