Clinton’s Defeat is the Vindication of Sanders

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Even with Trump’s victory, thousands of people are still inspired by the Bernie Sanders campaign to fight back against neoliberal Democrats, says Jonathan Tasini

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TO HRC post election: CAN YOU FEEL OUR PAIN NOW???


It's the vindication of his campaign and supporters, not a vindication of his shilling for Hillary afterwards.  Bernie lost a lot of his credibility when he hit the campaign trail for Hillary.  I am not  sure why he felt compelled to do that.  It doesn't reflect well on him.  It sort of paints him as just another politician.

He could have just gone home to Vermont and back to the Senate.  His statements to the press today would have a whole lot more weight and meaning  if he hadn't whored himself out to campaign for Hillary.  I love Bernie, but I am not sure I trust him anymore.  And it breaks my heart.


let the Democratic party ashes stay cold. We need a true Progressive third party.


“Toto, We’re no longer in Kansas…”

The Republican party has represented business and wealthy constituents for decades, with Falwell’s moral majority and tea party obstructionists tasked with fanning the fires of fear and social wedge issues. FDR’s new deal made the Democratic party the champion of poor and Middle class constituents until the Clinton administration orchestrated a change of focus from their traditional base to the professional 10%. For the last two decades neither of the major parties have focused on the issues threatening the poor and middle class and both parties blame the other for the campaign promises both never keep. Not surprisingly, income inequity, job offshoring, student loan debt, healthcare costs and childhood poverty have reached record levels as American democracy morphed into oligarchy.

A recent Princeton study tracked public opinion and public policy over a 30-year period and predictably proved that, “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” So how do the major parties attract voters who consistently vote against their own self- interests? The GOP artfully leads with high emotion social wedge issues and fear mongering to encourage people to vote against their own self-interest. Democrats on the other hand still talk the new deal talk but in fact the rhetoric fails to translate into positive outcomes.

The 2016 presidential campaign has gone a long way toward exposing the wizardry of America’s two party system and America is justly angry. Our Democracy is gone, planned government shortcomings drive the case for the corporatization of America and after our sham election day, neither political party will be working for the average American. Less bad is a fairy tale in this oligarchy. Toto, we are indeed no longer in Kansas and the wizards are shilling the sham.


I don't think Sanders would have won either. Most Americans don't like socialism, and they particularly don't like big government. Americans will do best if they live by their constitution, applied even-handedly to all. If the people had the chance to institute a system would defend the constitution and the currency then what's right about the place would soon put right a great deal of what's wrong.


It was more important to defeat Trump than maintain your political purity. After Bernie unfortunately lost the primary, you should have joined with HRC in defeating Trump, who will be an unprecedented disaster for the US.


The dems need to clean house they dun goofed. Bernie is the new voice of progressivism.


Jonathan Tasini opening was typical of his self- elevated, moral high ground, thought process. While I would listen intently to anything Bernie Sanders would have to say, this clown who berates, insults and denigrates anyone not fitting into his beliefs system lowers the constructive and relevant reporting of The Real News.


Whatever happens, Trump's victory is making some really good people in the Democratic party step forward to clean house. That's a good thing, and I have no doubt that they'll come out stronger and better and probably win 2020. Who knows, maybe they'll get things straightened out enough that I'll feel no reservations about voting for them in that election. It'll be the first time in my life I've ever not voted third-party in my life.


One thing that would help the Democrats if they would fold the Greens into the party. The easiest and most productive would be as the guest said get rid of the corporations and bankers. Start representing the 99% and they will win every election going forward.


Clintonomics includes the southern strategy that brought us the crime bill and mass incarceration.


I believe Bernie would have won and I would have voted for him. I am hopeful for positive change. I resist the labeling the media places upon Trump and I believe we will have a better country because Trump won. I am optimistic and I hope that Trump can turn things around I have no party loyalties.
