What are Daleks made out of?

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Dalekanium, also known as Bonded Polycarbide, is the element/metal/material that Dalek casings are made out of. In this video, we are going to discuss the varying sources of information on Dalekanium, as well as discussing the uses of this material and also its alloy form, Metalert.

All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Marty O'Donnell
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I've seen you manage to navigate your way around complicated and contradictory lore before but I think you did a really good job here!


Dalekanium is invincible - except when the plot demands otherwise


Dalekanium is poly-carbide armour, essentially made from 'bucky-ball' polymers. Effectively a sheet formed of 'diamond'. Would be incredibly strong armour.


So an idea I came up with a while ago that has no textual support is that dalekanium is a metamaterial that is able to forcibly maintain the genetic purity of it’s inhabitant mutant, either by having actual dalek DNA as part of the alloy and/or an analogous repeating structure that encoded the dalek genome independently of deoxyribonucleic acid. This aspect of the casing would’ve been disrupted during the episode Dalek of nuwho season 1, with Rose mutating the casing which in turn would force the dalek mutant to have it’s genetics rewritten to match.


I always found the addition of shields to be overpowered, Dalekanium was strong enough to make the Daleks a threat while allowing for some chances and methods to fight back. Bastic bullets, high explosives and powerful energy weapons. Grounded the daleks as a threat that was dangerous but manageable if you have the resources which explains how Humanity has had many wars with them and managed to stay alive.


Not 100% Dalek focused but a history of the Thals video would be cool


I'd be surprised if Unit or other earth based groups hadn't made use of Dalekanium, given how many dalek casings have been left on earth over the years. Jast, They and Sec's casings were all abandoned in New York.


During the second dalek war, it's stated that the daleks under dalek x utilized nanotech to suplement and repair their casings, since these were the designs that evolved into the time war model, it's most likely a feature of those dalekanium shells too.


Imagine if the Doctor had to punch through a wall of Dalekanium in Heaven Sent.


I often think about how, if the Daleks weren't evil, Dalekanium and other Dalek technologies could be infinitely useful. For example, they are shown to be able to detect minute changes in a human body e.g. raised pulse, brain wave patterns. It would be amazing for medicine. It's like the irl irony that huge technological advancement is often made during war. Makes you think (sad thoughts) ☹️


You should definitely do a video on the wildlife of Skaro since Skaro is REALLY diverse in it's biosphere.

It's surprising. Yet, it does make sense, though. The Daleks probably place higher value on Skaro's life than other life.

Plus, the Daleks have a habit of sitting in their cities and not really doing much with the vast majority of Skaro. Which sorta allows Skaro's life to run free and evolve. Also alot of life appears to be inside of Skaro, in it's complex catacombs under the surface of the planet. Plus, sorta like Africa, where humanity evolved, alot of the life on Skaro has probably evolved to live alongside the Daleks.

I mean on two occasions they were kicked off Skaro by the Thals, so I think that shows you the grip they had on it. I personally think the Daleks have it more for ceremonial and prestige purposes.


I like to belive dalekanuim is a materal that is natrual only to skaro but can be replaceted to still effective but less strong version using other metals which is what i belive metlart is truely pure dalekanuim which is why daleks can still be built on other worlds as the metal is fools gold equvlant


In an early documentation (Paperback History of Skaro) the discovery of Dalekanium; then called Shield metal alloy, it was noted that it absorbed most formms or radiated energy which affected its molecular composition and density. The effect was different with different energy filelds. So it became obvious to use it as armour to protect the Biological mutant within. During the latter stages of the Kaled Thall war; Davros found that mutated elements added further durability and we all knopw what that led to.


I believe that dalekanium Is a natural metal found on skaro but is not found in large quantities, so like we do in the real world they bond the dalekanium with other powerful metals found on neighbouring planets to create the Dalek casing. Then they use a machine which replicates the materials which they need to build their ships, casings and weaponry.
While Metalert is reserved for high ranking Daleks due to its rarity and it may also be used in high ranking Dalek flag ships such as the Emperor’s.
I think other species caught on that dalekanium could also be used against the Daleks as powerful explosives or even a weakness for their casings. We know that dalekanium is vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures and certain energy weapons/bullets. This is why I think the Daleks created the shields during the time war. To make it even harder for enemies to kill them at point blank range. Xx


Also, in the Chase, we saw that flame throwers from the mechanoids could destroy dalek casings


I hope this mega gets explored again in next Doctor who series


You know, I always thought that Dalekanium was somewhat combustible, given how much they seem to explode. You’d think they’d have developed something new so that their casings wouldn’t explode so easily when the Doctor comes to stop them.


Well, we know what its not. Carboards out, so is paper, not string not cellotape.


OMG you're using Halo 1 Flood music - imagine Halo and Dr Who with Daleks - the ultimate crossover shit would be chaotic asf

Anyway I love the content you are doing.. also you do prefer the Dalekanium used for Time War Daleks or the classic Renegade black grey daleks


Worth a lot of grotzits, but machinite might be a bit more durable.
