My Groin Hurts

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I had an Inguinal hernia operated on last year. It was caused by carrying my son upstairs to bed at My wife thinks I shouldnt be carrying our 16yr old son up to bed. She'll be telling me not to read him his bedtime story next.


I’ve had an umbilical hernia. Like you, went a few months and finally got it addressed. First couple days after surgery were terrible, didn’t realize how much my abdomen was used in daily life. I didn’t sneeze for around 5 days and I’m thankful for that. You got this.


Glad you got it diagnosed and taken care of quickly regardless of the three month poke. I actually went in right away but took them three years to diagnose it so I feel your pain and empathize. Don't sweat the procedure, it's waking anesthesia day surgery and the mesh isn't anything to be concerned about long term.


Had the same on my left side in my early 30’s and left it for quite a while as it wasn’t painful at the time. It just eased out a bit during sports and went back after rest. Eventually got it sorted after leaving it for a year or so, after my GP said it wasn’t urgent but sorting it early would be smarter 😁 had keyhole surgery and woke up having had it repaired AND got a 2-for-1 as they also repaired a very small one they spotted on my right side! Day surgery, in and out, painful to walk for a bit but actually heals pretty quickly. My only issue is that I developed an infection which meant an extra week or so walking like John Wayne 😂 but sorted itself out and hasn’t recurred since and that was probably about 10-15years ago. You’ll be fine Mark and back on a Parkrun podium in no time 💪😉


I had one several years ago, had the OP and have had severe nerve and pain problems ever since. Has caused all sorts of issues including impotence so be extremely careful in considering if it’s 100% necessary and or managing your recovery.


I've had two inguinal hernias at different times. Initially, I looked down and saw bump and was afraid I had groin cancer but after internet research I determine it was a hernia. Both were caused days or days after XCC or cyclocross bike races and having a really bad racers hack. I waited over a year to have each of the repairs since it was only really uncomfortable while standing up for long periods of time.


Hope you get it sorted asap get well soon


I had an abdominal hernia for 2 years, typical bloke kept leaving it, till it strangulated one day, managed to pop it back in. Wish id gone sooner though as the op was so simple and i was back to work after 2 weeks.


I was just diagnosed yesterday - so glad it wasn't my testicles!


For weeks recovery ! After the op you will be fine !


I just had one fixed ….just walk like a twat day after and walk every day until you can’t walk any more …. four weeks later full recovery gym and running it will be fine !


Mail me if you want to know exactly what happens after op . It’s been five weeks since mine . You will be very happy


I had that when I was 20, doing 160 pound front squat, quick sharp pain, walked it off, no worries, BUT I found for the next 6 months I could flex and push my guts into my nuts, it literally looked like I had a 3rd ball, pushed em back, neat party, got it operated on, HOLY F…..N SHIT, I couldn’t walk upright for 2 weeks, couldn’t laugh,


They are no laughing matter- can turn serious quickly especially after surgery and black boxes warnings on the materials! Yikes


For someone who makes fun of Jen's vocabulary and pronunciation you sure did struggle with inguinal. 😂
