DIY- How to Diagnose a No Start LIKE A BOSS!!!!

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DIY mechanic diagnosing and repairing a car that won't start using only basic tools.

Also helpful-

FASTTEC diagnosis tutorial:

My understanding relays video
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"it was just a minor wiring issue, no charge, come and get your car" -- said almost no mechanic every. You're amazing man. I wish you lived near you seem like an honest, awesome guy who just likes to help people. We need more dudes like you in the world (:


as an master tech in the past, I approve this mans method. great explanations, demonstrations and final repair. bravo good sir.


Man, I don't even have car troubles and I stumbled on your channel. I hate when people get burned by mechanics (or any other service), so I always fix things for myself, family, and friends. Thanks for the awesome vid. It's inspiring to see someone helping out and fixing 'a professional's' mistakes. I can't imagine what trouble this guy would have gone through had he taken the car back to that same mechanic.


You just got yourself another subscriber brother. I'm in my journey of starting a repair and customization shop. I really like how you looked out for the customer with LABOR at NO CHARGE! AWESOME! Your channel is, from what I just saw, the perfect way to learn how to not only work on cars, but how to run my shop and how to treat my customers. Thanks for the great show✌🏾


Top draw super fast diagnosis Matt. Professional parts changers should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves watching you in action Matt. As a chap commented below - his local mechanic would have changed everything, probably charged the customer a small fortune and still the car wouldn't start!! You are definitely more a professional than most "professionals" can ever hope to be!


I really like this home mechanic, NO BS, just straight talk.


FREE OF CHARGE!!??!! PICK YOU UP IF YOU NEED A RIDE TO COME GET YOUR CAR??!!?? You are doing gods work my friend.


Mechanics like you are hard to find Matt, how I wished you lived in Cape Town South Africa...
Stay real, you're the real boss.


Great video. Glad there are honest people out there. Problem with the upright approach is most mechanics would rather charge you for a fuel pump so they make some money off you. You can see it in your channel that people see the true you and support you by subscribing to your channel and watching your videos. I like your approach on fixing cars.


Not a bad guy at all! It is so hard to find mechanics that perform diagnosis like this. Sadly most just throw parts at it at the customer's expense. Wish I could find a knowledgeable AND honest mechanic like him.


Easy step by step explanation from simplest to difficult, VERY knowledgeable, and willing to share with n help others ...on top of that honest.
You sir, are a God-sent genius!
Keep doing what you do it all comes back in due time.


Damn, didn't charge him and he even offered to pick him up!! Now that's something you don't see everyday... Good job, son!


I like trouble shooting. I need to learn and improve the skill. Thanks for showing and sharing your valuable knowledge.


'Bout freakin' time I found a fellow scientist into car repair and general DIY stuff. This channel is just what I wanted - I hate sorting through 45 minute videos looking for those 30 second tidbits of info I need buried in 44 minutes of people grunting and ratcheting while generally providing no useful information.


The depth you go into is nice to see !!


good job no prob diagnosis and no charge u a good man


Thanks a lot. I have 3 citroens and I do mechanics very frequently here at home. I am learning a lot from you. God bless you. Muchas gracias. Tengo 3 citroens y hago mecanica muy frecuente aqui en casa. Estoy aprendiendo mucho de ti. Dios te bendiga.


You ARE a BOSS and a credit to the entire DIY species! Love your video style, straight to the point without too much fluff. Good job! ;-}


Thanks to this video I was able to get my car back up and running mine ended up been a fuel pump so went and got one. That one ended up been bad as well so I went to another auto part store and got another one and that one worked and my started right up. I sat and watched your video probably a good 20 times so thanks again for the tips and your fast tec technique


Great stuff man! I enjoy watching you diagnose.
