EEVblog 1548 - Moon Landing Hoax BUSTED

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The Moon Landing Hoax conspiricy theory BUSTED with Dave's original proof.

Dave does something no one else has done before - compare the original Apollo 17 16mm ascent camera footage to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) photos.
Will footage from 40 years apart match up to confirm the moon landing?

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00:00 - The Moon Landing HOAX
00:27 - Apollo 17 ascent footage
02:05 - The little known 17mm film footage
03:02 - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter photos
03:35 - Can we match 40 year old film footage to current LRO photos?
05:47 - Take THAT!
07:51 - Gene Cernan
09:02 - The NVIDIA simulation photo proof

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I retired with 20 years working at NASA Kennedy Space Center. I have had numerous arguments with friends who claim it was all a hoax. This vindicates my whole reason for working and why I loved my job. Thank you.


I was 15 when Armstrong stepped on the moon. I sat watching with a 94 year old man who came to California in a covered wagon. He was very proud to have lived long enough to go from horse and wagons to men walking on the moon. What an amazing life.


They hired Kubrick to direct the fake moon landing, but he insisted on filming on location.


My favorite "conspiracy theory" was a joke published in the 90s. They couldn't get the gravity to look right on Earth so they faked the 1969 moon landing ON THE MOON. They could do this because they had actually landed there in the '50s and had a large base there already.


It's kind of hard to reason with someone whose basic premise is that everyone is lying. I do really appreciate the work you did here it's very nice.


If Apollo 18 taught us anything, it is that those tracts were made by jumping space spiders.


Stanley Kubrick faked it, but because he's a perfectionist he insisted NASA do the shoot on location.


I worked with one of the technicians that was at Parkes the day of the first landing. His argument was simple, "we were pointing the dish at the exact spot on the moon they were suppose to be and were getting the feed, either someone was there or an even more technically complicated thing was happening, someone was hovering exactly in line with Parks and Tranquility Base, out of visual range, relaying the signal" - that's still not really possible.


Yeah three men died one of THE most horrific deaths because they were faking the whole thing,
Rest in peace😔 Gus Grissom,  Ed White, and Roger B. Chaffee.


the best part about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis


I remember someone doing a more low tech experiment where they built a small scale model of the landing site and lighted it in different ways. It might have been Mythbusters. Their "in" was the people claiming that with the camera aperture set to capture the sunlit surface in the background the lander module and the astronaut climbing down should be totally black. To be able to get the details in the foreground the aperture would have had to be opened up resulting in a blown out background.

After some experimentation they got a lot of different pictures, some of them showing that same effect. But they also got pictures where the lander was visible and you could make out details on the astronaut without any problems. I don't remember if they got as close as the Nvidia simulation render, but it certainly wasn't the coal black shadows that the doubters claimed it should be. And the deciding factor was looking up the albedo value for the moon dust that astronauts had brought back and finding sand that closely matched that value.

The moon surface looks bright because it reflects a lot of the light. And it doesn't reflect it like a mirror but scatters it in every direction. So just as Neal Armstrong reflected the light so does all the lunar surface that is in the sun.

Makes you wonder if Neil saw the amount of light reflected on the lander as he moved out of the shadow and chose to stand there just to get good light for the photo or if it was just good luck.

Now remember these guys were not chosen because they were trained monkeys. They were all very intelligent and had a lot of skills. So it's not far fetched to think that he just happened to be a decent or perhaps even good photographer with an eye for lighting.

Having done some work in a photo lab I can say that this isn't necessarily the whole story. When making prints from a negative you have a lot of tweaking you can do to make it lighter or darker. You can change the dynamic range by playing with exposure time, light intensity, and aperture in the enlarger. You can use masks and manual shading techniques to improve the exposure of selected parts of a photo when making prints. It can be time consuming and takes some experimenting but it can save pictures with problematic exposure, and almost everyone who has made their own prints using an enlarger has dabbled in it.

If NASA wanted to get all details they could out of a picture I wouldn't be surprised if they put a lot of work into this process. It's still a valid picture, it just looks better as it brings out more details in both the blown out areas as well as in the deepest shadows.


Devil's Advocate: Matching a NASA video with a NASA image doesn't seem like the best evidence.


Spent 4 years at Orroral Valley tracking station here in Australia and we took over ALSEP support from Honeysuckle Creek on a daily basis until we shut ALSEP down on the 30th September 1977. The multiple ALSEP Installations sure didn’t fly to the lunar surface on a magic carpet, nor did they assemble and cable themselves..


I’ve always believed the moon landings… but one thing that’s always puzzled me is peoples aggression and hatred towards those asking questions. I’m in the middle on a majority of subjects, including politics. I like keeping an open mind, as that allows me to obtain a better perspective. I’ve seen videos of people, respectfully, asking legitimate questions to astronauts, and being met with hatred, and in some cases, physical violence. THAT is what made me start to look into the conspiracy theories so see if there was any legitimacy. I found none, and continue believing we went to the moon. However, it was the hatred and aggression coming from dogmatic people within the sciences, that made me question anything in the first place.


Me and Dave have something in common, I met Gene Cernan as well. Would have been about 1998, I was only 16 or so at the time and was to afraid to ask him any questions, but was still fun and I get to say I met the last person to set foot on the moon.


Hey Dave, My grandma never believed they landed on the moon.... she used to say, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."


Well done Dave! Excellent job.
A-17 launched on my 14th birthday, Dec 7 1972, but in South Africa we did not yet have television (that only arrived in 1976, and then only a test pattern 🤭) but I clearly remember pouring over the Sunday Times colour photos of the mission. I think I read every single article from top to bottom. These astronauts were my heros!! 🏆


I've got shots of Apollo 15 through one lens of binoculars and a Kodak X15 camera from 9 miles away in Titusville Fl. Most impressive series of ridiculously loud cannon explosions I personally have ever heard. Yep, the ground shook like an earthquake!
...and I brought a shoebox of lizards home 😎


This was probably one of the most elegant debunk videos I have seen on this subject. Good job.


They should build solar roadways on the moon. There are no buildings to put conventional panels on. Lets call them: lunar roadways
