Aziraphale & Crowley | Meetings Through The Ages | In Chronological Order | GOOD OMENS S1 + S2

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Well this took like 6000 years to finish and get up.
Mostly because of the BBC and their copyright obsession.

Scenes have been butchered / cut in order to avoid getting copyrighted.
Please go and stream the full seasons over at Amazon Prime if you wish to see the full scenes.

The chronological order of Crowley and Aziraphale meeting through the ages.

00:00 Heaven, Before the Beginning.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet as angels in Heaven.

00:56 Earth, Garden of Eden 4004 BC.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other for the first time as demon and angel.

01:39 Mesopotamia 3004 BC.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other by Noah’s ark before the flood.

02:13 Land of Uz 2500 BC.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other during the ‘God testing Job’-incident.

03:05 Golgotha 33 AD.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other by the crucifixion of Jesus. Crawley changes his name to Crowley.

03:37 Rome 41 AD.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other in a bar in Rome 8 years after the crucifixion of Jesus happened.

04:04 The Kingdom of Wessex 537 AD.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other as knights during the King Arthur of Camelot era.

04:54 London, The Globe Theatre 1601.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other during Shakespeare's play Hamlet.

05:56 France, Paris 1793.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other during the french revolution in the fortress of bastille. (yes bastille was demolished in 1790, bad Neil, bad! Though let's cut him some slack, this is after all fiction.)

06:31 Scotland, Edinburgh 1827
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other by a statue of angel Gabriel in a graveyard.

09:36 London, St James's Park 1862
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other by a duck pond. 35 years after the graverobbing incident.

10:09 London, Soho 1941
Aziraphale and Crowley meet during the blitz in a church, before traveling to the theatre of Camelot / West end stage / Windmill Theatre. (Ends at Aziraphale’s bookshop.)

17:06 London, Soho 1967
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other in Crowley’s car, outside the Dirty Donkey pub.

17:58 London, St James's Park, sometime between 2008-ish
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other by the duck pond, discussing the baby antichrist.

18:41 England, sometime between 2013-ish
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other on a bus 5 years after the meeting in St James’s Park.

19:01 Crystal Palace Park, London. Sometime between 2019-ish
Aziraphale and Crowley meet each other in Crystal Palace Park, London. (aka the park with dinosaurs statues). Takes place 6 years after the meeting in the bus.

19:20 England, Berkeley Square, 2019-ish
Aziraphale and Crowley meet in the garden at Berkeley Square after they have been cast out by Heaven and Hell. They go and dine at the Ritz.

20:15 England, London, Soho, Present Day 2023
Aziraphale and Crowley meet in the coffee shop (Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death) across the road from Aziraphale’s bookshop.

21:04 England, London, Soho, Present Day 2023
Aziraphale and Crowley meet in Aziraphale’s bookshop after the whole Gabriel situation has been dealt with. Crowley mentions that no nightingales are singing.
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I love how breaks between their meetings getting smaller and smaller through the time.


The way that Aziraphale was immediately infatuated with Crowley at their first meeting and Crowley was in love with the universe. So adorable. 🥰


For me its how Crowley's hair changes drastically every time period they meet and aziraphale looks exactly the same every time 😂


“Not the kids your can’t kill kids” - next meeting crowley pretends like he’s going to kill kids


I love that, as we now know that Elspbeth's story was just before the "holy water talk", we see exactly what prompted Crowley to ask for holy water for "insurance", however he meant it. we see that he got in trouble for doing something good (he prevented a suicide, indirectly gave money to the girl and directly told her to be a good person. that's something I don't see Hell forgiving easily) and disappeared for a few decades. they surely threatened him with destruction, if not downright punished/tortured him in some way. so naturally, when he is able to come back to Earth, he asks Aziraphale for a weapon to be able to prevent Hell from hurting him if something like that happens again.
and of course Aziraphale takes it the worst way, because obviously Crowley hasn't told him what Hell is capable of doing / has done to him (we see in both seasons that Crowley shields him from a lot of hurtful information). then again, bad communication (and Aziraphale not fully understanding how Heaven and especially Hell work) leads to a fight. tale as old as time, literally.


I like how Aziraphale, aside from whatever parts are necessary for his disguises, barely alters his appearance as he isn't very worldly (at least until he hangs around Crowley for a while). Crowley, meanwhile, tends to always try to be "trendy" for the time and goes all in with facial hair, accessories, etc. from the get go


What I actually hope for in season 3, as this is missing, is the story of Crowley falling as an angel. There has to be at least one, if not more, meeting between "before the beginning" and the story of Garden Eden. Also Aziraphale was not surprised at all to see him ther3 AND protected him without hesitation from the rain.


8:42 “you have sinned very bigly” in his aggressively scottish accent 🤌


I love how they made the crank Crowley wields at the end of the first season to be more associated with his character and not just some random part he had from his car when it blew up. But its actually the tool he used to create galaxies and nebulas when he was an angel. Very cool. I loved how they brought it back.


I love Crowley's squeal at 0:38. Thank you for putting this together!


Oh my god the hard cut from the cafe scene to the divorce ;-;
This was honestly really interesting to watch, you really see just how attached Aziraphale is to his idea of morality and Heavens ideology. Right up until the end he really only becomes soft with Crowley when he does something against his perceived demonic nature and says or does something ‘nice’ or ‘good’. Crowley is of course, a nice and good person, and in no way makes a good demon, but he’s definitely not angelic and has no interest in being so.
Crowley has accepted the grayness almost the moment he fell, while Aziraphale still forcefully separates things into black and white. He can’t help it, it’s compulsive and immediate, he’s been conditioned to be this way. Hopefully in S3 Aziraphale will realize that not only he and Crowley function in that grey, but it’s perfectly fine to do so- it’s something to love.
Crowley has his issues, yes, but they make him more human and I’m sure he’s aware of that. He has it figured out- Aziraphale needs time.


I LOVE THE FIRST TWO SCENES. You see Angel!Crowley shielding Aziraphale and then you see Aziraphale returning the favor. I'm gonna need a whole fic about how Crowley felt during that moment. Ah the feels!!!


1827: "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for quite some time" 1862:


I love when Crowley helps Elspheth 🥺 when he goes "Buy a farm and be good. Not just pretendy good, but properly good." 😭😭😭


You’re an angel putting this together so nicely✨, but you’re a demon for ending this video with that scene 😫💀


Tbh I don't think I've ever felt this heartbroken over the relationship of two fictional characters --- AND THE AUDACITY TO HAVE THAT HEARTBREAK AS A SEASON FINALE---


I love how he waves a handkerchief around to demonstrate his prestidigitation skills.


I've always wanted to see these in chronological order! Thank you so much, you're the best!


I love how Crowley cranks the Scottish up by ten the more he talks to the graverobber


"What did he say to get them all upset?"
"Be kind to each other"
"... oh, that will do it."

Absolutely killed me!
